Reviews from

in the past

how many gods will kirby kill until hes satisfied

feels a bit weaker than return to dreamland imo. the story is pretty cool but nothing else really stuck out that much to me.

On the weaker end of the post-RTDL games, but its still Kirby. You're still getting a light-hearted romp through a colorful (albeit at times generic) worlds with a delightful true arena waiting for you at the end.

Y'know what would be funny?

If we end up getting a Triple Deluxe remake on either the Switch or Nintendo's next console, and they still use the Dedede design from Forgotten Land, all because HAL realized "oh shit, Dedede never wore that original mask from 2008 while looking like that".
(gotta say, not a big fan of the 3DS game model for Triple D).

to play this game i digged though my collection trying to find it, a game i know i own and have played before, failed to find it, went through the process of homebrewing my 3ds so I can download the game (which btw loaded up my old saved when i opened it), spending like 30 minutes of unjamming the B button through the power of canned air, a knife i use for gunpla, and mashing a lot, and then about an hour into actually playing the rubber cover on my circle pad literally fell apart and then I remembered that actually playing games on the 3ds is kinda uncomfortable. This is not a reflection of the game's quality I just wanted to let the world know i went though hell.

Triple Deluxe is pretty good, but it falls victim to being a relatively early 3DS game so they reallllllly want you to use all of the system's gimmicks and let me be real! i never want to turn on the 3ds' 3d. Stop making me tilt my fucking 3ds around.

It's pretty straight forward and simple level designs, which isnt that bad but also they like doing stuff like you gotta tilt your 3DS to move this vehicle around, the levels are based around having a background and also a foreground at times because they want you to use the 3ds 3D (NOT DOING THIS), to get 100% you need all the keychains and they wanted to use streepass tokens on that bad bitch. None of it is bad enough to really burn me but it could be better.

Good new powers! Cowboy / Leaf / Circus are all hitters. I wasn't sure if I was gonna like the hypernova segments because I remembered them being veyr walk forward and use skill but there were some decent puzzles and minibosses in those segments so they were better than I remember.

Listen I won't autistically talk about my true Kirby passion, which is true Arena No Powers runs, but this game is when Kumazaki really starts to hit a stride with boss design. There's a still a game off until he peaks and it's got maybe my least favorite metaknight fight (and i hate most of them) and a kind underwhelming Soul final phase but dog i fucking love true arena no powers. if you haven't done them its sooo good.

It's fine. the 3ds gimmicks are annoying but it's the middle point of kumazaki hitting his stride.

Can Kirby stop the train in GTA V?

its pretty good! i dont know what nathaniel bandy is on about saying this game is like the new soup of the kirby series it has quite a bit going on with the whole flower theme and shit. its good.

Bem divertido, as vezes um pouco desafiador (nada absurdo), o level design é lindo e os mundos são muito bem planejados. pós game bem grandinho até, pra um plataforma digamos que 'faz o feijão com arroz'


Polished, without any major issues, this game takes you by the hand like a parent guiding their child across the street, helping you navigate through all the challenges, leaving you enchanted by the beauty of it all, without even realizing that in the end you faced no real difficulty. It's truly a walk in the park, but what a delightful one it is.

Great entry in the modern Kirby series. The 3D mechanic is fun, the visuals are charming and the new abilities are great. Not the most groundbreaking title but it's pure Kirby greatness.

Earned 100% on my save file. On account of no longer having my 3DS, I will not be returning to this game on its original hardware.

kirby triple deluxe truly is the Kirby game of all time.

kirby is in it. whispy woods (though slightly flowerier) is in it. you can suck, Hard. it truly is the definitive kirby experience.

in all reality, triple deluxe is a solid kirby experience with not a ton really going for or against it. the level design is solid, the copy abilities are nice, the bosses are fun, the story is there. it's still a great game, but there's just not enough brought to the table, y'know? planet robobot is a complete 3 course meal; triple deluxe is a good burger and fries.

And now we're back to handheld for some reason. Makes sense to push the 3ds since it wasn't selling too well but you can feel the quality drop from RTDL. It's fun but just kinda forgettable for me. But the final boss was pretty cool and collecting all of the sun stones were fun but ain't no way I'm grinding for those goddamn keychains.

