Reviews from

in the past

Do not play this on the Nintendo Switch. I love Kingdom Hearts but goddamn is it impossible to play this game with input delay from the required internet collection from the cloud version of the game. I got this for free and I still want a refund lmao.

I did however 100% this version of the game out of sheer willpower and masochism and I will forever hold that as a trophy over those who doubt me.

A better expanded version of a classic but still clunky in some areas. This is definitely the coziest KH game.

meio zoado mas não consigo odiar, muito mágico

Game holds up well, but its flaws are more apparent nowadays. KH2 is legendary, though.

This game honestly was an excellent opener to the franchise but...

I really think I dodged a bullet playing on the standard mode, because it felt incredibly inconsistent in terms of the difficulty for me, from one moment a boss would be easy to destroy and the next I'd be overwhelmed out of nowhere. It was hard to strike a balance, and I'm still glad I could beat the game without having to farm hefty amounts of exp.

Donald pls stop dying

The overall plot of the game though, was actually really nice. Going into it I was really cautious because I always heard its a convoluted mess and I can happily say that the first game at least isn't and pretty easy to follow.

But yeah I just think some of the worlds are a mess and especially in some of them in terms of navigation, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where to go a lot of the time because it was not very clear that kind of came as a slog

Overall: I am happy with this opener to the franchise and looking forward to the next one.

This review contains spoilers

Kingdom Hearts, as a concept, is an interesting one.
A three-way combo of Disney, Final Fantasy and an original touch to round off the direction has loads of potential, some of which is realised in a good way, some not.

The Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts improves on some mechanics and adds features that were missing in the original, however, it doesn't escape the balancing issues and bad design that the game is plagued with throughout its runtime.

Sometimes the game will feel fine to play albeit a bit clunky, other times, you'll feel as though you're fighting the game itself rather than the enemies or boss you're up against.

The enemies can gang up on you and overwhelm you because they're able to attack off-screen and invincibility frames can be finicky.
This is especially notorious and obnoxious in the final stretch of the game, where you'll be surrounded by tanky enemies with annoying attacks and ability to deflect your own attacks, all while being stuck in a tiny room with like 8 of them at once.

Kingdom Hearts 1 also has one of the most unnecessarily drawn out and frustrating final bosses I've had the displeasure to fight against in any video game I've ever played.
It has like around 8 phases, felt like it would never end, is super frustrating, and I think it would've been better off being limited to AT MOST 3 phases.

Speaking of bosses, this game has atrocious bosses that, in terms of the fight itself, are either boring, generic, annoying and at times, borderline unfair.


The Ursula boss in Atlantica is one of the most horrible bosses I've ever had to fight in a video game; no openings, no downtime, constant attack spamming and horrible "swimming" controls to boot, so you don't even have the dodge roll to help you.

And this is just one of them, the rest are a little less frustrating but barely any of them are any fun or have anything interesting to offer.
There are secret/bonus boss fights in this game, but I didn't bother with them because I could just marginally muster the will to actually complete the game once I got to the final area.

The writing ranges from good, to ok, to barely serviceable to at times, just straight up cringe-inducing.
"My friends are my power!" is A REAL LINE OF DIALOGUE in this game.

Besides the subpar dialogue, some of the parts of the story and how it was written don't make sense or seem forced, for example [SPOILERS] Riku finds Sora after they were separated and Sora explains to him that he was looking for him and Kairi together with Goofy and Donald and he makes that very clear, but instead Riku decides to ignore that and takes it as an insult because he sees Goofy and Donald as Sora's "replacement" for his friends, even though Sora never said or did anything to imply that he doesn't care about Riku and/or Kairi anymore.

Riku is not a likeable character at all from start to finish (at least in this game), Kairi is barely existent and besides the main trio (Sora, Donald, Goofy), there aren't many characters who get enough screentime to make you feel attached to them unless you've seen the movies, in which case, you won't get much out of these familiar characters that you haven't seen from them already in the movies.

With all this being said, I feel KH1 being massively brought down by its technical side of things is a massive shame, especially since the aesthetics and presentation are very good!

The game's appearance still holds up well enough today thanks to its generous use of colour and vivid environment design, all of the worlds from the Disney properties have been recreated faithfully, and the soundtrack is excellent in capturing the feel and personality of each of the worlds that you explore.

I really enjoyed what the worlds had to offer artistically in terms of how the source material was translated into a video game format, and the selection of worlds is good.

One other thing I thought was neat is that you get different keyblade designs throughout the game based on the worlds you visit, which is a good aspect because they could've easily made the default keyblade the only one you could use and just raised stats so it'd have more power.
But instead, they made various keyblades of various ranges and buffs, such as extending your MP or crit chance.

I can see why people found this game appealing when it first came out, but nowadays, it feels like a frustrating mess with some redeeming qualities but plagued by bad design and clunky controls that do nothing but make it feel outdated.

A remake could save this game, but for now, is better served as a cornerstone of the series to be experienced from afar, but seldom played.

