Reviews from

in the past

Kind of a charming game series, but so easy it loses a lot of its flavor for me. Extremely quick to finish all 4 chapters, as well. Important to note that the game uncomfortably tries to translate itself to whatever language your phone is set to, but stops translating it once you start the game. My phone is in Spanish, and the game is changed to be in Spanish except for the actual gameplay itself, which it kept in English. At that point you might as well not bother “translating” the game lol. I shouldn’t complain too much though because the game was free! I recommend checking it out if you’re going to be on a plane for 11 hours with no service, like me lol.


Fun subversive puzzle game that reminds me of the time I found my DS behind bags of clothes in the upper reaches of my parents' closet, played for a few hours after getting home from school, then hid it back in the same spot when they came home.