Reviews from

in the past

Ah, a HD remaster of a sequel to my favourite game on the PS1! Had lots of memories of Grandia and the sequel wasn't quite as good, but still very entertaining and I have always loved the way the magic system works, levelling up with use so you can gain better powers whilst grinding and not just levels. Not to mention, some spells require you to think creatively to hit as many enemies as possible.

The story is about the main character who is what they call a "Geohound" and are often treated like scum because they're often hired mercs who have a bloody and dangerous reputation, but he prefer his life this way as he runs from a dark past. He gets hired to attend to a dangerous matter where young priestesses were to sing as part of an ancient ritual, however, something goes wrong, escapes and releases monsters all over the temple!

This leads you onto a journey where you are tasked with finding a cure for this new team member and have to travel across the world whilst being haunted and chased by dangerous monsters and zealots. Not to mention, every part of the monster Valmar, is awakening and possessing people. Each one seems to represent a different aspect depending on what part of the body it is.

I'm going to try and not spoil it, but the ending had left me on edge and feeling empty, kind of like the first one where you don't get to see all the characters as they are now, older, the way this one ends feels like we're meant to just accept how things are no and there's no happy ending, in the traditional sense, for anyone. It's still a very fun game though.

The story's whatever, but the character-driven episodes, toyetic low-budget art style, endearing writing, 30-hour campaign, and command-based active-battle system make it one of the best JRPGs of its generation.

A pretty run of the mill story of defeating an evil god to save the world. The great part is the fantastic characters you spend your time with along the way. Nice happy ending as well.

Endgame dragged a little bit imo and the bosses weren't as consistently great as the first game, but I can't lie man this game is so fucking incredible. The characters, world, story, and the MUSIC are all impeccable. Only real reasons why I prefer the first game are due to the charm and less padded (despite being longer). Either way, this game absolutely deserves to be played if you are into RPGs at all.

Again, same game I love and remember except this time it has weird audio glitches. Many areas almost blew my ears out from max volume broken audio loops. Monster death cries, half second music clips, etc.