Reviews from

in the past

I'm a sucker for beat'em up games and I love Jojo so I had to check this out. I wasn't really disappointed.

First I should say I played this with an English translation patch but even then as long as you watched\read part 5 you can pretty much understand what's going on the whole time.

The game does a decent enough job of following Part 5's plot. Pretty much each level is a different stand boss fight. Your goal is to find either the trick to beat the enemy or just beat the shit out of them.

The game has a variety of characters you play as that can play pretty differently. There's some characters that only get like 1 level which is crazy they even bothered to do that. Back in the PS2 era devs really were willing to make one and done mechanics.

The bulk of the gameplay is just beating your enemy. Either with your fist or your stand. The stands make for some fun combos since it can kind of feel like separate character helping you out. There's also special events you can trigger that happen if you recreate scenes from the manga. Although it can feel like bullshit the way you trigger some of them. The scenes are cool to have since it rewards fans with a little bit of extra content.

Honestly if you wanted an interesting game adaptation of Jojo's I would say you should check this out.

Esse jogo é tão injusto que me deu preguiça de zerar (declaro todo o meu ódio ao Man In The Mirror)

played this one during my Jojo phase very interesting if only for how they use the stands in this game
i own this one physically and its honestly a great conversation starter especially if the person only really knows Jojo as anime

acho interessante e legal o que ele faz mas tem umas coisas que eu não entendo como deixaram daquele jeito, tipo não existirem combos você so pode dar um soco e o cara vai pra longe e vc tem q esperar ele levantar mt idiota, acho o esquema de secret power daora mas ate eu entender eu ja tinha acabado pq ta tudo em japones (data aprox.)

Curto, injusto e bem estressante eu de verdade queria que todo o carinho que botaram nele tivesse não sido em vão o jogo é bem confuso e tiltante me deixou um gosto amargo na boca