Reviews from

in the past

i really like it and it really nails the frutiger aero aesthetic, so im all for it!!!!

Kotori 5/10 ~ Amane 5/10 ~ Ageha 6/10 ~ Asa 3/10 ~ Yoru 1/10 (listed in order I read routes in) Retranslation patch was used. During the common and first three heroine routes this was mostly just fine, sometimes even good, and often a little boring or repetitive with the morning glory event in each route. Really didn't care for the last two routes however, especially Yoru's I just hated it. Overall just a very okay SoL VN with pretty stale romance

en su momento me pareció una VN muy buena, pero con el paso del tiempo, tal vez por que he leído muchas más VNs o en sí porque al recordarla veo los fallos que tenía, pero ha bajado un poco mi opinión sobre ella.

no me mal interpretes, aún la sigo considerando como una buena obra y recomendable para gente que quiere iniciar en el género, su temática me parece única e interesante, cosa que se agradece en un mercado tan saturado de vainas clichés, sus heroínas son interesantes (de hecho de las pocas escenas H con lolis que no me he saltado y eso ya dice mucho ya que los que me conocen saben que no soy muy fan de las rutas lolis y ademas de Kotori la besto waifu que me demostro un nuevo fetiche (?), claro quitando a la adicta al nepe de Ageha, pero al menos su hermana es top tier. y aunque se que compararla con Aokana es medio estúpido, aun así me parece mucho mejor con Aokana.

pero al final es algo personal y como dije, es una VN que aun recomiendo, solo que por favor ten un poco de dignidad y léelo con el parche... la versión original es una puta mierda en todo, pero especialmente en la censura ya que parece que el publico al cual la publisher quería apuntar era a "niñas francesas de 12 años"... por suerte como dije la comunidad hizo un parche que restaura el contenido eliminado y ofrece una mejor traduccion que la original, lo mismo hicieron con el fandisc. por mi parte sigo esperando el día que terminen de hacer el parche para A sky full of stars ya que me niego a leerlo en la mierda de estado que lo sacaron. sigo sin entender porque chuchas luego de las críticas que la comunidad hizo, moenovel se sigue empeñando en sacar sus VNs con esta mierda de censura.

Man, the backgrounds in this are so beautiful they had me thinking "I wish I lived in that place" quite frequently as I kept playing, the soundtrack is really good as well, providing an overall comfy atmosphere, I remember being mesmerized at the title screen when I first ran KonoSora, A New World is a wonderful song and the scenery the title screen presented to me felt like it was gently inviting me to experience that world, I vibed a lot with that before deciding to start the game. Presentation-wise, this is unironically perfect, the writing in general is decent and the characters are likeable for the most part, but I feel every route here falls flat on its face whenever it tries to have some drama, it either feels extremely contrived or gets some cop-out resolution that undermines all the impact the drama could have, sometimes both of those.

The characters are kinda likable but the story is meh... Don't forget to use a certain patch if you plan on playing this game.

Played this when I was 13, and loved it a lot. It's not great. But i'll never get over the nostalgia for this, and the ost and characters I still appreciate now

The story drags on for way too long, there are barely any story options, the game really puts the novel in visual novel. The length and lack of player input wouldn't be a problem if the story were good.
The story isn't horrible, but it's really average which makes the 20-30 hour playtime a massive slog. I also noticed a lot of typos throughout the game, which isn't a big deal but still a little annoying.

The game has full Japanese VO aside from the MC which is nice and the OST and Cinematics are pretty good.

There is a lot of stuff locked behind different routes that require you to complete the game multiple times, which again wouldn't be a problem if the game wasn't so long and not that entertaining.

NOTE: this review will be based on the 18 plus re translation especially since I took apart in QC / testing the project.

I'd been really excited for this VN ever since I heard the concept and that it would get a real full translation. I ended up liking it even more than I expected to. Right now it's my top 3 visual novels of all time.

