Reviews from

in the past

Achei ruim no beta e quando lançou, era pior ainda. Gráficos bonitos e uma dublagem boa não compensam a gameplay surrada e cansativa com cenários chatos e níveis repetitivos.

Basically skipped through all the bullshit game stuff just to get the story. Worth it! The story was good, but the best thing about the game was that the take on every character and their performances were phenomenal!

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I actually really enjoyed the story for this one, minus the casting choices (sorry, big MCU voice actor fan). I know people weren't the biggest fans of this game, but I found the campaign itself to be pretty engaging. Kamala Khan was a really fun lead to follow and I thought this was an interesting spin to the Marvel universe. The multiplayer aspects were parts I avoided as much as possible - but the story and combat kept me engaged all the way through. Surprisingly beat this all in one weekend (never usually do that).

The first thing you see when loading up Marvel's Avengers is mostly indicative of the entire experience. An unintuitive menu, behind which is a wall of content that holds much promise, but delivers a bombardment of shallow and repetitive missions instead.

At first glance, this wall of content seems like a good thing, until you realise that most of this content consists of shallow missions with the same objectives that have been reskinned and replaced from other areas of the game.

I'm glad I came late to this game so I didn't have to deal with the live-service issues as they were happening, and I got all of the extra content for free! I like the costume roster, which contains a plethora of (now) free cosmetics which range from great, to some truly awful original costumes. Nevertheless, they are great fun to mix and match while playing as your favourite heroes.

The actual gameplay itself is serviceable enough in itself, the characters control pretty much how you would expect them to, and the heroic power fantasy survives just long enough until you encounter enemies who should be crushed under the weight of a single Hulk-Smash, yet turn out to be merciless punch-sponges. I would imagine playing in easy mode would keep the power trip going a little longer, but the gameplay quickly becomes repetitive and grind-y.

Grind-y is also a great way to describe the achievement list that accompanies Marvel's Avengers. I definitely like a good achievement hunt, but when I see multiple achievements requiring hundreds of levels, collectibles, mission completions and the like, I get sincerely turned off. Clearly the developers thought they would have a dedicated player-base for years to come, and yet it is so easy to understand why many a player would have fallen off after completing the main campaign.

Speaking of the campaign, I actually was intrigued and mostly invested in the reassembling of the Avengers in the aftermath of a disaster. I think this is quite an interesting place to meet this version of the team for the first time. I just think it's a shame that the team are divided for more of the game than they are united, I wanted an Avengers team-up power fantasy game, not the separate adventures of 6 heroes featuring even further separated adventures in the DLC.

The team-up idea is let down even further by the actual gameplay. There is nothing akin to teamwork within this game - sure, you can take companion Avengers with you on missions, but you can't work together to tackle objectives, they mainly throw punches at the same punch-sponge enemies you've been fighting the whole way through the game. There are no tactics, ideas, or great thought that can be put into these fights; the enemies don't require strategy, just punch 'n' shoot. I'm rather glad that I played Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy first because at least now I know what this game could have, and should have been.

Marvel's Avengers is basically worth checking out for a one-and-done superhero romp. You'll get your power fantasy, but it will be short lived in spite of the sheer mountain of content slopped onto your plate. Just enjoy the short campaign while it lasts, and next time we'll all know better than to get our collective hopes up years in advance for an Avengers game.

Im a big Marvel Avengers fan but this game was not it

Marvel's Avengers has the bones of a fun and and potentially captivating game - but it seems like it was ultimately dragged down by repetition. The campaign was fun enough, but the late game just could not sustain my interest.

One of the biggest ‘fumbling the bag’ moments in video game history

Not as terrible as I thought but still not a great game. The skills were cool and I feel like it had good bones but got ruined by many other added systems. If the amount of care went into this that Guardians of the Galaxy got it would’ve been a lot better.

camp and whimsical in a way if you think about it

В финале игры Модок буквально произнёс фразу : А я все думал когда же ты появишься, и я улетел

tony stark didn't die for this to happen..