Unique music especially moonlight capital and moonstruck blossom so good also tarazna helping you at the end I wish that tarazna was more in the storyline of this game maybe when we get a remaster of this game tarazna would get his chance and also masked dedede fight is awesome.

this game is great, i love this puffball so much. they use the 3d very well. i also think this is one of the worse/underfeatured of the games

É jogando esse jogo que a gente entende de onde veio toda aquela base boa de Planet Robobot, que apesar de ser melhor, não fica tão à frente de Triple Deluxe.

Nessa iteração da franquia, você também vai encontrar uma direção de arte ótima, level design inteligente, poderes divertidos, boss fights com o nível certo de dificuldade e um clímax que se destaca como tem que ser.

A nota ser consideravelmente menor em relação ao tal joguinho com robô é, acima de tudo, pela história ser ainda mais deixada de lado, pelo final não tão caprichado quanto o do jogo seguinte, um nível de identidade mais fraco e a ausência dos robôs (é sério, eles fazem muita falta!).

Sem dúvidas, eu recomendaria jogar esse primeiro e depois o Planet Robobot, pois assim você acompanha a evolução e tem duas experiências que não são afetadas por comparação. Infelizmente não foi o meu caso, mas mesmo assim o meu tempo com Triple Deluxe foi bastante divertido.

something inside the minds at HAL laboratory snapped and caused them to make one of the greatest games I've ever fucking played in my life

the new abilities: they slap. the level designs: glorious. the pacing: flawless. the modes: all heavy hitters. hypernova: sucks in the good way

I can't even make a real joke for this one like I've been with all the other kirby games. that'd be a disservice at this point, bro. it's just a near-perfection of kirby's core fundamentals, and playing all the games in order really shows it

Still solid and pretty fun, but not really as memorable as its predecessor. Basically just the same as the Wii game but on handheld.

Fun, colourful and cosy!! Also big fan of the beginning being so light and fluffy only for the end to be packed with Deep Lore.

Since this game's release I had always wanted this game and really wanted to play it. As a Kirby fan, I thought it looked fun and really just wanted to play more Kirby games. I never got the game though. I was a little younger, about 12, and I hoped I'd get it, but I never did. It was always on my mind for a couple years after release and whenever I saw it mentioned I would go "Man I wanna play this SO bad, I wish I had it." I saw it as the "definitive" Kirby experience even though I knew absolutely NOTHING about this game. Then I just kinda forgot about it. The last Kirby game I had played was Kirby Super Star Ultra that I'd play over and over as a kid.
This game though.... I went in completely blind and... I was heavily disappointed. I honestly dreaded almost every moment of this game. The level design was cool but I played this on a 2DS XL so.. I didn't get the complete experience with the dimensions. This game was clearly made with the 3D function in mind. Motion control segments were also cool but not really necessary... and they were kinda jank at times. The power ups you get in this game were really lacking and just weren't fun to use. They weren't very strong either and found myself a lot of the times just using the stars during boss fights. The vibes in this game and the floral themes just weren't doing it for me. Also why was this game so hard? It goes from 0 to 100 really quickly.. or maybe I just suck at the game BUT I didn't start dying until maybe the 3rd world? And what's the point of the keychains?? Kind of useless to me to be honest. Another thing, why why whyyy do we need to collect a certain amount of sun stones to unlock levels/bosses? This was my issue in Spyro 2 except here it isn't as annoying. I had to grind sun stones for the final boss which, in the moment, wasn't too bad because I only needed two but still... I'm just trying to beat the game man.
The main power up in this game, I don't know what it's called I forgot, I'm just gonna call it the "super suck".. well the super suck was super sucky. You use it for repetitive puzzles and for the dumbest scripted events in the game to where it doesn't really have an impact. Nintendo thought "Oh Kirby sucks so let's make him suck more" really lame power, especially for it to be the like "super cool", "hyped up" thing. Mini bosses were kind of creative though buuuut got really repetitive when I had to fight them over and over and over and over and over and-
The final boss was a slay I'll give it that. It was difficult but nothing too crazy. Like.. but did girly really have to have like 5 million phases and move sets LOL I get it's the final boss but sheesh.. Also the final blow to the boss was SO predictable, like I just knew Kirby was gonna use his super suck to end her.
This wasn't the worst game I've played but it was still pretty disappointing... I wanted to play more Kirby's other than the pixel-y ones and.. this game has now made me wary of the other "3D" kirbys.. I wouldn't play it again though, that's for sure never happening. I don't think I'd ever recommend the game to others either, it just didn't satisfy. There's too much going on but then not enough at the same time.

