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in the past

The idea to mix the Disney Worlds with the Final Fantasy ones was brilliant, but not satisfied, the developers created a lot of new things, characters and worlds, all in the same level of quality as the classic Disney and Square ones.

PS: This game has Sepiroth in it, play it.

Kingdom Hearts is a fun game with little things that hold it back personally, but I 100% see why people would give it 5 stars. I know some seem to write off the plot, and while simple, it's still very enjoyable and heartfelt, definitely not bad by any means. A misconception that I had and others might have is in regards to the Disney and Final Fantasy characters. While it could drive some away, I think it should be known that they could have easily replaced any of them with original characters, and the story would play out the same. They're fun cameos, and it's entertaining seeing them react in these new scenarios, and even the characters from movies I haven't seen were still great.

Combat is very fun and is more than just mash X; it can give you plenty of challenges. A complaint I do have though is the camera being a bit close, which can cause things to become disorientating, and you can feel like you're getting hit by things not on screen, but it's something you can easily work past. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but with the Final Mix release, they actually removed the feature to go through your menu with the right analog, and I feel that should have been at the very least an optional control scheme, as using a claw grip when needing to use the menu is really uncomfortable and has messed me up at times. I feel that how fast you unlock abilities / combo strings is a bit slow and that the game could have benefited from giving the player more power faster. 

Overall, it's a great game, making it a must-play. Those who return to this game will be greatly rewarded, as you will have plenty to do and plenty of challenges.

наконец прошёл любимую игру ромы жёлудя, лет 5-7 назад начинал играть пс2-версию, но не зашло от слова совсем. теперь же понял что если "перетерпеть" определенную часть игры, то она вполне неплоха (за исключением некоторых проблемных факторов).
а главная проблема игры - её левелдизайн (в особенности первой половины). небольшие локации затянуты самым гумозным бэктрекингом и бесконечным респауном тонн врагов. подолгу наяриваешь круги в поисках триггера на продолжение уровня, когда находишь триггер/сундук, то активировать тебе его не дадут пока не перетыкаешь 10 волн одинаковых врагов. причем спаун волн на локациях так странно работает, что зачастую не можешь понять когда респаун закончится. только у тебя пропала местная тревога, так из ниоткуда появляется новая пачка. ощущение будто таким образом игру хотели максимально растянуть, будто было важно количество уровней, но на большие уровни денег особо не было. имхо будь бы игра более линейной, особо хронометража она не растеряла бы, наоборот подтянула бы пейсинг (на самом деле пейсинг тут не такая большая проблема, игра заняла у меня всего 19 часов, что для арпг довольно непродолжительно). хоть ближе к последней трети игры уровни становятся более прямолинейными, однако в самом конце игры количество врагов и копипастность комнат меня просто высосало.
боёвка хоть и простая, но довольно приятно играется и раскрывается ближе к концу игры за счет широкой прогрессии (хотел бы я так сказать), однако несмотря на большое количество разблокируемых абилок и комбо, толком пользоваться ими не дают, так как маны никогда ни на что не хватает, а дональд и гуффи умирают с каждой второй тычки, поэтому постоянно приходится сейфово спамить aero + cura вместо того чтобы реализовывать весь, вроде как предоставляемый игрой потенциал.
хоть структура уровней полная хуета, однако визуальная проработка локаций и атмосфера переданная через диснеевские миры пожалуй самая сильная сторона игры. можно сказать что по большей части игра ощущается как игра по лицензии, с чуть более высоким уровнем качества, относительно большинства tie-in игр нулевых по диснею. чувствуется чем-то более близким к уровню качества диснеевских игр 90х, чем все принцессы лягушки выходившие в 00е. пожалуй своего пика игра достигает к финалу, последние две локации и концовка преодолевают стандартный потолок игр по чьей-то интеллектуальной собственности и показывает свои амбиции. по большей части игра так и воспринимается - первым наброском и прологом к большой истории

p.s. без мода на японскую озвучка игра почти что неиграбельна

Hurts to finish this man. Absolute blast from start to finish and even though I raged a couple of times there I still only have fond memories of this game.
Best world was 100% Hollows bastion
Ranging from 8.5-9

Nomura tinha medo do escuro quando criança, e criou uma história inteira em volta disso, e por algum motivo a Disney aceitou participar. A narrativa é sedimentada, e uma boa introdução para o universo, com direito a fofuras e arrepios. Espero que os problemas de Level Design e balanceamento sejam resolvidos nos próximos títulos. E pelamor, que façam uma câmera decente.

