Reviews from

in the past

Baby sensory video for FGC members

🗣️ I wanna take you for a ride

Played this on dreamcast 100% ;) legally ;) and what do you know, its peak! This game is ridiculous and needs to be freed so more people can play it today without the trickery, of all the retro fighters i've played this is the one i've had the most fun with without a doubt. How could I not, the roster alone is so crazy for its time, you can air combo iron man as a big cactus bloke or send thanos flying as one of tron bonne's one foot tall lego-man looking servbots.

As a crossover this game is a dream and in many ways I just don't know if it could happen in the same way today, i'm much more of a capcom guy than marvel but so many of the marvel characters are a stupid amount of fun to play too. Its the goofy cast i'm drawn to though like the original characters, the mega man characters and bb hood who feels insanely strong in this game. Also by god they went crazy with some of the moves didn't they, you're able to transform into dark sakura or mecha zangief, unlocking entirely new options. Mechanically this still feels so good 24 years later, so many tools to play around with with near endless team and assist combinations. Its also utterly frantic, like this is chaos in the best way, shit going full screen is just a given and you can zip across the screen at absurd speeds. Combos can be looped and extended for so long but you need a ton of skill to be able to pull them off consistently, watching TAS play this makes it look like a completely different game. Plus this is a game that has not only stood the test of time, but people are still figuring stuff out today.

I have to talk about the art and the soundtrack because this game is beautiful, just so colourful and full of personality. From bengus' gorgeously hand drawn character art to the brilliantly expressive sprite work, this game just oozes joy and love for the craft, I don't know if any game with Marvels' name on it could be this effortlessly creative and charming today but they're welcome to prove me wrong. At a time where sprites were on their way out and 3D was becoming more and more common its fantastic to see such high quality spritework take centre stage. I was particularly enamoured by the little details like during Jill Valentine's 'summon' moves where she looks back in shock and then either hops over the dog or ducks underneath the crow, its so cute. There's just too many of these neat little details to list, all bundled up in a game that, despite this, is pure maximalism and I love that.
As for the soundtrack, apparently this was something that was singled out as one of the weaker aspects at the time? Nah, sorry, incorrect take detected. This soundtrack goes HARD, it didn't need to go so hard but it did it anyway, I wasn't expecting the tracks to be like hyperactive lift music but i'm so glad it is because it delivers some total bangers. The synthetic basslines give off that infectious groove, the drum fills are non stop and the horns are just so catchy, this is perfect foot tapping, head bopping goodness. Does it suit what's going on onscreen? Hell yes it does, but its like chocolate and salt, they should be at odds with each other but they actually complement each other wonderfully.

Fighting games are good

Marvel VS Capcom 2 is the absolute pinnacle of everything the VS Capcom series has done up to this point.
It indulges in the insanity and the sheer chaos, and with the game having 56 playable characters, thanks to the reusage of a shit-ton of assests, it hammers that point home.

It brings back the Variable Assist feature of Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter and then some, providing players with three options as to what type of attack they want the summoned character to do, and this provides a lot of variety to the game.

Yes, it's a poorly balanced roster, but I don't give a fuck, it's such an easy game to pick up and play, and I'm having a bunch of fun all the way through!

Coupled that with the game's amazing jazzy soundtrack (which, being a jazz fan, makes me very happy) and the mixture of 2D sprites and 3D background models, which has aged quite well, I'd say, and you've got yourself one of the greatest fighting games of all time!

Please Capcom, negotiate with Marvel to re-release these games on consoles.

The genius of MvC2 is that its mechanics allow for a level of flexible strategies to be possible in spite of its small viable roster. You can build teams for a surprising amount of playstyles including a chip damage team that is actually a decent threat. The tag mechanics are fantastic and as satisfying to come to grips with as the movement making for a fun, explosive, and rewarding game to play.


meu unico motivo pra meia estrela e por ter alguns bonecos repetidos inuteis.
sinceramente o q nĂŁo falar de MVC2 que nĂŁo tenha sido dito, esse jogo e um dos maiores se nĂŁo o maior jogo de luta ja feito em questĂŁo de importancia, meu amor pela marvel veio pelos quadrinhos e essa saga.
so de rejogar lembro do meu dreamcast e minhas dezenas de horas de jogatina pra desbloquear todos bonecos, um verdadeiro masterpiece.

