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took me an embarassing amount of time to finish lol but honest to god. really good game. definitely very unpolished esp at the end but the devs got like zero time to work on it from what i know but still its honestly crazy what they accomplished even with that crunch. this very much feels like just, a better mega man 2. which is funny cuz yea thats kinda how the nes games are they all build upon each other but shadow blade is literally just a tweaked version of metal blade im just saying... :P

btw. very fucking funny that top spin instakills the final boss. its peak. very excited to play 4 :)

Is it weird to say this is my favorite classic Megaman game?

I know it is notorious for being a messy rushed title hold together by a couple of coding strings and a bit of luck.... but I dunno I preferred it a lot more than the other classics.

It legit has some of the best OST, with themes of Blues, Snake Man, Spark Man, Hard Man, Top Man.....seriously I do love this soundtrack even more than most of the tracks from Megaman 2.

The leveles are cool and even if janky really fun to traverse.
The addition to the slide give so much more to megaman's movement.
And Rush is a such better companion than ITEM-1 and ITEM-2 from MM2.

The Wily fights can be annoying, especially with the subbosses, and Proto man boss fights can be either frutrating or just boring, with nothing in between... but I dunno I still find the experience really enduring.

I also love how it feels like an "endgame" for the trilogy: it brings back the bosses from 2, even if just as data, and it has a ending that showcases everyone, not just megaman and his siblings, but also every other robot master, with a music that is able to sound emotional even with the soundfont of the NES....

I get why people don't like it as the others, but I feel this is my fave.

It's pretty good, I didn't liked it as much as mega man 2 tho

In my eyes, Mega Man 3 is where the series finally got into gear, and the formula that Mega Man 3 perfected would pave the way for the remaining 4 NES Mega Man games to be some of the best platformer games on the system. This is a bit of a departure for me, since it’s the first review I am writing of a game I really enjoyed rather than one I disliked, so we’ll see how I do. This game perfected the core gameplay loop of the boss order, has good stages, and has the best visuals the series had ever seen at that point in time. It even had more content than the prior two games, as well as many quality of life improvements and touches of polish that make it one of the best in the series.

Full review continues here:

Alright, so starting off with general gameplay changes; pretty much just an improvement on all fronts? The added now-iconic slide changes SO MUCH you can do with the game and makes everything so much unbelievably smoother than Megaman 2 (an already incredibly smooth game to play).

So, I'll be doing the same thing I did in my Megaman 2 Review and go through my experiences stage by stage.
Magnet Man Stage: Not a terrible start, and normally I don't mind the kaizo blocks popping on and out but having to deal with the magnetizing block was actually just kind of awful. As for Magnet Man himself, pretty fun fight; I do think his magnetizing attack lasts a tad too long sometimes, but it adds tension so it's whatevz.
Hard Man Stage: Not too memorable but I do like how some enemies are designed around the slide mechanic, like the Hammer Joes and the monkey enemies that jump around like they're on cocaine. Hard Man himself wasn't a bad fight either.
Top Man Stage: I dunno how this stage relates to Top Man besides the final section before the final boss. Still, pretty fun design and the cat bosses were cute. Top Man himself was kind of a pushover though.
Shadow Man Stage: Now THIS was a fun stage, I love how they play around with the enemies that take away the visibility and the long platforming sections; it's a ton of fun honestly. As for Shadow Man himself, he's fine. I think Top Spin kind of forces you to just get in his face so there's almost no point in learning his attack patterns.

Oh yeah, and I should probably mention Proto Man. Pretty fun fight as long as the ground is either completely flat or shaped like a... |---| stage. I don't know how to describe it. Again, completely love how you're supposed to slide under him when he jumps. The slide is so fucking cool.

Spark Man Stage: Not a terribly memorable stage, but I did like the weird stage hazards on the ceiling and floor that shock you and the conveyor belt platforms.
Snake Man Stage: Awesome stage theme, awesome stage visuals until you go outside for some reason? Not much else to say as at this point. Snake Man himself is decent enough as a boss.
Gemini Man Stage: Super strange visuals but I dig them, I like digging through the bubbles and sliding past. As for Gemini Man, I'm not sure his fight was very fun but at least he went down semi-easy.
Needle Man Stage: Not very memorable sadly. Needle Man is at least fun to fight though.

The Doc Robot fights are pretty similar to how I felt about the original bosses in Megaman 2 with a couple of exceptions.
Heat Doc Robot: Actually much more of a pain. I dunno why he's a lot harder here than in Megaman 2. I think he doesn't do his heat dash very often which is why?
Flash Doc Robot: The arena is AWFUL and I really don't know how you're meant to avoid not running into him. I had to use like 2 E Tanks on this guy alone.
And of course, Air Man came back to haunt me. I HATE AIRMAN SO MUCH

The Proto Man final fight was really cool, if short. I wish he got a healthbar though.