There's a shield combo you can do with Cap that honestly made the game for me.

I sunk many hours into this game. It was good dumb fun for my brain to turn off to. I think I just wanted this game to be good so much that I convinced myself it was.

Tiene mala jugabilidad, mal diseño, y encima, mala historia

Fortnite made me play this bullshit

A game that on paper should have printed money, especially coming around the time of Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. And people weren't quite tired of live service games yet.

But sadly the teams behind this just didn't have the experience necessary in the live service space to pull it off.

I appreciated the story mode for what it was, every different character having their own playstyle, the visuals were fine and thank god they didn't just give everybody an assault rifle and called it a day.

There was genuine care and talent visible in aspects of this, which makes it even worse that it bombed like it did.
Clearly some of the people in charge had no idea what direction to go and continued steering it poorly after launch too.

Maybe it was all for the better as these studios are now free to go back to their own ip's and it kind of signalled the downfall of lazy live service games.

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No he visto juego peor optimizado para PC, petaba cada vez por tres, ademas del humo por algun motivo se veia como un cuadrado pixelado. Por otro lado la historia esta bien, pero no ayuda que a darle a jugar en la definitive edition te muestre un resumen de la misma para empezar directamente con todos los vengadores. Ademas que el modo de los nuevos heroes es una cosa que esta hecha fatal. Kamala no se merece este juego como protagonista, es lo unico bueno de todo este monton

Kamala Khan you are a national treasure

Too realistic. Superheros are supposed to be goofy.
Story is pretty solid.

A story-focused superhero Uncharted ripoff struggling to escape it's GAAS trappings.

thought this was a porn game my bad

i honestly thought i would enjoy the game a lot more now that it isn't a life service. I didn't.

Movements are stiff, some heroes are so much better than the rest it's laughable, iron man and thor are just miles better than the other ones. The music is forgettable, the missions range from three hallways with some enemys that are barely going to attack you to a full blown city that is boring to explore since u either have the flying heroes and it's fast, take a few minutes and that's it or u have any other heroes, where moving 300 metter to open one chest is just not worth it.

Honestly the only good things i got from this game are the skins, that are mostly free now. they're funny to look at. I like them. I wish other super hero game had that many skins.

Uma das maiores decepções dos últimos anos, levou um nome tão grande como a Marvel e tinha total potencial pra futuros jogos, pena que a sua gameplay é super obsoleta, história nada original.

Marvels Avengers succeeds in creating a visually stimulating adventure game with a solid story that, aside from Thor, gives all the Avengers moments to shine and use their unique abilities in fun and exciting ways. Sandra Saad destroys it as Kamala Khan, who acts as a perfect outsider character to enter this world and unite the Avengers. Each character feels appropriate with a combat system that works the same no matter which character you play. The problem is when the campaign is over and the endgame sets in, which becomes a typical looter shooter gear grind. The problem with Marvel's Avengers is it feels dated, like it should have come out six years ago. It gets bogged down by graphical and technical mishaps, I came across a dozen weird issues as I was playing, and a gear system that feels totally underwhelming with loot that does not change the way you look, unless you've unlocked the cosmetic options, but changes your statistics which did not really mean anything. The maps and gameplay also became boring and predictable as time went by, felt like I was repeating the same actions again and again. There are shades of something great in this game. But unfortunately, they never fixed the issues. This game will now forever go down as a cautionary tale.

Chato, caro, sem graça e gameplay complicada.
A interface do jogo é levemente poluída e a mecânica de combate é... desajeitada...
Não gostei também da forma como fizeram a campanha do jogo. Não senti que as coisas eram lineares. Sei que a ideia do jogo é essa, mas não é confortável ter muitas missões no teu mapa, com várias informações cada uma, e várias cores por tudo que é lugar. Achei complicado demais.
Além disso, não senti que me diverti jogando. Até com os meus heróis favoritos achei sem graça ficar matando inimigos.