Reviews from

in the past

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honestly i think it's the best half-life game, no lie. it's so tightly designed, there's so many great and creative ideas on display and the game is cycling through them so fast that you're literally never bored. peak stuff

Honestly, this didn't do much for me. There's a fairly strong middle section that utilises the flashlight for some fun and tense scenarios, but the opening and closing sections are quite dull. Alyx is a fun character, but her survivability feels a little ridiculous. Sure, Gordan shouldn't have got through the original Half-Life, but as the player I've seen that his success was only possible with the loading of MANY quicksaves, and thus the unlikeliness of his success is properly conveyed and justified. Alyx's invincibility renders her a non-factor, and as such it's hard to buy this as a joint adventure.

Me gustó más que el juego base, pero seguí teniendo la misma sensación de aburrimiento en bastantes momentos. Menos mal que era un DLC corto.


pretty cool, hope they made episode 2

they should make an episode 2

Basically a mediocre chapter of the main game. THe beginning is really good however it soon gets really similar to the main game and repetetive. Alyx also constantly comes in the way and annoys more than she helps at times.

This was the last time we've seen barney, God? If your listening, give me a sign letting my know he's safe and happy.

Muito muito foda esse episodio tem muita vibe survival horror

the most forgettable hl2 episode, still good but it's just not as memorable/i like the others way more

It's a well made expansion to the HL2 world, following the events of the HL2 ending, but outside of that it's definitely not as memorable as HL2, and outside of achievements I probably won't come back to this game as much as HL2. Still fun though and worth playing as it's only 2 and a half - 3 hours long

a pretty good game! with the same points as before just at a shorter length!

Bitch so bad she got me laughing at Zombine puns

Due to it's shorter size and less focused level design if we compare it to Half-Life 2, it does end up being a slightly less fun experience if you play it normally, HOWEVER, the best one in the franchise when it comes to completing it, no clue why it's the only one that challenges you with completing the game only using the Gravity gun, but god is it fun to do so, also made me notice how great of an NPC companion Alyx is

Yeah I mean...It's just more Half-Life 2 and nothing more I guess?

It's just a continuation of the story and yeah, it still is fun to play. I just don't understand why they needed to make this one so short, and why not just make a longer part 2 and call it Half-Life 2: Part Two or something...Because these Episode One and Two titles are so fucking confusing I swear to god.

better than I remember

I HATE Alyx.
I think the game is fun like Half Life 2 but in a bit worse just because of Alyx, and it gets repetitive with less innovative ideas.
Did I mention that I don't like Alyx.
(Completed + all achievements - 7,6h)

I was underwhelmed by hl2 and this was pretty much just a few more Eastern European hallways and streets to shoot through. The citadel sequence at the beginning was a notable highlight but the escort mission with Barry at the end was a real stinker.

Can’t believe they’re still making me fight striders those things are awful

It was ok, kinda forgettable but pretty good nonetheless.

cool but it could have been better, it lacks fun.

kinda boring compared to hl2 but still half life so butsting

I am not gonna remember anything from this expansion except the sweet moments of Gordon and Alyx.

Incredibly short and okay at best. The story ends at the moment where it seemed to start building up towards something interesting.

While the game is derivative in its design and played it incredibly safe by opting to not introduce anything new in terms of enemies or weapons, the atmosphere in places felt better than the base game. Having more environments where it was darker and you had to have the flashlight always on felt like a nice change, at least in my opinion.

You don't get the crowbar until you're pretty close to the end of the game, and combined with the limited ammo you get in most chapters, it was pretty noticeable the devs wanted you to over rely on the gravity gun.