Reviews from

in the past

Cool ambience and main mechanic, overall just a well made game that I think suffers from too many reflex and reaction based puzzles as opposed to stuff that's more skill based. Probably not going to do the + levels, pretty satisfied with the last section of world 6 and the epilogue capping of this game.

Also it took this long cuz I genuinely forgot to finish this game off when I first started it last year lol, took maybe 30 extra minutes today to finish off.

Linelight looks, sounds, and feels great and is overall a very soothing and chill puzzle game. The whole game has an extremely nice flow that starts with the controls and ends with the cleverly designed puzzles that had just the right difficulty for the mood I was in when playing the game. And while there are only a few essential mechanics throughout the game, they are often combined in new and surprising ways till the very end.

played on iOS, during a convention, with no sound.

started really strong! the later puzzles that required more reflex reactions were a bit more annoying given the mobile form factor and the way i was playing (i.e. when standing in line).

i'm sure the audio would have enhanced the experience even further, but alas i missed out on that.

would recommend for folks looking for a casual puzzle game :)

Um puzzle muito bom e simples, que é ótimo para relaxar e passar o tempo.

Linelight se resume a controlar um traço luminoso através de caminhos lineares, completando vários desafios no caminho para poder prosseguir. As mecânicas são simples, mas souberam brincar bastante com elas pra criar puzzles bem interessantes.