Reviews from

in the past

The best looking shooter at the time of its release. The Tempest inspired cylindrical shooting doesn't really add much to the gameplay beyond adding a sense of speed. Solid audio effects and music as well.

This one took some getting used to but was never too frustrating and I felt like I was doing better each time I played it. It's a tube shooter similar to Tempest but you can't really see the "tube" but you do rotate around a center point. The enemy ships can enter from any edge of the screen and swarm to the center and then start diving/shooting at the player. So similar to Galaga but you spin around the edges and shoot toward the middle instead of sticking to the bottom and shooting up. The biggest issue I had was being hit from enemy ships as that came onto the screen. I felt like they were constantly coming from behind me no matter which direction I faced. I think this was a good idea and maybe just an indicator of what's next like Tetrix has would have helped.

Early tube shooter. Actually holds up pretty nicely, but goes on for a bit too long and doesn't have enough different music tracks to keep things interesting. Either way, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Feels a bit ahead of the time for sure.

“Gyruss” isn’t one of my favorite’s from the golden age of arcades. I always found the tube aspect and “Tempest” style of control with shimmying around the outer ring hard to control and confusing. I played the Xbox 360 version and it was pleasant unlocking achievements and hearing the little triumphant song that XBLA games of old would do. You already know if this game is for you. It’s not for me.

Sorry Gyruss, I just... couldn't get behind the tube view and movement controls. I only beat this with the Konami code, but I can't say I didn't try! Made it all the way to Venus without it.