Reviews from

in the past

One of the funnest official universal games. For being one of if not the first full 3D shark game, it is a blast every time I replay.

The movement is fluid and majority of the levels are fun and creative. It's also got amazing visuals, very pretty for the PS2.

Only few levels are mediocre, but the game is just so raw and you do some cool shit.

This game's kind of finicky to play these days, but it's got some great ideas. There's a boss fight with Shamu and you bite it clean in half.

This might be one of the worst games I've ever played. The best part about the game is how the shark plays in a majority of levels and the open world, however most of the levels suck and they only tell you the objective but not HOW to complete the objective so you're left in the dark most of the time. I couldn't even finish because the second to last level uses a mechanic that they don't have you use through the rest of the game and it has aimbot on you. I don't think I'll finish it but you never know.

pretty sure this is the first game i was ever addicted to

Esse jogo era um que eu sempre quis jogar! Lembro de ficar vendo gameplay, mas nunca achava para comprar nas bancas de joguinhos, até que encontrei em uma loja de games! Joguei muito e parei no final era muito díficil para mim quando era criança nessa parte kkkkkk, eu amava tubarões, mas o jogo é muito meia boca parece de play 1, mas não diria que ele é bom kkkkkk

Ficava secando esse jogo qnd era guri, peguei pra jogar agr e não curti os controles. Talvez eu tente jogar uma outra hora

When i was a kid this game was quite awesome (because you play as a Shark duhh). I guess its nothing amazing but it was supposed to be fun, and it was.

Mastering speeding around to gobble up people is great. Fish vs fish combat was stupid and not very fun.

Incredibly flawed but in terms of shark simulation this is still satisfying. Body slamming boats and then tail flipping people until they explode never gets old.

Jaws is my favorite film of all time. Needless to say, this game does not live up to those expectations. The shark controls very strangely and is not fun to play as. Story is pointless, performance is awful, and graphics are bad even for the time. The only thing I like about this game is the box art.

this is exactly what it's like to be a shark. also, all low reviews are incorrect