Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely, and with only a partial dose of nostalgia, this is one of my favorite games of all time. It was 12 hours of pure, arcade fun.

The pure, joyful 80s fantasy charm; the infinitely hummable music; the goofy character voices and booming summoner narrator; the simple gameplay with with tons of toys and exploits.

This is not a 10/10 on a technical front--don't expect great hitboxes or amazing graphics or an interesting story. But it's a 10/10 on the charm front, and if you want a pure, simple, timeless arcade action experience wrapped in colorful polygons and brimming with variety and wonderful music, you can't go wrong. There's a reason I obsessed over this game as a kid and blew weeks of allowance on it, and I still enjoy playing it to this day.

Congratulations, you've found all 13 runestones... to my heart.

Treat this like the arcade game that it is, playing in short bursts with groups of friends and it is an absolute blast. The game pretty much requires that you grind levels to beat late-game enemies, but the gameplay loop is so addictive that this is fine. If you sit down and try to beat it like a console game, I'm sure it could feel like a drag though.

Updating this one as I've played through it again and my feelings are very different between 14 and 29. Honestly, this era of Midway is some of its best design work, with the enemy variety, sound design, and overwhelming number of magical bursts and explosions translating into an exciting experience whether in the arcade or at home.

It's one of the grindiest games ever made, but if played like an arcade game, in bursts separated by a few days per realm, it doesn't feel quite as long. And throughout, classic arcade design like rotating power ups and having multiple unlockable character classes, make the repetitive levels feel more exciting. Only the last two or three realms really feel boring due to their level length, but the challenging boss fights at their ends make up for it quite a bit.

I recommend whole heartedly if you can get some friends together to play as a team. It's a fun night!

Many many many many quarters were lost to this game. I think back to playing this with people during summers all the time. I am not sure I will ever get a co-op high from a fantasy game quite like I did with this one.

A western Musou that avoids that series' flaws by being really greasy.

Even back when this game came out, Dark Legacy had middling reviews and looked just awful, one of the ugliest games across any of the various skews. I'd argue it actually looks worse than Legends just because of what you had to compare the game against. The music's a slightly (?) less compressed version of the Arcade/Legends tracks. Nothing in here is going to stand out as all-time great video game music, but the tracks that are included are varied and add to the atmosphere of each level. Nacho cheese fantasy tracks, which is preferable to boring.

This game gets a four because, as a co-op multiplayer game it's a great time. The RPG elements add to a sense of progression, but this isn't Diablo, or even Dark Alliance, you're not selecting a build and variations between characters aren't super meaningful. You find a power up on the ground, and bludgeon waves and waves of braindead mooks with them, and it's works. The enemy variety is relatively small, considering most are just reskins of "a guy way that walks forward, tries to bonk you on the head and dies in 1-3 hits", but the level design and visual variety makes it so that you don't really care. The amount of enemies on screen at once also contributes, the game can chug but it doesn't dip to anything unplayable and for larger waves the slowdown starts to approach shmup slowdown in the sense that it's kinda helpful to pause the action.

There's a lot of content in this game too. The game rewards exploration and experimentation, although the game's piss poor visuals can obscure what you're looking at sometimes. With four players, the game can last about three 2ish hour play sessions. Level-ups happen frequently, the game showers you in a healthy collection of powerups and gold to buy more powerups or stat increases, there are unlockable secret characters, there's a collectathon's variety of shit to look out for to advance to new levels. It's design is very obnoxious and loud, but in a way that successfully covers up the games weaknesses.

If you don't have friends to play this game with, skip it, there's not much here for you. If you got 1-3 other people who are looking for a couch game to play through, this an easy recommendation.

this is an S tier game no doubt. I had to buy a multiplayer adapter for this game. I HAD to get all the characters. It meant so much when I got all the rune-stones the first time! Grinding the mountain level to get hella rich. gotta play Pojo at least once.

I would give the world to whatever ghastly ghoul was shredding that piano in Ghost Town.

Although the gameplay is pretty simple, Dark Legacy is constantly entertaining with its sheer variety of level and enemy themes, and some inventive level design.

I played through Gauntlet: Dark Legacy in co-op with a friend and had a lot of fun. Gauntlet is an arcade top-down shooting game with a few extra mechanics—bump attacks, heavy melee attacks, blocking, special moves, and a variety of item power ups—on top of this there is a leveling up and gold system, which can be used to buy items or stat upgrades. There are a number of character classes, and each one has a different set of starting stats—the knight is slower but more powerful, the wizard has stronger magic attacks, the jester, who I chose, is faster but starts weaker. As you level up your character across the game, each character becomes more and more like the other. Since you can buy stat upgrades—which I did almost every chance I got, in leuie of buying health items between mission—you have some say in how your character develops. By the late 70s or early 80s level, my jester had their speed and strength all the way maxed out.

The game is pretty economical. There are different enemy models for each world, but there are only a few different character classes that have more damaging tiers—rushing enemies that blow up, long range enemies, short range melee enemies, commander style enemies, and small type enemies that can be overwhelming in large numbers. Then there are unique minibosses like golems, grim reapers, and dragons that take and do more damage than the usual enemies.

The basic loop is working your way through a series of themed levels finding collectibles and keys. You unlock different worlds through finding colored stones, and can move between worlds at any time from the hub area. Each world will have a special item in it that will do major damage to the boss of another world, so you're incentivized to explore the available worlds before taking on the each world's bosses. My favorite levels were the jester levels, which are all fantastical and dreamlike, EC Escher inspired. I also liked the Doom-inspired flesh-wall/blood level.

The game is mindless fun, but I wish there was just one more layer of something to it. What I really felt was missing was a way to avoid damage. Taking damage in regular levels is usually pretty harmless, but since boss fights have a ton of moves you can't dodge, they mostly feel like rote HP checks—can you dish out enough damage before dying? Usually, you can. But I would have liked a dodge roll or a stronger block move or something like that, which could have made the boss fights feel a little more active.

I had a good time playing through this—it took about 11 hours. It made me curious about the earlier Gauntlet games.

Thank you boob wizard lady for informing me of a level 99 sweepsteaks that ends December 31st, 2000. This will be vital information for me on September 18th, 2023.