Reviews from

in the past

It's fine. Not great. Not really the first shmup I'd recommend, or even maybe one of the first 30. There's a certain charm to it, but it's brought down by unchallenging and repetitive enemy patterns, significant slowdown and sprite flickering (though that may be an issue with my setup), and unclear visuals that can lead to deaths that feel unfair.

Pretty good, but not $3000 good, y'know? There's a lot to like - a good weapon system, some decent tunes, lots of menu customization, - but there's very prevalent slowdown across the whole game. That's fine for stuff like TF or Gradius, fast games that you want a fighting chance at, but this is generally easy/middling. Just makes you feel like you're playing underwater. Moves shockingly slow, and even though it has a lot of fun parodius-esque visual beats, none of the levels are as densely packed as that game is.

And then there's the elephant in the room: Do Not Put Children In Playboy Costumes, Stupid! Use the robes from the intro! God!

This game is the definition of nothing special. Enemy's are bullet sponges; there's a severe lack of shooting styles, and the two of them are pretty useless. The choreography and projectile patterns are super boring and uninspired, and leaving the animated cutscenes aside, this game does not look or play better than the best shoot 'em ups on the regular Mega Drive. 

The only outstanding thing about this game is its soundtrack, which I'd admit is pretty great. 

Other than that, I just can't understand how people can pay such outrageous prices for a copy of this one. Just stick with Thunder Force IV.  

Pretty solid schmup with some solid tunes and an imaginative presentation rooted in Japanese culture.

I'd compare to Cotton from a visual standpoint but Keio is more simple with how the gameplay goes: Upgrade your shots, get other weapons like bombs and shurikens, don't fire to get a screen nuke attack, solid stuff. That's really it. The opening is also funny as hell.