Reviews from

in the past

no começo eu não entendi, no final parecia que estava no começo.

No começo o jogo me intrigou, mas logo perdeu o ritmo completamente. Em termos de game design, tem falhas que deixam o jogador muito desorientado desnecessariamente. Algumas mecânicas são quebradas, e as que não são, são repetitivas. A narrativa lembra um pouco Twilight Zone, mas pesa muito nos clichês ocidentais da Guerra Fria, deixando a história superficial demais. Me deu dor de cabeça nas partes mais escuras. Usa muitos recursos do PC desnecessariamente. Fraco.

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I'd give myself away to a tree, too.

It had a sluggish start that almost put me to sleep, walking around kilometers, trying to figure out what object I need to push on in order to advance was just ass.. but once the platforming kicked in, things got a little more interesting.
The ending built up like it had something epic in store, but nope, just left me hanging in the sun. Meh, it's alright, not a game-changer, but the platforming parts saved it from complete boredom.

Lifeless game is more like it. Other than unraveling the mystery of the people who came here before you, not much about this game holds up well.

Every mechanic in this game feels deliberate in the worst way possible. You will be given jet pack fuel when the game wants you to have it, and it will be taken away once you don’t need it anymore. Theoretically, you could spend an entire hour trying to get from one side to the other and you would not run out of jail pack fuel until you actually reached the scripted destination. You could also spend approximately five minutes to get from one side to the other and the game would take away jetpack fuel once you reached your destination.

Oxygen events only happen at certain times throughout the game. Theoretically, and I don’t recommend you try this, you could spend four hours in a section and not lose any oxygen but when you reach a certain area, the game will tell you that you’re running low on oxygen.

Obstacles that can kill you are horrendously easy to spot and even easier to avoid. It seems as if the developers wanted to include a fear factor. Unfortunately, because the obstacles are so easy, that feeling is diminished.

However, even a broken clock is right twice in a day. The environments were really well done. The designers of the levels did a really good job to make everything feel truly lifeless. The mystery behind the astronauts who came here before you was also really interesting. I was genuinely interested and determined to find the next audio log or note/letter that gave me a clue to what happened to the people who came prior to you. It may not be storytelling at its finest, but it is a highlight of the game.

You are a astronaut living in the nowhere, good indie.