Reviews from

in the past

Fun game, but if you aren't creative or good at building stuff with minimal guidance it can be on the difficult side. The little test robots can be kind of stupid so something you think should work just won't sometimes, which was kind of frustrating. I liked how they made a story out of generic Lego building that wasn't for a licensed franchise and you have actually quite a bit of freedom to build stuff as long as it fit the criteria and didn't topple over in the test sequences.

O jogo é bom. Ele se distancia bastante de um jogo de lego comum para ser um jogo focado em construção, o problema é que o modo de construir dele é péssimo.

Tipo, é aceitável, da para jogar, mas chega um hora que não aguenta mais. E ainda mais, ele só te fala o que construir ao invés de como construir. Pensei que pelo menos teria um manual mas montar no blind é difícil demais. Fiquei 1h tentando construir uma ponte.

Entretanto, a criatividade do jogo e a forma de contar histórias enquanto você constrói ele é muito legal. Explorar o mapa sandbox é mais divertido ainda.

Quem sabe eu volte a jogar ele, por enquanto vou dropar.

In which the nigh-infinite splendor of interlocking bricks are used in such a manner that allows you, the player, to literally build worlds out of their pernicious predicaments. It is shockingly 'conscious' for a game adorned wall-to-wall with a multi-billion dollar toy corporation's products. You aide your grandfather in renewing his derelict amusement park by traveling to alternate dimensions where folks are in need of help. This often takes form in societies reeling from their disjointed hierarchies. Take for example a medieval kingdom sick from poisoned well water, while a king laments it only insofar as it affects his ability to reap taxation from his laborers.

Its comedy is also poignant and directed both at itself (in terms of its facsimile of 'real life') and at these unfortunate situations, building an aura of joviality and healing that is infectious. The act of creation itself is rewarding, the player tasked with being at once an architect and a public artist--this leads to a loop of play that adorns the universe with reminders of your impact on the lives of these people. It's a life-affirming game, the type that reassures oneself that things will probably be okay in the end.

I was excited to play this after seeing its premise, but unfortunately, it doesn't stick the landing for me. While the idea of an adventure game where you build to solve puzzles is enticing, it doesn't mean much when the controls for building are awful. Moving the camera makes placing pieces where you want them to go a hassle, and the AI/physics simulations in the builder aren't the greatest, either. The game itself around the builder is pretty middle of the road. There's some funny writing, but a lot of the worlds (while well-built) feel a bit boring to walk through.