Despite my reputation as "H-scene guy", what you may not know about me is that I'm a HUGE sucker for super feel-good fun inspiring slice of life stories. That's why stuff like MajiKoi is my favorite VN, Aria the Origination and My Love Story are two of my favorite anime ever, etc. This visual novel definitely filled that gap I've been waiting for in a visual novel again for a long time (the only other one that has really done that was Hoshizora no Memoria which I also like a lot)

Despite it being an obvious feel-good story where everything will be alright in the end and cheesiness and blablabla I think what makes the VN even better is how real and relatable all the characters are (even the quirkier ones like Amane). In addition, it's not like everything is always convenient, there are definite struggles, both in what needs to be learned and just stuff about their personalities that I enjoyed seeing being developed.

Obviously one of the appeals is the main heroine being disabled and on a wheelchair. I'm kinda glad they didn't get too melodramatic with this, kinda similar to show Katawa Shoujo didn't get melodramatic with the disabilities themselves. It was cool to see how it was worked around and even utilized in interesting enough ways in the story.

It was nice to see a more futuristic-looking school for once. And of course, I learned a lot more about gliders than I would've in my entire lifetime if I didn't read this VN and they were pretty interesting. All the stuff seemed pretty well-researched and stuff.

One of the absolute best things I don't think many people should (hopefully) complain about is the overall presentation of the VN. The graphics are amazing, easily some of the most detailed and bright in the medium and really fits the setting and whatnot. I think the occasional use of 3D CG movies are nice. The backgrounds are super detailed, the CGs looks nice and the sprites are well-done. The voice acting (from what I can tell) are good. The music is overall solid, albeit maybe a bunch being just remixes of the main/ED themes. There's a few themes I REALLY like though, they usually play towards the end of the route or IN the end. The rest are fitting and nice enough.

I legitimately liked just abut all the characters in the game, minus the one that was purposefully written to be unlikable even that one had a reason to be. There's a good variety of personality and development among a lot of them, though more good supporting male characters would've been nice. Yeah this is a harem romance moe charage and blablabla but if MajiKoi can at least try to have cool male supporting characters I dont see why others can't...

While I didn't mind since it meant more good content, keep in mind this VN is pretty dang long. Currently on vndb, the voting average is about 45 hours to read all routes which sounds about right.


Sweet Love review

If you haven't heard of it they're basically REALLY short epilogues of the 4 main routes (the twins share the same route) along with H-scenes.

They were nice and feel good and kinda relate to the main route but they felt like setup to Flight Diary. The H-scenes themselves were fine, clearly more for cosplay fanservice.

This patch is NOT really required reading but since I really like the original and eat up any kind of fandisc-ish slice of life stuff for VNs I like, I liked this well enough.

I'm not the biggest nerd when it comes to aerodynamics and the mechanics of gliders. So with how much exposition is used to explain all the details of their work felt a bit exhausting.
Cause of this I only bothered going for the Kotori route which I did like a lot when it was actually advancing their relationship.
I physically popped of during the confession scene which if weird to think back on since I feel a bit luke-warm on the whole experience.

Note that this isn't a proper review - more a recollection of what I remember about this game. I thought it was fine, I did Kotori's route, and it was kind of charming. Unfortunately, I then went for Ageha's route... and I HATED it. I hated it so much, it legitimately made me rage quit. The only other visual novel that made me rage quit is The Ditzy Demons Are in Love With Me. Except that VN is actually terrible, while this one was alright, but this one route absolutely soured my experience, and I didn't want to continue. Almost everyone becomes unlikeable, including Ageha herself, who was not obnoxious and actually a decent human during Kotori's route. I think I recall her sneaking into MC's room during night to snap photos, along with her sister... yeah, that's not questionable at all. Good character!

Besides that, I did notice another issue that persisted through the entire game - poor translation. Or rather, this game is FILLED with typos. Did no one care for quality control?

I do actually want to eventually come back to this one and see if it's any good... or if the rest of it is just as bad.