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It's megaman again, with some new robutts. The evolution of the series is interesting to follow, but stays true to its core through the ones i've played.

El peak de mi infancia fue hacer una guía de este juego y subirla a YouTube para consultarla cuando lo volviese a jugar. GOTY

Not necessarily the pinnacle of the series, but it is the greatest improvement over its predecessor. The controls are far better, it feels more fun to play through the levels, these levels themselves being greatly improved over the original as well. This along with its sequels are some of the few NES games I will willingly play as though they came out today.

I have never understood the love for Mega Man 2. Among many fans of the Mega Man series, as well as fans of platformers and retro games in general, Mega Man 2 is often considered the best game in the series. Of the original classic games for the NES, it sold the best by a considerable margin. Some would say that is reflective of the game’s quality, but to me, that sales figure just reflects why the game is so beloved. It’s the most popular, and most people’s first entry into the series before the Legacy Collection came along. I think Mega Man 2 is the worst of the eleven classic Mega Man games, and I will try to explain my numerous issues with this game. Unlike in Mega Man 1, where most of the issues were systemic and affected many different parts of the game, in Mega Man 2, a lot of the issues are caused by a single bad decision that just casts a wide shadow over the game.

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Clássico, melhora tudo que tem do primeiro e é um jogo divertido até o fim.

Better physics and level design than 1

The employee at Capcom that made the background of Bubble Man's stage needs to be tarred and feathered

pretty much a stepping stone to making mega man actually good. game feels too easy but it has some fun levels and weapons. final stages suck dick

every enemy is weak to metal blade if you know how to use it

Huge improvement over Mega Man 1, incredible for it's time, and still today.

i got filtered by air man,,,,,,, no pun intended,,,,,,,

So, I guess I'll just walk through my thoughts on the stages and such.
Metal Man Stage: I heard Metal Blade was a good weapon, so I started here. I think this was probably the best decision I could've made; Metal Blade is fucking BUSTED apparently. As for the stage itself, not the biggest fan of the conveyor belts in the ceiling spikes section and that weirdly tight jump after, but it's pretty much inoffensive otherwise. Metal Man himself is also pretty simple, so I beat him first try.
Bubble Man Stage: Metal Blade kind of trivialized every enemy I had to fight, so all I can mention is the stage design, which is solid enough. Water physics surprisingly are fun to play around in this game and while I do think spikes instakilling you are kind of brutal, they're not too bad... yet.
Heat Man Stage: So, uh, I didn't know that Item-2 was tied to Air Man, so I just went ahead and played this stage without it. As it turns out, I am a fucking gamer because I managed to clear that long stretch of memory blocks based on purely intuition and reflexes first try. Definitely one of the more memorable experiences I had with this game, and probably my proudest? As for Heat Man himself, he was kind of a pushover, I just bubbled him to death and that was that.
Wood Man Stage: Not much of note, Metal Blade killed everything in my path (it helped a ton against those fuckass birds) and Wood Man was kind of a pushover.
Air Man Stage: This was probably my least favorite section of the game... The Air Man platforms are just kind of tedious with the enemy spam and having to wait for the drills. It's iconic and all but still...
Oh, and then I got filtered by Air Man kind of hard, as I said earlier. I could NOT for the life of me figure out how I was supposed to dodge some attack patterns. I tried using Item-1 and it froze the tornadoes in place? I have no clue what happened there.
I ended up brute forcing it with charged Atomic Fires and finishing him off with the Buster, but I still have no idea how you're intended to beat him.
Crash Man Stage: A much better change of pace. This one was probably my favorite normal Robot Master stage? The platform gimmick is pretty fun and it's not super punishing. Crash Man died in like 2 hits from Air Shooter and that was that.
Flash Man Stage: Weird floor physics in a platformer,,,,,,,, I do like how near the end, the level rewards you for taking the difficult paths forward by letting you skip some enemies. As for Flash Man, I have no idea what he does because he died to like 4 Metal Blades. I still don't know what he does.
Quick Man Stage: Here's a fun stage gimmick. I ended up doing most of the timed sections without Time Stopper and it was pretty fun. It's kind of weird how Quick Man has the pitch black sections instead of Heat Man though. Anyhow, Quick Man put up a good fight since I was out of Time Stopper by the time I got to him. Unfortunately for him, he's also weak to Crash Bomber, so he exploded in a couple of easy hits.

With the main robot masters out of the way...
Wily Castle Stage 1: I am disappointed you can't blow up the building walls with Crash Bomber. Huge missed opportunity in my opinion. Anyway, the stage is pretty inoffensive. I ended up getting oneshot by the dragon because I didn't see him coming, but I ended up beating him around my third try. I really don't like how the screen decides to have a seizure everytime you hit the dragon, this isn't the Atari 2600 anymore.
Wily Castle Stage 2: I don't think this stage has anything too memorable except the big Mole Tunnel with the guys from Metal Man's stage. I don't mind it since it helped to refill all my weapons and HP. The boss is kind of weird but I dig it, I beat it on my second attempt.
And onto Stage 3–
So I had to redo both Stage 1 and Stage 2 from the start. Thanks Capcom.
While we're at it, holy shit the Wily Castle music is phenomenal for the NES. Really surprised at how good it sounds.
Wily Castle Stage 3: This stage wasn't too memorable aside from the random drop with spikes you couldn't have known were there. Great game design. Guts Man coming back as the boss is cool, but I still have yet to play Megaman 1.
Wily Castle Stage 4: Probably my favorite Wily Castle Stage barring the "boss". The Crash Man platforms return and you get to use the Items in more creative ways. Pretty fun all around tbh. Then I got softlocked at the boss. And I had just made a savestate when I entered.
So I had to load an older savestate and fight Guts Man from Stage 3. THANKS CAPCOM
Wily Castle Stage 5: It's just the robot master rematches. Kind of funny how Metal Man instadies to his own weapon. I used the same strategies for every boss, so nothing new. As for Wily... It took me a bit to figure out how to dodge the balls, but I figured it out and it was just a test of patience (and my E Tanks)
Wily Castle Stage 6: Really fucking cool thematically. You think it's all over and then all of a sudden there's another stage and you drop down what feels like forever only to see you're in a cave and there's no music. It's super eerie and I could totally see some kid making a creepypasta about it. The boss in this Stage is also pretty cool, you just have to be patient and land the Bubbles while guiding his shots away.

