Reviews from

in the past

The enemies were a bit boring, sound was mediocre at best and in general was a pretty... not fun at all experience. Similar to what I got with Moon Hunters, but this is a bit uglier.

Very fun game, the music in the first world is very charming.

É bem desafiador, os personagens tem diferentes habilidades e fraquezas (que muitas vezes são chatas até demais). Os chefões são desgraçados demais. E gosto da mecânica de ganhar bônus com as comidas do acampamento e os itens especiais como a rede e as bombas.

Roguelike interessantíssimo. Bem difícil, com mecânicas legais e boa progressão, mas no geral ainda precisava desenvolver mais pra realmente virar um jogão da porra

Enjoyed my time with it but too difficult for me to end it

Played this game in alpha on gamejolt back in the day. I feel like it lacks a desperately needed coat of polish. Sometimes the balance feels off with enemies and upgrades but I'm open to taking that as my own personal skill issue.

Yeah hat nicht so ganz geklickt bei mir, aber für 0,99€ war sein Versuch wert.

Bought because was cheap, not worth my time.

Its fine, I guess. I only bought the game because it was dirt cheap on a sale. It is not a terrible game or anything, but there are just so many other games I would rather be playing than this one.

done for the base game
going to play dlc for complete package!!!

No le acabo de ver la gracia. Es un juego bonito, que las partidas sean tan cortas es genial, pero los objetos se me han repetido bastante rápido. Bastante pronto te dejan empezar con una torreta que dispara sola, dándote la mejor activa siempre. Los enemigos se repiten rápido, y lo único a hacer es esperar a que ataquen y reventarlos. Al menos si les das justo por encima del escudo se hacen daño, eso es verdad.

Pero en general, y aunque se que es un estudio pequeño y es un juego barato, no creo que pueda recomendarlo poniéndome la mano en el corazón. Hay talento ahí, pero creo que necesita ser pulido de alguna forma. Ojalá saquen otro y ver como han mejorado