Reviews from

in the past

pretty ok small indie game with cool monster designs

It's interesting to see the translation of the subject matter into a DOOM-engine title, but the game is so incredibly samey, even for its short runtime. The boss sprite design is fantastic, though

There's a lot of negatives in this game. The AI is incredibly stupid, The Boss attacks reset if you just hit them once so they can't even protect themselves, they take up 4 times more space than they actually should on the map, and everything gets very bland and repetitive really quickly. However, the art style, and satisfaction coming from jumping and moving around in this game is really great. Very creative and solid idea, but poorly executed.

A short and sweet little Castlevania-inspired Doom mod by the same creator who made Shrine 1 and 2. Just like Shrine 1 this one has wonderful sprite art and atmosphere in a game that feels like more of a demo for what's to come than the full realization of its ideas.

Still, a fine little single sitting game. You can beat this thing in under an hour.