Reviews from

in the past

I know... the game is not perfect it has some bugs, but... it has a special space in my heart.

The music is sooooo good, tha ambiencie and level desing are also amazing.

My favorite GOAT!

idk how i missed this game when released, absolutely fun, innovative, creative and skillful. definitely worth

One of the crazy rhythm shooter games worth playing. The soundtrack consists of just beautiful metal and vocals. The game is not perfect, of course there are not enough more lethal guns, but there are quite a lot of upgrades provided for the main character, who still need to be knocked out in tests that make life a little easier, but they are not necessary. Definitely a musical gift for 2022.

Одна из безумных ритм-шутер игр в которые стоит поиграть. Саундтрек состоит из одного красивого металла и вокала, Игра не идеальна, не хватает конечно более убойных пушек, но предоставлено достаточно много апгрейдов для главной героини, которых надо еще выбить в испытаниях, которые позволяют облегчить немного жизнь, но они необязательны. Однозначно музыкальный подарок 2022 года.

Que jogo bom, me diverti do início ao fim, é impossível não ficar empolgado com a gameplay frenética no melhor estilo Doom, e curtir a ótima trilha sonora de um Heavy Metal enquanto descasca a bala em demônios (e até alguns anjos). O jogo conta com um bom arsenal de armas com a opção de melhora-las fazendo alguns desafios super divertidos, e várias habilidades para desbloquear. Unicos pontos negativos é a duração do jogo, que poderia ser um pouco maior, e sua repetição de Boss nos finais das fases.

اورقازم وقسم اورقازم ذي اللعبة

Unique concept of fps and rhythm combined that worked great

This looked hella cool on paper but in reality, it's (ironically) hellish to get through unless you fine-tune latency and spend your whole gameplay trying to adjust your attacks in a rhythm. It was just much harder and less entertaining than I expected.

For the soundtrack alone, this game is a 10/10. I have never booted up a game just to hear the soundtrack until now (though, its because the songs aren't on Spotify)

It sucks that I suck at rhythm games though, otherwise I would have loved the gameplay more. I only tolerated it for the sake of the music. The new Leviathan mode is good though.

Please keep making rythm based combat games.

Jogão de mais, me lembrou bastante Doom, por conta de ser bem frenético e "brutal", mas não sou o melhor em jogo de ritmo e isso que me dificultou.
Metal: Hellsinger é um jogo que mistura ritmo com fps (que me lembra doom), a Enigmata e o Paz são uma dupla em tanto que atravessa o inferno para recuperar a voz da Enigmata(protagonista), nisso são diversos cenários e chefes que irão tentar te matar.
Um jogão para quem gosta do estilo, mas para mim foi mais difícil, não irei platinar ou tentar outros modos mais difíceis, se não minha boa experiência vão por água abaixo.
Não recomendo para jogadores muito casuais, pois podem ter uma certa dificuldade, mas caso goste de desafios, vai fundo.
Esqueci de falar sobre a melhor parte, as músicas, meu deus do céu, é simplesmente incrível a experiência de ouvir um metalzao sinistro enquanto explode demônios, assim como em doom(sim de novo falando kkkkk), se não fosse a música, eu teria desistido do jogo, apenas uma das melhores composições que já vi.

DOOM de ritmo, isso aqui é excelente pelo amor de deus.

Metal sem parar com músicas incríveis e pedrada sem fim em demônios. Podia ter umas coisas melhores de movimentação e uns poderes mas tá valendo, é um jogo extremamente curto também, mas meu deus como diverte.

E Serj Tankian no boss final é apelação tá?

Xbox one - Es una propuesta distinta y eso me encanta, su historia esta bien pero sus mecánicas son terriblemente adictivas y atrapanted mientras que su Banda sonora es perfecta para todo el juego. Poder hacer combos de 16x y escuchar cantar al artista es algo realmente fenomenal. Por el resto, creo que los niveles son repetitivos hasta el cansancio, hay pocos enemigos variados y los jefes finales salvo los últimos dos son todos iguales, por eso mismo es el 8. Creo que es algo que van a poder mejorar enormemente en su segunda entrega.