Well, that's that. Onto the Wily Stages.
Stage 1: The stage itself isn't too memorable, but the turtle boss is actually really fun. I was surprised by how I was enjoying myself after slogging through the Doc Robot fights.
Stage 2: Again, not much to say on this one. It's a short ride with Rush Jet. That said, you do get to fight Yellow Devil! I kind of gave up on Megaman 1, so it was nice that I still get to fight him, even if it's not the iconic fight where you have to memorize his pattern.
Stage 3: The darkness enemy comes back! Very fun. I was surprised at how fluid the platforms moved in the final section, definitely a memorable stage just for that alone. At first I was dreading the fight, but then I vaguely remembered something about how the Copy Robot didn't have any I-Frames and that you could supposedly make your Buster Shots do Top Spin damage if you're using Rush Coil swap in the middle of shooting. To my surprise, I actually pulled it off first try and the boss exploded in like 3 seconds. I don't feel bad about it because it seemed like an awful fight anyway.
Stage 4: Boss rematches, good ol' Megaman.
Stage 5: Wily Machine No. 3... is really mediocre?? I spent a good 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do until I tried Hard Knuckle and then it became just a really tedious waiting game.
Stage 6: I simply Rush Jet to the top right, popped a couple Hard Knuckles, finished the boss with Top Spin. I'm not sure what the boss is supposed to do, but I'm sure it's a fun boss if you do it legit.

Colorblindness Rating: A-
Again, you can confuse some abilities by the color of the armor if you forget the acronyms, but thankfully you have weapon icons that give you a pretty good indicator as to what they do.
This is a ginormous nitpick honestly, but I think it's still important to think about these things.

i'll make a proper review later but i'm playing through this right now and the moment i saw the fucking air man rematch show up i almost fucking let out a primal roar of rage i HATE AIR MAN SO MUCH

Es muy dificil escoger un megaman favorito entre el 2 y el 3 ambos son muy buenos, pero la gran mayoria considera a Megaman3 el punto mas alto de la saga clásica en la NES antes de empezar a decaer a partir del 4. Al igual que el 2 todo en torno a este juego es impecable, sobre todos en su soundtrack.

It's hard to remember which one is which from my playthroughs, but I know I liked all of them. The additional mechanics trickling in were also extremely fun to see.

This game kicks butt with awesome levels and cool new moves, but those final stages… ugh! If you can stomach the ending, it's a solid challenge otherwise.

would you believe me if i told you Capcom iterated on the ideas of Mega Man again?

I'm honestly not sure if I prefer this or Mega Man 2, as they each succeed in different areas

What Mega Man 3 does better:
Rush is more interesting than the Item abilities simply by virtue of being a character
Sliding is a good addition to Mega Man's moveset that allows for interesting stage design, though it has some moments of controlling kinda oddly (nothing too bad)
This game actually has a few interesting story elements, though it's still an NES platformer
I actually enjoyed replaying the tweaked versions of the stages for a little extra content

What Mega Man 3 does just a little bit worse at:
Music is a bit less memorable than 2, though still some of the best on the NES
Stage themeing is overall weaker
Robot Master Abilities were less interesting, nothing was nearly as broken as Metal Blade (for better or worse)
I enjoyed the difficulty of Mega Man 2, and found this one more difficult, though it wasn't nearly as full of cruel designed as Mega Man

Issues I have with the series that this game does not address:
These hitboxes are so jank
Slowdown and sprite flickering if too many entities are being rendered
Still no proper save system (doesn't really matter unless you're playing on an actual NES)
Has anyone ever had fun with the appearing block sections?

Mega Man still clearly has room to grown, and I eagerly anticipate what Capcom does with this series, especially with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System on the Horizon

O final desse jogo é arte. É real feelings


having to replay half the stages and the controls somehow feeling worse than mega man 2 docked this a full star

Não é tão bom quanto o 2 mais é divertido

Una mejora sobre los 2 anteriores, un juegazo sin duda alguna.

It feels a lot like Mega Man 2.5. A lot carries over from the previous game, with the pros and cons that entails, while the addition of Rush, the sliding mechanic, and some extra bosses doesn't really expand upon the gameplay that much. It's probably the best of the original three games, but iteratively the least impressive.