Anything could have been better, anything could have been worse, but in the end, the good beats the bad, despite me having no heart and no friends

whilst still being very fun, the controls feel somewhat lacking and dated for an action jrpg. Sora feels very stiff and unable to do much, though I'm giving a little too much shit for a 14-year-old that can do more than what I could at that age. Magic feels utterly useless.
Say what you will about the story but the themes and plot progression are completely fine and up my alley. If you feel as though it's gets to complicated and dumb then my only impression of you is boring and unimaginative.
This is still a fine entry to the series especially for the beginning, but I truly feel as though I had more fun with even Dream Drop Distance and im afraid that will make some people explode on here but thats my truth. Still a great first time (yes this is the first time I played through the 1st Kingdom Hearts).

Played since I was a kid, love this series and this one started it all. Definition of a PS2 game in all the best ways, may be a little clunky, but it has heart.

small worlds, mashy and repetitive combat, and a generic and overly mushy story makes this hard to return to. leveling up your character feels satisfying, and the visuals are pleasing, but thats it

la primera partida en difícil fue una mierrrrr

la partida en fácil fue la mejor, hasta el final que ya no lo fue

This was my fourth or fifth full playthrough of this game and for the first time ever I approached combat with my brain instead of mashing the X button the whole time. Greatly enhanced the experience! I feel like I could play on proud next time around. Of course this has always been one of my favorite games <33333. There’s a heavy amount of nostalgia, and the gameplay is still fun and the story is still charming.

As a first timer with this series, I felt a lot of this game was quite clunky and often left me dissatisfied, though I still managed to find decent enjoyment out of the combat.

Un des meilleurs jeux de tous les temps mélangeant deux des plus grandes franchises Disney et Final Fantasy. Une perfection !!

Excellent opener to the KH series with a bunch of additional expanded content. Not the most well-rounded as far as combat and balance go, but really fun and comfy nonetheless. I recommend modding this to restore the original music tracks and Heartless colorations.

I dodged two of Ansem's "Submit" attacks in a row during the second fight. I feel like Himothy

i used to not like this game anywhere near as much as 2 and now (after doing an ultima run) i like it maybe more?

It took me my entire life to finally complete this game xd
Game is pretty solid .w.
Though you probably shouldn't play on the hardest difficulty, because the difficulty curve is funny. It starts off hard, then becomes easier with each boss and then all of a sudden you get practically one-shot by literally anything xd

Probably the best paced Kingdom Hearts game. Some mediocre level design but reasonably fun combat carries the game just fine. Story is at its most simple but the characters are all pretty annoying. Sora is just like actively horrible to follow.

Review in progress:
Extremely overrated. The story is garbage and the main characters are annoying teenagers. The Disney/Final Fantasy characters are glorified window dressing and don't have any meaningful impact on the story. Each Disney world plays out like a heavily condensed version of the movie without any of the charm.

The combat is repetitive and doesn't feel very good compared to other action games like Bayonetta. The levels are incredibly small and linear. I was hoping to explore Disney worlds and got a bunch of narrow, disjointed hallways instead.

Kingdom Hearts can't even be consistent in its mediocrity. There are sections where the level design takes a huge nosedive in quality (like the jungle, underwater, and whale level).

The graphics aren't even all that impressive for PS2 standards. The music isn't bad but usually loops pretty quickly.

There isn't anything of value here.

Started out weak and finished strong. Lots of platforming at the start and the platforming was god awful. It felt akin to if Ocarina of Time tried to be a platformer - not good. The further into the game, the more it felt like the combat became more of a focus, and combat was where the game shone. I love a good hack 'n' slash style combat system. One of the things I appreciated about the game that differs from some other hack 'n' slash combat games I have played is that bosses and enemies do not have "cheap" moves or will not spam a move constantly. I struggled plenty with enemies and bosses, however there was always clearly things that I could have done to counter or mitigate damage that was reasonable. I appreciated that a lot and made going through fights more worthwhile. I'd say the start of the game was more like a low 5/10 but by the end had ramped up to a solid 8. Looking forward to the other games and see how they built off of this first game.

Not perfect by any means, but this was a game I just couldn't put down. The controls were a little janky, often times I got lost, the difficulty can be brutal at times, but despite its flaws, the positives were strong enough to make this experience worth playing through. I found the combat quite enjoyable, and I enjoy the customization of your party's abilities. The story is pretty simple (and clean) but it kept me invested. The soundtrack is iconic, I found it to be very memorable and often times the music gets stuck in my head. Exploring the Disney worlds were also fun.
This game definitely has its flaws, but the positives were strong enough that I can't help but love it. The ultimate cozy JRPG for me.

la segunda en normal fue mejor pero igual normal

Ahora que he empezado esta saga he pensado en qué psicopata programo los niveles de mierda y los horribles bosses que se gasta este juego.

Aun asi le ha quedado un jueguito con encanto, le doy media estrella mas porque el drip de Pesadilla antes de Navidad es peak design

This was my first replay now on the PlayStation 4.

Platinumed this game on aug 12th