Reviews from

in the past

Added some great features of future games but still isn't fantastic

My friend hyped it up saying it's really good, it felt it was really cluttered with too much compared to the first two, and Doc Robot fights were probably the worst part of the package.

Its fun. The first 8 levels are great. The revisits are a step up in difficulty and are less fun, though having to fight 2 bosses in one stage is annoying. The mandatory Rush Jet sections are super annoying though since if you die you have to grind. The weapons are all fun to use. Its a good game that starts off strong, but doesn't really stay consistent in quality.

really love some aspects of it but the 2nd half feels a bit stretched out

Not as iconic as Mega Man 2, but still a solid entry in the series. This was suppossed to have more to tell if they gave the team more time to polish the story. Mostly is on the manual.

They unnecessarily extended this game length for no reason too.

The slide was a nice addition to Mega Man's overall moveset.

A partir deste jogo as coisas mudam bastante.

I always go back and forth on whether I like 3 more than 2.

I think that 3 has a stronger soundtrack overall and the slide and rush are awesome additions to the classic mega man formula.

The doc robot stuff feels like padding though and can be frustrating to get through.

Overall great, either my second or third favorite classic mega man game depending on how I'm feeling on any given day.

Pretty alright but definitely nothing special

a big step up from MegaMan 2 imo though it still has some flaws

Here we go. This is where shit starts getting good. Not perfect, mind you, but while I view Mega Man 2 as a decent step towards evolving the gameplay through its tightened level design, Mega Man 3 is a big slide forward through its inclusion of a new ability: The slide.

The slide is an absolute game-changer. Handy for moving across stages faster, dodging projectiles, and for moving under bosses as they jump over you. You might not feel very confident about abusing it at first as it can lead to reckless mistakes, but over repeat playthroughs (or multiple tries of a stage if you're patient enough to master it), the slide becomes an indispensable speedrunning tool that makes Mega Man a much faster-paced game than ever before. Love this move.

There is also, of course, the introduction of Rush, your loyal robot dog companion, of which you unlock more abilities for as you clear certain stages. The later games would go on to nerf him a bit, but his usefulness cannot be overstated enough here. Aside from the Rush Coil giving you the opportunity to reach higher ledges easier, the Rush Jet is a stupidly broken ability that lets you fly all around the stage like you're Kirby, skipping all manner of obstacles by flying right over them. Generally speaking, if a part of the game is giving you shit, Rush Jet is your cheat to go right past it.

The level variety is still pretty good, the soundtrack pulls its weight (although it's no easy task to follow up Mega Man 2's OST), and as a whole, this would be the Mega Man game I would recommend as "the one where things get good." There are, however, some caveats.

Firstly, whoever thought Top Man's weapon was a good idea was insane. It's like a kamikaze bomb, you gotta directly touch the enemy to deal damage, and you are unavoidably going to get hit yourself doing so. That being said, I always thought it was funny that this very weapon is the final boss's weakness.

Secondly, and more importantly, this particular entry has some pretty blatant padding. Once you clear the 8 main stages, it is then revealed that you gotta revisit 4 of them again, but with the level design somewhat altered to be tougher. Now, I call this a caveat, but personally, I didn't actually mind this. The level design is different enough to encourage you to play the level in new ways (such as making more use of your weapons and Rush powerups), and you get to fight the Mega Man 2 bosses at checkpoints. AirMan is still a fucker, but the slide actually makes him a bit more managable this time around. As long as I went into the game expecting that it's gonna make me do this, I've found that it's not so bad, and as long as you enjoyed the gameplay of Mega Man 3 before, I think you'll get some mileage out of these remixed levels. It also just helps that the game is still short in spite of this.

Also worth noting, that you might wanna read the game's story in the manual. I'm not saying it's massively important or good, but the game itself has no intro cutscene, while the one cutscene that it DOES have towards the end of the game will not make any sense to you without context.

Other than that... it's interesting to know that Mega Man 3 is seen as an okay game here. It certainly did not have the lasting impact that Mega Man 2 provoked, but its moveset additions make it an improvement in nearly every regard, with some genuinely fun stages and boss fights to go alongside it. It's worth a shot! But not a charge shot... that's the next game.

This one built off the last ones formula really well! I liked the game being extended with 9 extra bosses between the normal Robot Masters and the Dr. Wily stages, would have been better if they had unique designs tho. The Rush mechanics were also a nice addition. The game also felt really generous with items drops and towards the final boss giving a bunch of refill items compared to previous games. I only wish the game had a little intro like 2 did, not sure why they'd go back to how MM1 started.

This game is a mess. The first half of the game is pretty solid but it just completely falls apart halfway through. Makes sense, the Game was not finished when Capcom published it, but that's no excuse, the game is still mediocre.

Its a quite solid game and it has no quick man stage so it gets a good pass i guess. This also introduced protoman, sliding, and rush which is pretty cool. Fuck the yellow devil tho

The Mega Man 2 boss rush stages are padding but other than that the game is fine

This one used to be my favorite classic MM game, but on replays it started to go down in the ranks juuust a bit.
I still love this one and i consider it my third favorite, but i don't like the Doc Robot stages as much as i used to anymore, i find them to be kind of annoying and not as fun as the rest of the game. The wily castle has always been super weak in this game.

