Reviews from

in the past

I will never forget this game, as back when I was a kid with less emotional control, this made me smash the screen of my PSP I saved up months for

Eu gosto de FPS, mas odeio jogos de guerra

Descobri isso graças ao Medal of Honor e aos CODs antigos, surreal como eu consigo me divertir muito mais jogando um Black Ops ou algo que se passa na era moderna, do que jogando algo da segunda guerra ou primeira guerra mundial, acho um tema chato entediante e com o Medal of Honor isso não foi diferente

Achei a gameplay do jogo maneira e a história achei tanto faz não fede nem cheira, sua dificuldade é desnecessariamente elevada e olha que mesmo jogando no fácil esse jogo ainda é casca grossa e vai te fazer chorar de raiva, se quiser algo casual é melhor nem jogar essa desgraça.

Vou ser bem sincero que acho que eles fizeram esse jogo difícil só pra estender tempo de jogo, porque ele é muito curto só que sua dificuldade faz você durar 4 dias ou mais pra finalizar algo que deveria acabar ai em cerca de 5 horas de gameplay

Bu daha iyi ama gene de kanser ediyor baya.

take away the custom games and you realize how actually bad this game is.

An utter pile of garbage.

It starts fine. The controls are pretty damn good. Aiming feels smooth and shooting is punchy. that's really the only positive here.

It's butt ugly to start. Everything is poop brown or vomit color. I think this was a PSP game? It shows.

It has no real story. It's an arcade shooter. That would be fine if it was a fun arcade shooter. But this has some of the worst level design I've seen in a game.

It's punishingly hard. You die absurdly fast even on normal mode. And the enemy respawns are basically infinite. The levels are so LONG too. No checkpoints?? Whenever I died I had to repeat the last 10 minutes. It was terrible.

It has good controls but that can't save a terrible core experience.

I usually finish everything I play eventually, but I can't with this one. No thank you, goodbye.

A fun fps that has some cool motion control gimmicks.

Had a fun time desperately trying to capture what I felt when I would play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory daily as a kid (it wasn't it)

I was simply cannot believe how a sequel to a handheld title that isn't as bad can be this... horrible, annoying, idiotic and simply put: bad.

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is an FPS game for the PSP and the Wii, and the PSP version of this game is even uglier than the previous game. Outstanding isn't it?

The main problem with this game, is the fact that it features 7 missions that are completly linear this time around, and they are badly designed, linear levels. The horrible objectives are "fine", but these missions are the worst. They are horrible because of the enemies. They sometimes spawn in infinite numbers, creating such an abismal and infuriating experience, that I have not seen in a while now.

This could have been easily solved, but the game even push it down to your throat, and the sewer level just broke me. The ending of that mission is so frustrating that I had to abandon the whole game.

The handheld titles of this franchise are clearly mediocre.