So, that was Megaman 2. Is it a masterpiece? At the time, it probably was, but it's a little dated due to the usual Megaman shenanigans. That said, I definitely don't regret playing this game.

Colorblindness Rating: B+
I think the color of the armor can mix someone up if they don't know what the letters stand for. It's a bit of a nitpick, but it's not going to ruin the experience honestly; and I can excuse it because it's a game on the NES.

Una excelente secuela que supo mejorar todo lo malo de su antecesor. Aunque eso si, no se salva de tener algunos errores aqui y por alla.

This review contains spoilers

Very fun game with a insanely hard ending.

An improvement over the first one which was to be expected but it was interesting to see how much the developers improved in only a year. The game felt overall more forgiving than the first entry with more forgiving platforming and enemies and bosses that don’t all hit like trucks. On a first run through a level, you will still likely die, which I am not fond of, but the improvement in the level design made redoing sections far less tedious. The iconic soundtrack was great for getting me pumped up for each stage and the sprite work is stellar with the team using every pixel at their disposal to create some awesome-looking designs, my favorite being the Guts-Tank. My major gripe with the game is its reliance on certain weapon types which can lead to situations where I run out of energy for that weapon and I might as well waste all of my lives so I can get that energy back. Case in point the final boss which is only weak to one weapon type which you can not replenish in between attempts. Not a hard boss by any means but that resource management is a bit unnecessary.

There’s not much else to say as this game and the ones to come all follow a similar set up albeit with minor alterations. This title would set the groundwork for what the series will truly become and still holds up all right.

This sequel improves on the original in every way! Slicker controls, killer soundtrack, and seriously addictive stages. Yeah, there are a couple of annoying gimmicks, and the final boss area is a test of patience, but this is still a blast if you love a challenge.

capcom always locks into their 2nd entries for some reason

Aged beautifully, one of the best on the NES, although there are a few gripes. One frequent issue is that in which a required item is not mad nearly abundant enough, particularly during the end game. I found it very easy to become soft-locked. Other than a few other design issues, it’s a really good game.

Sei que esse jogo é um clássico mas depois de eu ter jogado todas as sequências, esse jogo se tornou beeem mediano. Entendo que a franquia tava no começo e os problemas foram sendo corrigidos ao longo dos jogos, mas rejogando hoje eu não consegui ver nada demais nele :(

This game is such a marked improvement over MM1 up until the Wily Castle where I sure hope you can a beat boss in one go because Crash Bomb is required to beat it and your dumb ass is NOT getting refills after death.

I kinda love how much of a mess this game's boss weakness diagram is, with absolute nonsense like Metal Blade being strong against four of the bosses, including himself where it instantly KO's him. And even then, it's an effective upgrade over the Mega Buster against pretty much anything. There's still a lot of jankiness to it and a smidge too hard for something with limited lives, but almost all the stages are really short anyways. Just gotta do the NES thing of really practice at it.

Just if there's ever a Mega Man where you're better off acting like beating the 8 robot masters is "beating the game" and disregarding Wily Castle, it's this one.

Outro jogo que já havia jogado há alguns anos, mas resolvi revisitar pra completar minha planilha.

Diferente do Mega Man 1, aqui o avanço é bem explicito ao jogador. Melhoraram tudo como um todo e o azulão deixou de ser um robô duro e apelou para os cardios, deixam de ser o Robocop.

Brincadeiras a parte, aqui o que realmente tomou forma foram as músicas visto que o jogo é praticamente o mesmo que o anterior de forma menos jokenpô possível: use apenas uma arma e vença todos os inimigos, assim como você nunca conseguirá derrotar o Airman.

Este jogo carrega um dos melhores memes da série. Sério, I Cannot Defeat Airman é a melhor música que eu já ouvi sobre qualquer jogo. Já o Metal Man morrer pra apenas um tiro foi sacanagem da Crapcom.

Aqui no Mega Man 2 temos um upgrade legal do jogo anterior.

one of my greatest achivements is beating this hard ass game

O jogo do GOAT MetalMan. Evoluiu em quase tudo do primeiro apesar de eu achar os bosses menos carismaticos em geral. Jogasso

now this is a MUCH enjoyable game than 1! the gameplay is good, the bosses are fun, the levels are fun, and the ost is really great! definitely check it out!

Clássico do Nes, não o melhor do console mais é muito divertido e bem melhor que o 1

Un tanto mejor q el primero, pero sin llegar a superarlo, ya que tiene ciertas cosas que lo traen patras como su balance, de resto es bueno, pero no es la gran cosa que muchos creen.

A pretty good platformer. I have nothing to say about Mega Mans 3-8 so let me just use this space to say I mainly consider them less interesting versions of this game. Sorry.