Premier jeu qui m'as donné envie de me lancer dans la découverte du monde du jeu vidéo de manière approfondie, et rien que pour ça je ne serais pas objectif.
L'histoire est simple mais prenante avec des persos attachant. Le seul défaut du jeu est sa maniabilité, on sent que le jeu est vieux dans la lourdeur du personnage qu'on dirige.

I played both the PS3 and PS4 version (the latter being the 60fps one) and the first version of the game I managed 100%. Good times, Gummiship missions aside.

An epic start to a saga about darkness and light, and how one cannot exist without the other, forcing our little player not to divide everything into just black and white. It seems like a fairly simple moral about heroism and kindness within us, but a rather wild mixture in the form of characters from the final fantasy universe and Disney works allows us to dilute this concept with a drop of originality.
The plot is quite simple, if you don’t start to understand the whole universe, which I categorically do not wish for those who want to do this without going through all the spinoffs and the main 3 games in a certain order.
The battle mechanics are quite clumsy. but you can forgive. the game for ps2 squeezed out enough for such an experiment, but some bosses, especially in flight, made you suffer (hello Mrs. Ursula, you burn in hell)

Эпичное начало саги про тьму и свет, и что одно не может существовать без другого, заставляя нашего маленького игрока не делить все только на черное и белое. Вроде достаточно простая мораль про героизм и доброту внутри нас, но достаточно дикая смесь в виде персонажей из вселенной последней фантазии и произведений Диснея позволяет разбавить этот концепт каплей нестандартности.
Сюжет довольно простой, если не начинать разбираться во всей вселенной, чего я категорически не желаю тем, кто захочет это сделать не пройдя все спинофы и основные 3 игры в определенном порядке.
Механика сражений довольно топорная. но можно простить. игра для ps2 выжимала достаточно для такого эксперимента, но некоторые боссы, особенно в полете заставляли страдать (привет госпожа Урсула, гореть тебе в аду)

A primeira impressão que esse jogo passa é de um jrpg estranho ao qual envolve os personagens da Disney (como o pateta? kkkk) e da franquia Final Fantasy além de seus personagens originais como Sora, Riku e Kairi. O jogo em si possui uma gameplay agradavel que para mim o principal erro é a movimentação da câmera e também uma historia divertida ao qual prende a atenção do jogador.

I suppose I can long this version too. I liked the recolored Heartless but didn't care for a lot of the remastered music. The Mysterious Man added an extra challenge to the game for those that found Sephiroth to be too much of a pushover.

Back when KH melee combos sucked but the magic was pretty cool.

Just really cute, but kinda hard to take seriously sometimes

I don't think I've played a game with this much joy and whimsy to it. I love the joyous travels between the different Disney world's, the story is simple and clean, the final fantasy inclusion doesn't feel forced and feels very natural, the gameplay is very fun and the game is a solid challenge. On top of that, this game knows exactly when and how to take itself seriously which is amazing.

What a game. What can I say otherwise? It’s kingdom hearts. While yes the traverse town music can get annoying on loop for hours on end and while yes the boss fights are infuriating sometimes, this games charm and feel really reeled me in. If you have money for it and you have some time on your hands PLAY THIS GAME, it won’t disappoint

This review contains spoilers

mt bom mt divertido até chegar no boss com +10 fases ai ficou chato

Replayed it finally while also finally beating this games super bosses and honestly I liked it more than before. It takes a different aproach to its combat than most action games or even later KH games. Its cute its fun the story is easy to follow in this one. Everytime I go back to this game I feel right at home.

As a big Final Fantasy fan and having a fondness towards Disney I really wanted to get into and like Kingdom Hearts but I just couldn’t make it happen.This was my 4th attempt at getting into the game. The first 2 times I couldn’t muster the enthusiasm to get past the first area where you need to collect items. The 3rd attempt I gave up in Wonderland due to the frustrating platforming and this time I got as far as the colosseum before throwing in the towel once and for all.

