Reviews from

in the past

Inbegriff von Mittelmaß.
Gameplay bestenfalls ok, Story ist nicht wirklich vorhanden.
Außerdem schrecklich kurz, was allerdings wohl besser so ist...

Thought I was absolutely gonna hate this. But it’s fine.

Acho q esse é o jogo de guerra mais pé no chão que teve, a história acompanha alguns soldados de diferentes batalhões sendo um deles o "protagonista" rabbit, esse jogo é mt foda pq todas as missões vc sente q ngm é super herói e qualquer um pode morrer, se não me engano o rabbit foi inspirado no Neil Roberts que realmente lutou essa guerra.

Trilha impecável, cutscenes são muito bem feitas e a gameplay é boa pra época, infelizmente medal of honor não volta mais e também nem acho que precise pq o warfighter fechou bem a história.

simplesmente é melhor se algumas coisas tiverem início, meio e fim, medal of honor é uma delas.

subestimado, não merecia tanto hate, é um bom jogo.

Serviceable one and done shooter. Don't really recall any specifics, but I enjoyed it for the money I paid for it (it was free).

A very short campaign where I could never figure out quite what was happening. Some decent, if uninspired, gameplay. You can definitely feel EA chasing Modern Warfare's fame here. However, it ends up being just okay. I guess the good thing for PS3 owners is that we got Frontline with this, too.

I will say that the mission that has you and your squad trapped in a quickly disintegrating house was fantastic. Really amped up the tension and made the battle very dynamic.

Not quite call of duty, not quite battlefield, just kind of bland.

Vejo esse jogo como um pressusor do Black (2005), tem uma história bem ao nível da franquia, um jogo que pode ser esquecível horas dependendo da sua empolgação

My very first PS3 game. Even though back then I was really bad at fps games on the sticks, I really dug what this game was going for with how it was more involved in one defined region of environment and realistic portrayal of military tactics, both of which contrasted against Call of Duty with it's set piece-based, globe-trotting structure. A unique animal in the series that lost its identity long ago.

Falha terrivelmente ao tentar competir em qualquer nível com a era de ouro de Call of Duty. A gameplay não é divertida o suficiente pra se importar com o multiplayer, a história não é interessante o suficiente pra se importar com a campanha; em suma, existem dois motivos pra você comprar esse jogo: Você é fã dos MH antigos (bem, você vai se decepcionar com esse) ou você tá desinformado sobre o conteúdo do jogo, que foi o meu caso. Eu não diria que é completamente desastroso, matar os carinhas é legalzinho, mas é tão terrivelmente genérico e sem personalidade que chega um momento em que você só torce pra acabar logo.

Another military FPS that takes place in a modern day setting that was completely forgettable. Probably wouldn't even remember I had played it had I not documented it on a forum I've been a part of for 16 years.

It's definitely one of the best FPS ever made. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

I hate this game. Maybe the hate is a little unwarranted, but its just so forgettable. In fact I beat the campaign last night and I can barely remember it. Now I am not an FPS snob by any means. I love a crappy FPS. Shell-shocked 2, Soldier of fortune, Rogue warrior, hell even Turning point had an interesting concept. But this, this is just bland. Jump through a 10 level romp around very similarly rocky locations, fighting the same group of enemies with basically the same weapons. It handles fine. The graphics are fine. The story is fine. There's just something about it that seems so unnecessary. I mean this was the era of Call of Duty and Battlefield Bad Company, and you can see this game borrows heavily from them. Heavy scripted shooting sections in modern times with some gruff real american heroes by your side. You can forgive Danger Close Games for trying to tap into this popularity. And there is the Tier 1 mode which adds a bit of challenge and replay ability to the game. I just really can't recommend this, even to hardcore FPS fans.

unironically the first multiplayer fps i ever touched. this shit was like bf3 on an ice cube and dryer lint. 1 star for being an og

Only commenting on the campaign. It's fine. Feels a bit on rails. Dialogue is filled with jargon which is probably appropriate, but it makes it a bit hard to understand exactly what's going on at times. Then again, I wasn't paying that much attention to the plot. Game looks good for its time, except the cutscenes which are pre-rendered and artefact-ridden. Didn't run into any issues on Win 11. If you're in the mood for a modern combat shooter, it might scratch the itch. I'm sure it's derivative of Modern Warfare, but I've only played the remaster of that game and that was years ago now, so I can't draw any comparisons.

Edit: Decided to give it another go for some reason. The story does make sense, if you pay attention. My overall opinion is the same, though.

Edit 2: I just played the original CoD4. I'd forgotten how action-movie-like those games are. It's a lot more light-hearted and over the top. MoH is not that similar at all. It clearly has more of a focus on realism. I can't judge how accurate it actually is, but it definitely has a different feel. They may have been looking to capitalize on the success of CoD at the time, but I think calling it a CoD clone is unfair. Can't speak for multiplayer as I said at the start.

Look I'd love to just write "we have Modern Warfare at home" and end it there, but no, Medal of Honor 2010 is waayyy worse.

