Reviews from

in the past

This game was real cool back in the day but by god does it run like shit and play like it too, the killzone series being relegated to the console is the series biggest downfall if any of them had pc releases the series would benefit so much.

idk why i finished this shit

I always thought that the nazi-looking Helghast were the protagonists of the game with how they’re the face of the franchise

shitty gunplay which runs on 20 fps with kinda good looking grafics with color palette even shitteer than gunplay i need to try ps3 version maybe that one is fine but this one is near unplayble

Muitos apontam que ele é um clone de HALO. penso que ele tem sua própria identidade com gráficos bons para sue época. história até que é interessante. jogabilidade um pouco travada com leves quedas de quadros dando uns slowdowns.

My God does this game have clunky gameplay. Even for 2000's standards this might be bad. Halo reigns king!

Guys what if we went to the Killzone mall together?