Reviews from

in the past

I really don't remember much, but I played it

Love the artstyle on these types of games.


Delightfully silly. I became something of a Super Gamer when it came to figuring out these wacky physics. This game improves with friends, but you can have a good time doing stupid stuff in public groups as well.

the tomfoolery is endless and i will always love just grabbin stuff

Muito engraçado e te faz parecer um retardado mental jogando. Uma experiência única.

Fun with friends but it's either a bad design or I am the stupidest person alive.

I didn't really find anything about the gameplay with this one to be super engaging for the most part. I love how the developers let you do all of these skips on their levels though.

Jesus Christ it's so frustrating

I don't think I've laughed harder at a game in my life trying to piloting the unwieldy boat with my best bud. One of these days I need to finish all the new levels.

I understand why its fun but I was never a fan of the controls however i do appreciate the design that went into this game

game's pretty fun with friends. too bad no one ever wanted to play with me

Another game on Switch I played through with my family while on my visit to America. A game I bought nearly a year ago to play with entirely different people, this was when I was finally around people long enough to play through the whole thing XD. It took us about 8 or 10 hours to play through all the stages co-op.

Human: Fall Flat is a physics-based kiiinda puzzle platformer. The whole game is designed to be beatable with only one person (although some puzzles I have no idea how to do alone), but you can do two players locally and up to four using online play. You are a blobby sort of human thing and you can hold right trigger to extend and grab with (you MUST do both, and can't do one or the other by itself), and can hold left trigger for the left arm. Using the right stick looks around, but it also moves which direction you're pointing your arms. Using the control stick to move and A to jump (as long as your feet are touching the ground), you navigate through a series of stages that get longer with more difficult platforming and puzzles.

My favorite part about the game was all about how it handles the co-op, really. First of all there are tons of costumes you can use to dress up your blob person. I was a neon green dog fur suit, and my sister combined a Christmas pudding suit and a Santa hat + beard to make a horrific looking Santa who looked like he was melting and covered in horrible boils after she'd altered the colors on it XD. There's a lot of personalization that you can add to make things just that much more silly X3. The characters have a weird, almost uncanny aspect to how they lumber about and grab things, and it really adds a lot of character to how silly the game can already be.

That factors in great with the somewhat malleable solution many of the puzzles have. The game is a physics playground designed for one person, so there is a LOT of strange nonsense and alternate solutions you can come up with if you're determined enough. One of my personal favorites was when I stood on a switch to get my sister through a door, but then the door shut behind her (you're supposed to put a box on it). Instead of doing the puzzle properly, she held the door open with her body, and then I attempted to follow after her only to get my butt stuck in the door, and it took like 8 minutes of ragdoll-ing and pulling to get me un-stuck between all the laughing we were doing XD. The puzzles are really well designed, and you always feel clever for having solved them (even if at times it feels like you DEFINITELY did not do the proper way, and just messed with the game to the point where you did it XD). The game also gets pretty darn hard with its platforming, so having another person to play through it with makes those more difficult sections much more enjoyable to go through.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. If you have someone to play with, Human: Fall Flat can be an incredibly silly and fun time. If you're just by yourself, it's still a challenging but well designed physics puzzler. If I had only gone through it by myself, it certainly wouldn't be recommended so strongly, but this is an excellent game to play even with people only sorta used to video games. Not quite the level of Overcooked or Octodad in terms of how easy it is to learn and have fun with, but it follows closely behind~

Not a fan of this type of games.

Some of my best nights getting high with friends were spent playing this game.

silly physics game that's best with friends until they won't fucking let go of you

Because of physics engine, one of the most successful game. Using your intelligence with your friends, solve puzzles with realistic physics and try to pass the maps.

Esse jogo no multiplayer é fida