I've generally had somewhat harsh opinions on this game but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit more than 2 on this playthrough.
The controls have been updated a bit, with mega man now being able to slide which feels really good and adds a lot more diversity to the movement and how you dodge enemies, and makes it hard to go back to the games where he can't. Also this game finally fixes the issue in mm1 and 2 where he just feels like, a little bit slippery for no reason, and thank god cause that could get really annoying at some points in those games.
Unfortunately the items are a little mid in this game. I like the search snake a lot, which is very helpful for killing enemies that are to small to be hit with you're regular buster. The shadow buster is also pretty helpful as well since there are some parts where you benefit from being able to fire in eight directions. Hard knuckle kinda sucks though and is slow as balls, and gemini laser fucking blows if you ever miss an attack since it just goes all over the screen for like 10 seconds and you can't pause or fire at all. Also the top spin sucks balls and you basically have to damage yourself to do damage to anything else, and is basically only helpful for a couple bosses.
And that brings me to the difficulty of this game, which is all over the place. The robot masters' stages feel very fair in difficulty, pretty challenging but in a good way. But then you get to the doc robot levels. I'm sure this was really cool back in the day, but now it just feels like a slog, and it also doesn't help that these levels are really long and have like hardly any checkpoints. Also, the attack patterns that these bosses reuse are clearly not designed for the size and hitboxes that they have. But then you get to wily's castle, where the game somehow goes to being wayyy too easy. I'm pretty my e tanks maxed out by the 3rd level here, so I literally just stopped using them at that point to make it slightly more challenging.
Overall, I liked this game a lot more on this playthrough. It introduces a lot of things that become staples in the series, such as the slide and protoman. Also I didn't really talk about it much, but the music in this game is really good, I might actually like this game's soundtrack more than mega man 2, or at least equally. However, this game apparently wasn't even finished by the time it was shipped to stores according to the developers, and I feel like it kind of shows in terms of its' uneven difficulty and overall jankiness. Despite this, I still think this game holds up really well.

This game apparently takes place in space, across multiple planets, and the game mentions this zero (0) times???

The stage design gets overly gimmicky at times and the mere existence of Top Spin costs this game at least half a star but man oh man, that soundtrack is the stuff of legends.

This game shouldn't be as fun as it is...

I enjoyed Mega Man 3 up to the Doc-Robot stages where it felt like the game took a turn for the worse. The robot master stages of this game are great, and finding out the optimal boss order by myself felt rewarding. None of the robot master fights felt like BS, at least with the correct weapon in my arsenal.
Too bad I can't say the same for the Doc-Robot fights. Bosses with unavoidable patterns are the bane of my existance, and the Air Man fight is a prime example of this. Dying and having to go back to the start of the stage for trying to experiment with the optimal weapon to use, merely because the tornadoes decided to form an unavoidable wall did not feel great at all.
The final boss was a disappointment as well. It was just bad.
This was however the first NES Mega Man game I've finished without the use of save states, and I consider that to be a great personal achievement, so yay!

The third entry is a series of improvements and a few steps backward. While the innovations the game brings do wholeheartedly make the series better, at some point there is some head-scratching game design that felt like a regression to the formula they have established.

To go over the improvements, the simple addition of a slide mechanic feels great to control and makes traversing each level feel more dynamic. I felt I had more options when dealing with enemies making running past them a viable option that doesn't result in me getting hurt. For the first half of the game, I'd say the levels have been some of my favorite of the game so far. The same goes for the robot masters where each fight felt very hectic but had a somewhat clear pattern. I wish some of these fights were not just trivialized by other weapons and were manageable with the mega-buster. Gemi-Man is a great example of a fight I like where figuring out the rhythm of the attack patterns is very satisfying but is harmed by the fact you can destroy him with a specific weapon. The final addition I enjoyed was transforming the special weapons into the adorable robot-dog companion Rush. He still pretty much serves the same purpose as the special weapons but I'd rather look at a cute dog than a random gadget.

Onto the missteps, I said I only enjoyed half of these levels because the other half felt like a test of patience with trial and error being the main method to get through them. I did not mind the added difficulty of the revisited stages, outside of instant death spikes, but the Doc-Robot fights were not that fun. The idea is interesting with you revisiting Mega Man 2 fights but with little knowledge as to what type of boss was coming and what their weakness is I ended up dying a lot in these sections. Finally the reliance on using Rush in the Wily stages is not necessarily a bad thing but similarly to parts of the last game as soon as you run out of energy for Rush you might as well get a game over.

I still enjoyed my time with this entry and was overall less frustrated with this entry when compared to the first one. Experimentation did lead the series off better in the long run but I was a little sad to see them slightly miss the mark.

é um jogo bom, porem desnecessariamente extenso e as armas dos chefes n achei muito interessantes

O final desse jogo é Peak, único problema é que sempre que eu chego nos Doc Robots não dá vontade de jogar mais, deixa o jogo muito arrastado e pra que enfrentar os Bosses do Megaman 2 denovo?

I think this is when Mega Man really starts to find its footing as a series. Fun Robot Masters, tones down the difficulty a smidge to where it's still fun and satisfying to figure out but isn't cartoonishly punishing. And the post-Robot Master stages are fun! Waow! That's possible. The only annoying thing is when they require Rush Jet for certain parts and your only way to regain some energy for it if you die is farming enemies.

The most middling classic megaman and the standard for every game moving forward. Fun game until darkman but otherwise fine. Protoman is cool as fuck

good game as before though didn't like the backtracking. protoman introduction!

Overrated dogshit and the Mega Man that’s just not fun to play

Igual que GOD que el megaman 2 pero mas dificil