Final Fantasy and Disney is a perfect formula, one that would never happen today as Disney are now on a high with the amount of properties they own. The characters are a mix of ones found in Disney cartoons and Final Fantasy. The character you play is an entirely new character Sora who looks like a Disney version of Tidus from Final Fantasy X. The game looks and sounds like it was designed for kids but it becomes clear they are targeting a teenage audience instead.

At the start of the game you’re asked to pick between a Sword, Shield or Staff. Seasoned RPG players will know this is picking your class however a little later you’re asked to answer questions based on your personality and this decides how you level in the game which is far too cryptic for any one of any age with any experience. The tutorial makes the game seem relatively straight forward too.

When you get to the beach you’re asked to collect certain items to build a raft and then once again after. Yes the game tells you what you need to do but gives you zero guidance on where to go. One of the items, a cloth, is a flat texture on a wall that doesn’t look like in any way an item you can pick up.

The music for the game is beautiful, the Kingdom Hearts theme is a lovely piano melody. The intro cinematic however is a pop/dance number which fits neither Final Fantasy nor Disney, and it’s quite jarring.

The version I played was the HD Final Mix on the PS4. The graphics are clean and crisp and the game runs at 60fps. Unfortunately some of the character animation and dialogue is stuck in the early 2000s. The controls have been revamped for this version however there is still very little customisation. Being able to control the camera speed would have been very welcomed as the camera has one setting and that setting is slow.

The platforming in this game is just so frustrating. It’s like you’re playing an alpha version of a platforming game and the slow camera doesn’t make it any easier. The camera will refuse to clip into walls to give better angles on jumps. It’s hard to tell where Sora will land when jumping onto things. As platforming is an essential part of boss fights (well at least jumping is) so this can make battles more frustrating.

The battles are very basic. You have no sense of damage you are dealing due to lack of damage numbers on screen or health bars. Yes, I have just rated The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds 4 out of 5 and does that have damage numbers or health indicators? No. However Kingdom Hearts will give you stats, strength, defence, magic etc so I’d expect to see this reflected in battle so I can gauge how effective my attacks are and if I need to switch them up. You have the ability to cast spells or use items but unlike more modern Final Fantasy games the gameplay doesn’t pause or slow down while you navigate through menus so you can end up dying while using healing spells or items.

Between areas or kingdoms you do an R-Type style flying level which seems so out of place in Kingdom Hearts. It’s like an optional minigame you’d expect to find in the Gold Saucer of Final Fantasy VII. However in Kingdom Hearts it's compulsory for the start of the game. I was getting frustrated having to travel back to the starting area to restock and do those bloomin gummi missions all over again. It would also take me a few attempts to do each mission adding to the frustration.

I tried to give this game the benefit of the doubt by googling “Kingdom Hearts games ranked” hoping to see it at the bottom of people’s lists, but nope, it was often near the top of their favourite Kingdom Hearts games. Then I learned about how many Kingdom Hearts games there actually are and how mental, confusing and twisted the story gets. Obviously killing my enthusiasm more to give this game as many chances as I could manage. I even listened to the Cane and Rinse podcast episode on this game to see if their love for the game could help encourage or convince me to like it too. Unfortunately everything they said just supported the reasons why I didn’t like the game.

One day I might give Kingdom Hearts 2 a go out of curiosity but the only thing that could make me play this game again is a ground up remake. The controls are too frustrating, you’re often left not knowing where to go or what to do, the platforming and camera speed are annoying and the story is convoluted.

As someone who started playing Kingdom Hearts this year, I love it gameplay can be a bit wonky and hard to controll but love the world and characters. Simple but clean ;)

KH1 is a game heavily carried by its charm. Despite the lackluster nature of a few of its worlds (like Deep Jungle) and some things that are a bit rough round the edges (the Gummi missions), there's a special magic to it-- from its combat, platforming, and exploration-- it's something that isn't quite captured by its sequels. Releasing during a period where 3D platformers were all the rage and JRPGs were more popular than they used to be, this game really is a good marriage between the two. It's also just a really good action game, even if it may not be as flashy or as challenging as others (it is a kid's game after all-- however pretty difficult fights do exist). KH1 is simply a fun game and a good time.

A primeira impressão que esse jogo passa é de um jrpg estranho ao qual envolve os personagens da Disney (como o pateta? kkkk) e da franquia Final Fantasy além de seus personagens originais como Sora, Riku e Kairi. O jogo em si possui uma gameplay agradavel que para mim o principal erro é a movimentação da câmera e também uma historia divertida ao qual prende a atenção do jogador.

