Reviews from

in the past

When I was a kid, this game filled my Garfield-loving heart with rage. I wasted my allowance money on this. Replaying it years later, it's even worse.

Garfield Gets Real. Garfield Gets Real... bad. This game is truly awful, bottom of the barrel tier stuff. There are only 7 levels (thank god for its relatively short run time), but those are levels of hell. First, you have levels where you need to collect stuff that’s falling from… somewhere, and you need to collect a certain amount. These are the most tolerable levels. Not great, but at least they don’t make me pull my hair out. You move left or right, and you can dive left and right, and jump in place. Occasionally, coins appear, but these are only for score. Basically worthless. Next, there are “””“platforming”””” 2.5D levels. You can only move forward, jump in place or long jump forward. These are long, no checkpoints and feature inconsistent mechanics that can force you to die. The first such level took me around FORTY minutes of suffering, thanks to bad hitboxes and swinging things not spawning consistently that makes it hard to jump from one onto the other (sometimes impossible), and it takes forever to beat. There are only two such levels in this roster, but these are the worst. The last one where you rescue Odie from a burning house forced me to jump into a hole near the end of the level. Remember, you can long jump forward, no short jumps forward, and you can’t just walk up stairs, so I had no option of progressing other than dying. Great game design. Lastly, there’s an awfully long memory game, where you remember moves and execute them at the right moments. The moves themselves don’t show up as button prompts, instead they show up as Garfield in different poses. They’re somewhat intuitive for touch screen controls but not for buttons (as the game can be controlled with either), so I had to use a combination of both. Overall, this game is little fun. Stay far away from this game and treat yourself to something nice.

It's fucking shovelware. Do NOT play this!