Reviews from

in the past

very very fun game
i don't know what the fuck im doing in it

Played this on my iPod, sadly it was taken down off the app store and I lost this old iPod, RIP to me ever playing this game ever again, but for the time I got to spend with it in high school. It's forever bangin.

For me, this is the closest thing to the perfect fighting game.

Lots of amazing 2d art, fun stage design, great sound effects and iconic music. Beyond that, the roster of available characters is extensive.

If you're a fan of fighting games, Marvel, or Capcom, then definitely give MvC2 a try.

I played this for the first time with my bro years ago, Roll and Amingo were my go-tos. I haven't played since then but I like to think I'm a little less ass now. And I'm talking like going from Iron 1 to Iron 1.3

Story 2 | Gameplay 5 | Audio 3 | Visual 3 | Details 4 | Entertainment 5

Total 3.7

This is a really fun game with friendo's. My main's are Spider-Man, Megaman, and Ryu. Such fun versitility and character combo's, but I think I prefer MvC3 by a little bit. Still a pretty fun game with friends. Just don't be friends with Cpatain Corridor Team Players, they will make you suffer existing.

this shit is legendary and u know it

Im gonna take you for a ride

Melhor da franquia, te amo capcom beijo na bunda

Homem Aranha é broken fi

juegazo de mi infancia, 10 de 10 y goty

Quem diria que uma trilha sonora de jazz em um jogo de luta seria uma das melhores ideias de todos os tempos.

Fácil um dos meus jogos de luta favoritos, apesar de ainda ser péssimo nele (igual todos os outros). Sempre me perco com a velocidade e na bagunça que fica com diversos personagens na tela, com suporte ou super, os super pulos fazem uma bagunça maior ainda. Um jogo super dificil de entender, mas isso tudo dá um charme a mais para ele. Apesar de ter vários problemas de desenvolvimento, o port do ps2 ser todo cagado, diversos personagens não tem a mesma quantidade de especiais (Ex: Iceman que tem apenas um) e até animações faltando. E eu acho o sistema de desbloquear personagem e cores um SACO, prefiro mil vezes que venha logo tudo desbloqueado mesmo tipo Capcom vs SNK.

Ferraram com o pessoal de Street fighter bonito nesse jogo, Ryu, Chun li, Akuma, Dan, Zangief e M. Bison são todos bem bem ruins. Ao menos a Cammy é muito boa.

Porém, mesmo com tudo isso, adoro esse jogo e espero que a Capcom e a Marvel façam logo um compilado com todos os jogos da saga Versus.

Btw, meu personagem favorito é a Tron. os outros dois do time variam bastante entre Cable(quebrado e desbalanceado msm), Storm, Jill, Ken e Cammy.

I never could really get into this one. I liked that you could play as Mega Man and Tron Bonne.

It’s so fucking cool, so many characters and I love the art

The music, the art style, THE CHARACTERS


Unbalanced, but I like it a lot.

🗣️ I wanna take you for a ride

Played this on dreamcast 100% ;) legally ;) and what do you know, its peak! This game is ridiculous and needs to be freed so more people can play it today without the trickery, of all the retro fighters i've played this is the one i've had the most fun with without a doubt. How could I not, the roster alone is so crazy for its time, you can air combo iron man as a big cactus bloke or send thanos flying as one of tron bonne's one foot tall lego-man looking servbots.

As a crossover this game is a dream and in many ways I just don't know if it could happen in the same way today, i'm much more of a capcom guy than marvel but so many of the marvel characters are a stupid amount of fun to play too. Its the goofy cast i'm drawn to though like the original characters, the mega man characters and bb hood who feels insanely strong in this game. Also by god they went crazy with some of the moves didn't they, you're able to transform into dark sakura or mecha zangief, unlocking entirely new options. Mechanically this still feels so good 24 years later, so many tools to play around with with near endless team and assist combinations. Its also utterly frantic, like this is chaos in the best way, shit going full screen is just a given and you can zip across the screen at absurd speeds. Combos can be looped and extended for so long but you need a ton of skill to be able to pull them off consistently, watching TAS play this makes it look like a completely different game. Plus this is a game that has not only stood the test of time, but people are still figuring stuff out today.

I have to talk about the art and the soundtrack because this game is beautiful, just so colourful and full of personality. From bengus' gorgeously hand drawn character art to the brilliantly expressive sprite work, this game just oozes joy and love for the craft, I don't know if any game with Marvels' name on it could be this effortlessly creative and charming today but they're welcome to prove me wrong. At a time where sprites were on their way out and 3D was becoming more and more common its fantastic to see such high quality spritework take centre stage. I was particularly enamoured by the little details like during Jill Valentine's 'summon' moves where she looks back in shock and then either hops over the dog or ducks underneath the crow, its so cute. There's just too many of these neat little details to list, all bundled up in a game that, despite this, is pure maximalism and I love that.
As for the soundtrack, apparently this was something that was singled out as one of the weaker aspects at the time? Nah, sorry, incorrect take detected. This soundtrack goes HARD, it didn't need to go so hard but it did it anyway, I wasn't expecting the tracks to be like hyperactive lift music but i'm so glad it is because it delivers some total bangers. The synthetic basslines give off that infectious groove, the drum fills are non stop and the horns are just so catchy, this is perfect foot tapping, head bopping goodness. Does it suit what's going on onscreen? Hell yes it does, but its like chocolate and salt, they should be at odds with each other but they actually complement each other wonderfully.

Fighting games are good

This game has no right to be as good as it is.