Good things first: The score is actually great and I wish it was part of a better game. Same applies to the Linkin Park song used during the credits (what's up with Linkin Park being everywhere during the late 00s?). There's a single mission I enjoyed, and I guess the gunplay is occasionally serviceable, at least when it's not ruined by the weird mouse input.

Everything else is just varying degrees of awful. Unlike the long dead multi-player part, the campaign runs on Unreal Engine 3 and looks exactly like you'd expect a generic military fps in this engine to look: incredibly ugly, almost as ugly as the ui. The game's story is similarly generic and an incoherent mess filled with stereotypical characters.

As if all of that wasn't bad enough, the game is also very buggy. I'm not talking about the occasional animation bug or flickering texture, no, this game will force you to replay entire mission! Occasionally, your teammates will get stuck on level props and not move any further. Doesn't sound that bad when you consider how stupid their ai is, but once you reach the next scripted event, the game will not proceed since one of the NPCs needed to trigger the script is missing - you're stuck.

In a case like that, even loading a checkpoint won't work, since a lot of the time the NPC got stuck before the checkpoint save was created and will still be stuck upon reloading, somewhere in a now inaccessible part of the level. Just imagine having to constantly keep track of all the soldiers running around in Call of Duty, or Elizabeth in Bioshock, just in case they get stuck... I had to replay not one, but TWO missions because of this bug! Including the final fucking mission of the game in its entirety, since the script that didn't trigger was what was keeping me from the final cinematic and the end of the game!

It gets worse: the game's story has aged incredibly awful. This is a game that portrays the fucking War in Afghanistan as a noble cause fought by heroic US troops that they'd surely win, if it wasn't for those evil bureaucrats in Washington. The game has the audacity to make you conquer Bagram airbase during a mission, a place that would later be used as a prison, with the Red Cross reporting multiple human rights violations, including inmates being tortured. The devs couldn't have known how the overall situation in Afghanistan would ultimately develop, but the Bagram prison torture had already been reported on for years when the game came out in 2010. Reactions at the time of release were more focused on the fact that the multi-player let players play AS THE FUCKING TALIBAN, which I still cannot believe is something that made it into a commercially released game.

This game is a buggy, incoherent mess, dragged down even further by its absolutely tone deaf political messaging. Unless you want to see how bad it is for yourself, or you're looking into it for research purposes, I genuinely don't see a reason for anyone to play this.

This game had an amazing and well-written story. I enjoyed it very much.

Very good missions, although I can't remember why I stopped playing it.

- pq nao tem mais estatísticas no final das missões?
- pq a campanha dura 3 míseras horas? (isso n seria problema se o jogo terminasse a história que começou)
- pq nao tem praticamente nada no jogo que lembre que ele é um moh?

tirando isso, confesso que amei cada segundo da experiência, não merece tanto o hate que recebe.

Definitely one of the games ever made. Kinda good story wise, but gameplay is bland and doesn't feel really good. Grenades are off, and shot effects are uninspiring. Get's buggy around mission 7. That one mission (Mission 5) is really good, however, ability to get ammo from allies at any point kinda pulls you out of the experience. Still, good fun for a couple of hours.

This is my first Medal of Honor experience. In terms of story, I like its plainness and easy-to-follow jumps from character to character and the connectedness of their missions. The objectives and pacing of missions are realistic. The gunplay and shooting are solidified and it can bring quite a challenge despite the difficulty of gauging out how much damage you can take from enemies is uncertain. However, I do not see myself playing this again anytime soon or ever.

Came with my PS3. Played one level. Not my kind of game.

To put it simply, Medal of Honor is a great game for its time, but most of my complaints are how the campaign is pretty short, only taking about 5 or so hours to complete the entirety of it, depending on how long you advance through levels; or how open the maps are, I'm not sure whether the developers were on the verge of making this game either a tactical or run and gun, and the story, as some people have expressed, it's mediocre at best, their focus was on authenticity and realism and it came through very well, it's not good or bad, but I've seen better first person shooters with better stories.

I have a mixed opinion about the multiplayer; developed by DICE. I don't mind that it's on a different engine; it's aesthetically more pleasing than the singleplayer, with more visual effects to make it appear amazing; graphically, I'm not sure. It's just that it doesn't really fit or look like it's from the same game; animation-wise, it's almost identical to Bad Company 2, some animations reused.

tldr: Mediocre story based on authenticity, which Danger Close delivered perfectly if not for its bland game design, dull animations, and overall going against everything the original series did. Play it once, after that immediately drop it or head over to the multiplayer and install a custom client/patch.

its i mean you can tell its bland and incompetent clone of call of duty, but that you might not know it that it stars four identical beaded epic bacon black rifle coffee compony dudes, one of which voices his vehement distaste for hip hop music in the second spoken line after the prerendered opening.

I... vaguely remember enjoying this campaign, and thinking that it ended too quickly. Then again, I was 18 at the time.

bad for a moh game good for a mediocre b category shooter

It's more original and better than Warfighter. At least I was able to finish this game. Medal of Honor series has always been in the shadow of COD series. Neither the games set in the recent past nor the games set in the near future have ever been successful.