Reviews from

in the past

Christmas Duck got me through!

A short and engaging coming of age story set in a creepy Unity Asset house. I enjoyed this walking sim but I believe it could've been a bit more.

J'ai vraiment cru que le plottwist serait dingo

there are bad endings, terrible endings and then there's gone home ending even below that.
it's not bad on its own and it makes more than sense but man... what a letdown after the creepy/soprannatural and way more interesting starting premises

A touching, coming-of-age walking sim with just enough of a creepy/supernatural vibe to keep me engaged to the end.

Parece tipo What Remains of Edith Finch mas mais curto e menos interessante, é legalzinho pra quem curte esse tipo de jogo

Ok the reason its this low is because I was told this is a horror game!

I enjoyed the story of the character and how calming it was, but I also found myself spooked because of the location and occasional sound cues.

Beautiful story with simple gameplay. I could play a million of these types of games.

If These Walls Could Talk:
Finally played this indie darling ten years after its original release. There’s a weird dissonance for me in the story of Kaitlin, what’s going on with Sam, the stories of the parents, and then how eerie this home is. It all feels at odds, but by the end it came together well and left me smiling. Not bad for a walking simulator.

idk how this boring ass game won an award

I didnt find this as moving as I think the game thought it was.

Je comprends que ça ait pu faire l'effet d'un gros pavé dans la mare en 2012 mais on a fait beaucoup plus réussi dans le genre depuis (genre Edith Finch pour ne pas le citer). L'histoire reste touchante mais bon, c'est léger.

Um jogo interessante e imersivo que depende totalmente do jogador se aprofundar em suas camadas de história. A experiência do jogo, apesar do formato simples, pode mudar bastante de jogador para jogador, e eu valorizo demais isso.

lovely indie gem, very eerie atmosphere