Definitely one of the best modern 2D Kirby games, loved the use of different layers in the level design and the boss fights while not hard were a step up in difficulty from the usual Kirby game.

Solid Kirby game except that the Hypernova gimmick gets old very fast.

Top 3 Kirby.

Recuerdo que la gente no le tenía fé a este juego y acabó siendo de lo mejor de la franquicia.

Añadió distintos estilos de mundos como una jungla con ruinas antiguas, un mundo de galleta, una ciudad a la luz de la luna...

Tuvo habilidades nuevas muy buenas como el arquero y la campana, con bastantes combos o puzzles donde se podían aprovechar, también se usó de manera ingeniosa el giroscopio de la 3DS para estos.

La gimmick era la hipernova que era únicamente una absorción más poderosa, pero que también tenía varios puzzles graciosos, además de jefes propios y te hacía sentir invencible en todo el nivel donde se usaba.

La reina Sectonia y todo el mundo final en la capital de los insectos es de mis mundos favoritos de la franquicia, con mucho carisma y personalidad.
El jefe no era un Dios que iba a destruir el multiverso ni nada, era un ser gigante que iba a adueñarse del planeta, se sintió bien tener un villano que no era nivel Dios ctulhu para variar.

Los minijuegos están muy buenos, aunque la campaña del Rey Dedede no era tan buena como los Meta Knightmare.
Tiene un huevo de coleccionables también, por lo que es bastante rejugable en ese sentido.

After thoroughly enjoying Planet Robobot earlier this year, my interest in the other 3DS Kirby game was thoroughly peaked. It's not quiiiite as good as Robobot, but it's still a damn fine game. For reference I got all the sunstones in the Kirby mode.

King Dedede has been kidnapped by scary sky invaders, and it's up to Kirby to rescue him! There are a lot of references to older Kirby games in this. Partly because the keychain collectables you can get are all sprite art from all the other platforming Kirby games, but also in terms of enemies and powers. One thing I really appreciated was all the old, crappy powers that they made good. Powers that i avoided like the plague back in Super Star Ultra like Bird and Ninja are now actually good and fun to use. Circus is still a bit fiddly, but the new Beetle power kicks mad ass and is a great joy to use.

The game is pretty easy, but it's always fun. The level design is impecible HAL work as usual, and the game controls perfectly. The Hypernova gimmick stages aren't quite as fun as Robobot's mech segments from a mechanics and gameplay perspective, but they're much better than the mega-power sections from Return to Dreamland: For all intents and purposes, this is basically a single-player game made with a lot of the RtD assets and improves on that games ideas in basically every way, sans a co-op campaign mode. Especially the "Three Little Waddle Dees" segment made me laugh far more than perhaps it should have X3

The presentation is fantastic. This is a damn pretty 3DS game, and they the 3D Kirby aesthetic looking as stellar as ever. The music is fucking fantastic. Kirby games always have great music, but this might be my favorite Kirby music yet. Tons of funky remixes of old tracks that make me love 'em all over again. The bosses are well designed, and they all have at least two phases (some of which are pretty damn tough). Kirby's health bar is really generously huge, or at least you don't take a lot of damage, really. Especially with the later bosses, their patterns are so tough to take advantage of at time, I found it much easier to just ditch my power and fight them old school-style because of how mobile they were. The final boss especially has a million forms and is fucking epic shit that gives a very satisfying ending to the experience.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. It's not quite as good as Robobot, but you can easily pick it up for well under half the price of that nowadays, and it's a fantastic Kirby game for that price. A kind of love letter to the many Kirbys before it, this is another fantastic entry in the series, even if it will come off as a bit easy for most Kirby veterans.

Probably the perfect form of a non-3d kirby game. The art style is charming to look at, the music is perfect for a kirby game, the abilities are all unique to use, and the gameplay is just fun.

Idk what it is with the mainline kirby games, but I always enjoy myself when playing them and it never feels boring or bad. The game was a bit short but had a lot of post game, par for the course for a kirby game. Probably not going to collect everything or play through all game modes completely, but it was all still fun to experience.