Minha primeira experiência com fighting games na vida, no ps2 com um controle que não era nem um pouco funcional, mas mesmo assim essa obra conseguiu me cativar de uma forma absurda, virei noites pra liberar todos os personagens e mesmo sem saber o que eu tava fazendo acabei me apaixonando por fighting games, ele foi a porta de entrada pra vários outros títulos que me proporcionaram conhecer pessoas incríveis e criar amizades melhores ainda, mesmo depois de 24 anos do lançamento original ele continua sendo o meu jogo de luta favorito.

Ps: Akuma, cyclops, venom

For me, this is the closest thing to the perfect fighting game.

Lots of amazing 2d art, fun stage design, great sound effects and iconic music. Beyond that, the roster of available characters is extensive.

If you're a fan of fighting games, Marvel, or Capcom, then definitely give MvC2 a try.

I am actually really bad at this game but I downloaded the soundtrack on my phone and I listen to it all the time, very energetic and fun especially with friends!

Spent $661 just to play this game lol

Considerado um dos jogos de luta mais influentes de todos os tempos, era difícil encontrar um fliperama que não tivesse uma máquina de marvel vs capcom 2.
Sendo um fighting game totalmente acessível para iniciantes, que apenas queriam se divertir com os populares heróis da marvel, mas que possui um ceiling alto, sendo recompensador se esforçar para aprender combos e estratégias
infelizmente, nem tudo são flores, já que o jogo é extremamente mal balanceado, considerando que os personagens mais fortes são consideravelmente mais úteis que os que estão no fundo do meta
em resumo, um jogo gigante, que fugiu de seu nicho e expandiu o conhecimento dos fighting games para diversos jovens dos anos 2000

They aren't ready for the Cable gun combo !

yo you wanna learn how to do a fuckin infinite!?

This game is great! It used to be in a bowling alley in my town, I mean the bowling alley DID burn down, but I don't think the two were connected in any way, but If you see a cabinet, give it the game a spin!

saw this going for 300$ one time. i hope scalpers die knowing nobody loved them


The traditional fighter equivalent of smash melee, Incredibly fun casually but with lots of incredible depth for competitive play thanks to a combination of Dev oversight and free form mechanics. Not to mention aesthetically the games held up really well, these really in depth 2d sprites on early 3d backgrounds is just endlessly charming to me and all the little oddity's of this game like the newcomer characters or soundtrack just add to that. This is the type of game well probably never see again and i love it for that. Its the antithesis of everything bad about modern AAA gaming. Endless depth, Endless charm, easy to understand hard to master tag fighter bullshit at its finest. Mahvel baby :)

Having beaten MVC2 many times on the cabinet and XBLA releases, I tried the Dreamcast version for the first time and really enjoyed the small touches to increase home console longevity. Locked characters are my favorite thing in fighters because I feel that they add a mystery and thrill that fighting games often lack, and MVC2's take on the system with its mystery shop got me to play through the arcade five or six times instead of the single run-through I was going to play.

It also obviously must be said: MVC2 has a REP. I'm more of an MVC3 creature myself, but it can't be understated: this is one of the best fighting games ever made in terms of style and mechanical complexity. It's fast and flashy, and will let you put your foe in a corner until the end of days, and its incredibly varied and unbalanced roster makes it a raucous surprise every time one plays. It's one for the ages.

this is where i'd quote the funny infinite meme but i am morally obligated as a woman with white skin to not quote it

I love that the balancing is so broken, it's really fun to revisit every now and then and to just play the shit out of it and to try out all the character to realise that you just need Cable, Storm and Sentinel and that the rest is useless, it's great !