This game feels so nostalgic to me even though i didnt grow up with it, I used to watch Disney as a kid and to see that world be crossed over with final fantasy to me was insane especially on how it worked so well. As much I enjoy this game its gameplay is low key frustrating but i still can say its one of my favourites

arranquemos con que la unica forma de desbloquear habilidades nuevas (y hacer el combate de mierda que tiene un poco más disfrutable) es SUBIENDO DE NIVEL por lo que si elegis mal las "armas" que te dan al principio podes quedarte trabado con las habilidades mas inutiles al principio dejando cosas como EL CONTRATAQUE para el late game despues del nivel 50.

Parece que se va poniendo mejor a medida que conseguis habilidades, complejizando el combate y haciendo mas accesible el movimiento, pero de repente te tira los jefes y gimmicks mas de mierda que viste en un action rpg. los comandos son casi inutiles porque claramente no te da el tiempo de ponerte a buscar un item en un menu mientras te llueven 40000 proyectiles sin que tengas que cambiar la forma en que sostenes el control.
Originalmente la camara se movia con los triggers pero en esta version decidieron pasarlo al stick derecho, que era lo que controlaba (creo) el menu, lo cual tenia sentido, PORQUE NO SE PUEDE USAR EL STICK IZQUIERDO Y EL D-PAD AL MISMO TIEMPOOO.
a pesar de todo el jank y el grind horrendo (que influye solo si queres hacer algun sidecontent especifico), tiene los algunos de los escenarios más bonitos que vi en la playstation 2, cada nivel tiene su tematica y sus gimmicks, con algunos niveles cambiando hasta como se ven los personajes.

en retrospectiva, habiendo hecho casi todo el contenido excepto un par de cosas de los crafteos porque me reuso a ponerme a farmear como un pelotudo drops que te hacen cumplir condiciones estupidas para conseguirlos, es un juego entretenido pero que se pone muy denso en las partes donde quiere meter variaciones en el gameplay como el combate en el aire o en el agua o los minijuegos horrendos de winnie poo oso corneta de mierdaAA

Eu não to chorando com um joguinho da disney e final fantasy não né kkkk

Emoções, muitas emoções com Kingdom Hearts, nunca pensei que eu ficaria tão pegado com esse jogo entrei nele esperando nada e recebi TUDO, simplesmente um dos melhores ou se não o melhor RPG do PS2, história cativante CROSSOVERS MARAVILHOSOS e um humor que não envelhece nunca! É impossível você jogar Kingdom Hearts e não se apegar com os personagens que obviamente, já são conhecidos por quase todo mundo do mundo

Eu até ia fazer essa review aqui sem dar nenhum ponto negativo, só que claro que o 1 deu uma envelhecida na questão dos cenários, então caso tu vá jogar fique em mente que o jogo não é nada intuitivo e você vai se perder MUITO em cada level que entrar, mas não desanime, use detonado se for possível vale muito a pena experienciar KH1 mesmo com essa chaticezinha dele

Mas enfim, jogo muito lindo em todos os aspectos, trilha sonora, personagens, história, GRÁFICO meu mano os gráficos disso aqui é de arrepiar todo mundo mesmo sendo simples, ele é tão colorido que transborda alegria só nos detalhes dele! JOGUEM KINGDOM HEARTS POR FAVOR!

Ein wenig clunky, ein paar nervige Welten (Atlantica, Agrabah) und es ist sehr Schade, dass die deutsche Sprachausgabe entfernt wurde wegen den neuen Zwischensequenzen, aber für Zwischendurch ganz okay.

these fellas did not earn the pre rendered amv man

YouTubers have convinced you to hate Kingdom Hearts for its corny cutscenes when in fact you should hate it for its atrocious combat design

this game or rather this series is not for me at all, the writing is way too corny and i dont care about 90% of the characters especially donald and goofy. the platforming is annoying especially in atlantis where the game tries using the water controls and they just really fucking suck. the gameplay itself is actually not so bad but it's also nothing special, the camera sucks dick though. this game is clearly intended for a specific demographic and people who grew up with disney in general and im neither so this does not appeal to me whatsoever. keeping it shelved as i may continue it again someday since id like to see if 2's a better game or if it's more or less the same.