Reviews from

in the past

To be fair, this game plays pretty well, and the song selection is a good selection of 80's tracks for fans of that era. This should have been DLC though, as this does nothing to improve or push the series forward. If anything, this is a money grab from suckers like me who wanted more songs to play with their plastic instruments. Unless you really, and I mean really, like the setlist, don't even bother getting this one.

esse é muito especial porque era o guitar hero que meu pai pedia pra eu jogar pra ele ouvir as músicas. provavelmente por isso eu gosto de quase todo o setlist desse.
"filho toca aquela la do scorpions"

Primeiro jogo da série Guitar Hero que joguei e desde criança até hoje é um jogo que busco sempre rejogar 9/10

The first Guitar Hero I ever played and I will never forget the shocker in my face playing Play With Me in expert and failing miserably LMAO

sei que esse jogo é basicamente um gh2 com outra skin mas puta q PARIU que setlist BOA da porra

It was fine, but kind of the beginning of the end

I lent this out to someone and never got it back

esse me traz nostalgia demais

If Guitar Hero 2 had released in the day & age of DLC, the songs in this game would've likely just been ones you could add to it. Rocks the 80s is essentially GH2.5 ---- and I am a-okay with that. Same tried-and-true gameplay with a new, albeit slightly shorter, setlist of songs to shred to. Introduced me to some new bands & helped me continue to foster my growing love for classic rock.

Meu amor por rock/metal deve-se principalmente a este jogo kkkkk conheci muita musica boa com ele

Я люблю атмосфепу 80-х. Я люблю музыку 80-х. Я люблю Гитар Хиро. Я не могу честно оценить эту игру, у нее слишком хороший саундтрек чтобы ставить ей низкую оценку.Но при этом просто рескин 2 части, стилизованный под 80-е. Коммерческий продукт, продававшийся за фулл прайс. Но я обожаю эту игру

A bit of an odd side-game, released at an odd time. While the songlist is pretty good, and it retains Guitar Hero 2's amazing game-feel; this one can't help but feel like an expansion that they charged full price for.

a setlist mais insana de todos os guitar heros de ps2

pior guitar hero que eu ja joguei algumas musicas são boas mas e so um ctrl c ctrl v do guitar hero 2 com roupas dos anos 90 e musicas diferentes e ele tem menos musicas que o guitar hero 2 e na epoca custava o mesmo preço dele ou seja quase uma dlc vendido como um jogo novo um nojo

Decent song choices, informed my music tastes as a kid, and the first game I ever finished a song on expert