the end boss sucks massive ass though

This review contains spoilers

I remember the very first time I ever saw this game. I was a young kid(probably around 6 or 7 years old), walking into the local card/game shop for the first time to satiate my burgeoning Pokémon card interest. I gradually hanged out more and more there over the next several years, becoming at one point probably my biggest free time sink, where I would make a lot of friends(and briefly compete, and make some money, in competitive Pokémon and Yugioh TCG in the tournament hotbed of Southern California that was close to where I lived). But anyhow, more to the point, I very quickly spotted two arcade cabinets in the front row of the shop:Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and Street Fighter III:3rd Strike. Both games looked awesome but my mind was drawn to the one that let you build teams and had names I recognized(Mega Man and Iron Man in the same game!?). As a young kid my parents usually didn’t have quarters to give me, so I would just watch the mostly teenagers and adults play what was at the time probably the most graphically advanced video game I had ever seen(my point of reference at the time was playing Pokémon Sapphire on my GBA). Occasionally I would beg the adults for quarters and get rebuffed, sometimes in nicer ways than others. I remember one time in particular I saw a guy get closer to beating arcade mode on his first try than anybody else I had seen so far. On the one hand, I was really exhilarated by his play style and wanted to see the ending screen, but on the other hand, kid me definitely wanted to get a cheap kick out of watching the guy who told me to f-off when I asked for some quarters lose to the final boss. So when he lost to Abyss’ final form, I didn’t say anything out loud but (I will not lie) inside I was laughing so hard.

A couple years passed and eventually I had some spare change of my own to exchange for quarters and start playing the two arcade cabinets for myself. When that happened I learned two things:1)I found the fast pace style of fighting games to be utterly thrilling regardless of my actual skill level 2)Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 was unlike anything I had ever played even within its own genre. It eventually grew into a larger love for the Versus series as a whole, and fighting games in general. I loved everything about this game and I still do:the fighting, the controls, the beautiful spritework, the massive roster with so many options, the atmosphere of the final boss fight that gave you such satisfaction for finally beating it. I even found the cheesy jazz soundtrack that everybody else hated to be very endearing. It’s one of the few games I would categorize into the category of transcending the video game medium and becoming an “experience” unto itself.

In retrospect, the game has a lot of flaws(mainly the character balancing), and at the end of the day it is not the best video game ever by a long shot, but it’s my personal favorite(with a few runner-ups). And I can tell you why:at this point years will pass between my various returns to this game, but whenever I do come back to it, within a couple minutes of booting it up again I can instantly associate a game with an entire era of my life. It’s a time capsule from that late 90’s/early 2000’s era for games that doesn’t exist anymore. Not a better time, but a different time. And it’s fun to reminisce sometimes.

played this at an arcade with my brother while at vegas

this game cemented sakura as my street fighter main for the years to come, good game

This is one of my favorite fighting games of all time. The idea of combining Capcom and Marvel characters is genius, the gameplay is great and difference from other entries in the genre, the music is memorable, and the pixel graphics are terrific. This is a spectacular game with few flaws; a true gem in every sense of the word.

I should like this game more but ratios isn't the default format and all the characters I like suck ass.

One of my favorite fighting games, an all-time classic. The smooth, detailed, hand-drawn 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds combine to give this game such a distinctive look that's full of life. The roster is large and varied with many fun movesets (My teams usually include some permutation of Venom, Doom, Sakura, and Ruby Heart.)

I've made many great memories playing this in arcades with friends, after tourneys, and on dates with my girlfriend (Her BB Hood is schnasty). If I'm given a choice to play a fighting game with friends, this is always my go-to if it's accessible. I'd love to have a copy someday or play through all the story modes but I still love it so much even with just arcades as my experience with it.

had a lot of fun despite only playing this game like twice

Amazing game in arcades. Not as fun at home.

It may be a bit clunky and too unbalanced for my liking (Cough cough Sentinel cough cough) but in the end, this is still a fun fighting game with unique mechanics, a great roster of characters, and lots of soul put into it.

Abyss makes me want to die though.

O maior defeito desse jogo Ă© a Jill Valentine ser uma personagem tĂŁo divertida de se jogar, mas ao mesmo tempo ser uma personagem muito bosta.