The main stages, bosses and the music are really good and a step up from MM2, this soundtrack in particular is my favorite MM ost.

First half of this game is incredible, the second half is awful. But the first 8 levels are actually incredible. The 4 extra stages are so frustrating. Man. Music is amazing though.

Don't like the Doc Robot Stages.
Has a good Wily Castle though

The solid opening stages and the remarkably simple Wiley sequence are bifurcated by the exquisite agony of Doc Robot, the game's true hero. The ending sequence is a stunningly executed taste of the shounen melancholia the series would eventually drown in and would probably change the life of a sufficiently impressionable 90s kid.

Better than 2. Don't argue with me you know I'm right.

Esse jogo tem de tudo que eu poderia querer em Mega Man clássico, ele é épico, adiciona mais recursos e fases, revisita elementos dos primeiros jogos e da um baita desfecho pra trilogia, que evidencia muito bem a temática da franquia. Porém, algo nele sempre me deixa indiferente. Talvez com a adição de slide tentaram torna-lo o mais aproveitável possível e ficou só com um skill gap nojentinho, com intervalos bem curtos pra você usar ele. Os inimigos comuns de fase também são umas esponjas de dano desgramadas, o que atrapalha até coisas legais como os mini bosses no meio das fases que tudo mais enrolado. Sem falar no slow down gritante que me tirava bastante da gameplay no início também. Sei lá, ele é só meio punitivo e truncado além do ponto, muito difícil de se evitar dano quando se está começando a jogar. Nem teria zerado ele se não tivesse me motivado com a live do Victor Kratos zerando isso aqui sem morrer. Triste não ter sido uma experiência genuinamente ideal de Mega Man mesmo com seus ótimos bosses, músicas, poderes e tudo mais

Algum dia quero ficar bom nesse jogo

also beat on GCN, owned on 3DS

Feel like this is a controversial stance but I think this one is way cooler than 2, especially the soundtrack and robot masters. Not to mention it's the first appearance of the Char Aznable/Racer X inspired antihero (the best archetype there is), Protoman, and Rush the robot dog. And the slide move, which I was really missing. I can see why people prefer 2 but man this one just hits harder for me.

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Very cool overall but suffers from a number of large annoyances that stop it from being a truly great entry in the series.

All the games levels are interesting and varied but the game suffers from a significant amount of slowdown when there's a lot going on which can kill your flow a little bit mid stage. If you're familiar with the ins and outs of each stage you can manage the slow down but new players will absolutely get hit with it in a big way

There's also instances of the game feeling unresponsive with Mega Man refusing to fire his weapon after sliding which can make some boss fights a bit irritating at times

There's also a rather large bug involving top spin where if you are hit with it at the same time that you take damage, you're entire weapon energy bar will empty out instantly. Not usually an issue since Top Spin isnt all that good but when using it on the appropriate boss it can cause frustration

The game also feels a little padded with the inclusion of the Mega Man 2 boss refights after the initial 8 robot masters but the stages themselves are remixed in a way that keeps them interesting

Overall a good game and if you're invested in the series you'll have a good time but more casual players should maybe stick to Mega Man 2 or skip it and play the slightly better put together later entries in the series

not a fan of how much repeat content there is

this is crazy that they decided to repeat the content from second game to this

Honeslty forgot I played this game but according to my notes I thought it was good

Great game, There are Only Two Things I Don't like About This Game.

1- We use Marine rush Very little, it Would be Nice to Have More Levels to use it.
2 - The doc Robots some of Them are Very Unfair (Skill issue) and Sometimes the Battle Room Doesn't help.

Those Things Aside, The Game is Pretty Fun to Play!

A tiny bit better than Mega Man 2, but much like most of the classic series, suffers from some level design weirdness, some weapons being useless and some strange difficulty spikes. Going from Doc Robots to Wily feels like going to a picnic after work in a mine

It's classic Mega Man, just not as janky as Mega Man 1, but also not as iconic as Mega Man 2. And not as easily ripped open with a single weapon as Mega Man 2.

Tight, simple controls. Great tunes, okay weapons, okay bosses, okay levels, though some questionable hitboxes make some of the stage hazards a bit more frustrating than they have any right to be. I love getting hit by an extending ceiling spike before that even extended into me and I especially love getting insta-killed by wall spikes whose hit detection reaches into the completely harmless looking bit of ceiling right next to it. Fun times.

There also is quite a bit of padding that comes with a sizeable difficulty spike after beating all the regular bosses which makes the latter parts of the game a bit of a chore to get through.
There's also ways to get softlocked in parts where Rush Jet is mandatory, but you don't get a real opportunity to farm the energy pickups you might need, stranding you on a little bit of level above a bottomless pit, just to then find out, after you jumped to your death, that there still aren't any weapon energy pickups because they don't respawn after you do, forcing you to Game Over and redo the whole stage, including a whole, difficult boss that is mostly recycled from Mega Man 2.

I always remembered this as my favorite of the NES Mega Man games, and perhaps that is still true, but I'm not so sure anymore. It's quite flawed.

probably a skill issue for me but this felt WAY harder than the previous, probably because of the million dr wily battles