Reviews from

in the past

okay i know this is seen as a substanceless cruelty squad clone by some dudes but this is actually a really fun item-giver or whatever the fuck this genre is type game with an interesting post-internet aesthetic built from lowkey scary collages n stock images of weird buildings and teeth. a lil overhated but it's not really that hated in the first place

a steve cutts cartoon for people who call themselves irony poisoned. some of the music was cool.

its like if someone made you hopped up on bathsalts locked you in a dark warehouse with Other people hopped up on bathsalts and then you had to do a Chowder’s Hat style runthrough of fetch questing within the warehouse while your eyes are on fire, great stuff!

There's little to absolutely no pay-off to cracking that padcode at the end but it was interesting wading in the abyss and finding God, even though I think finding any kind of deity is a moot point in the face of this

You will never understand me the way my Phone does

They really don't make games like this anymore. Back when games didn't have politics in them...

crypt underworld of ipad fetch quest

about as smart/subtle/subversive as this is tbqh

eyeroll worthy type shii

this game is awesome. peak brain nourishment

what if james ferraro made hardcore techno. its like myhouse or yume nikki but good

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I got to the King. Did I win? I think having played this game, I did not win. I am sorry for the chemical imbalance in my head.

Day in the life of Mark Zuckerberg