Il gameplay non è niente di particolarmente complesso e/o innovativo, idem il design dei nemici e il comparto arsitico. Ma la colonna sonora? INCREDIBILE, da sola riesce a rendere il gioco più che memorabile

Jogo de ritmo de tiro com meu gênero musical favorito simplesmente uma delicia de jogo, as musicas são todas do caralho, fiquei triste que não tem no spotify queria poder ouvir fora do jogo, a música final do jogo com o Serj do SOAD é sacanagem de bom, e o jogo é muito divertido e é bom pra caralho começar a acertar uma batida atrás da outra arrebentando de bala os demônio da uma energia do caralho recomendo bastante, não precisa nem gostar de metal pra se divertir (mas claro que pra quem gosta é outro nível)


cada nota das musicas desse jogo são uma obra de arte

goooosh wat a cool game it was so much fun blastin to da rhythm!!!!!!!

This game is a wild ride of sounds and experiences. When i first played it i wasn't the biggest fan of metal. Yes, i've heard it and i like Post-2016 Doom's music, but i never went out of my way to listen to it as i thought it was too violent and grinding for my tastes, but after i played through this i had a newfound appreciation for the genre!

Metal: Hellsinger is an FPS Rhythm game (yes, you read that correctly) very much in the same execution as BPM, if you've ever played that, but BETTER in every way.

Extremely difficult and satisfying to master, this is a game that requires 100% of your attention to truly grasp. if you're good at Doom Eternal, you'll do well in this game!

Do note that in my experience this game tended to crash a LOT on the level "Acheron", and i have no idea if this was just on my end or if it happens to anyone else, so be warned!

If you're good at shooters, you'll love this game, highly reccomend!

rhythm shooter immediately takes the cake.

Whoever had the idea to officially add songs from the Dusk ost into this game should be held up on a pedestal.

Muito divertido e por algum motivo a história por mais que curta, conseguiu me entreter pra caramba.


Listening to a banger soundtrack while shooting really fast

Man o man, this game was absolutely nuts, i haven't had this fun with a game in a long time.
Its supposed to be a kind of Doom, but a rhythm game, and i got to say this game is way more badass than Doom (dont kill me) , shooting and slashing on beat never gets old. (the torments were also really fun)
And what a soundtrack it has.. 🤘absolutely goated..
So we have the lead singers from: Arch Enemy, Jinjer, Lamb of God, Trivium and many others. The soundtrack is full of bangers, "Stygia", "Burial at Night" , "This Devastation" etc.
If you like metal, this game is for you!
I also recommend playing without the accesibility settings, i tried it but its not the same experience imo, i had more fun playing the game without it.

It was really fun and i loved the music, sadly it was a bit repetitive but not that it matters that much.

Shooting hell up jamming to metal music is just too addicting.
The game actually even has a passable story and a hilarious southern accented narrator to add to it.
The music is really cool and actually makes playing this game for over an hour really risky because of how aggressively it gets your blood pumping.
The weapons I used, shotgun and crossbow have inherent rhythms to them and I had a blast as a (completely tone deaf) metal music enjoyer.
Just an absolute pleasure to run through and one of the easiest recommends, the only gripe I had is the extremely tight calibration for the timings. The boss battles and the shield enemies can perhaps also use some work.
Nevertheless, if you like DOOM, metal music or rhythm shooters like BPM, this is a must try!

O jogo mais foda e frenético já criado

Really short game, just a simple rhythm shooter along the likes of BPM, with the difference being this one is an actual game and BPM is a crappy low effort roguelike with a shitty filter applied to hide that all the assets aren't original to the game.

Gameplay is short but sweet, guns feel nice, hits feel satisfying, but the health system kind of sucks, why design a system where you have health if you have Doom 2016-esque system where every finisher refills most of your health, it feels totally out of place and only done because it was in Doom.
This becomes notably apparent when the game can't decide whether it wants you to take no hits, punishing you by reducing your multiplier greatly if you get hit once, or a game where you're supposed to take a few shots, with enemies spamming projectiles that can get hard to see in the chaos and focus on the beats.

Bosses are pretty boring and generic, not much to say about them.

Levels are alright in the beginning, but a bit dull, being a lot of large Doom Eternal style arenas, but near the end of the game the level design just hits the fan with small hallways where you're packed in with a bunch of enemies and it stops being fun because you're just dealing with 8 waves in an area you couldn't dream of not getting hit in, you probably won't die but it's not going to be a fun time.

A major thing that kind of holds the game back for me is that the soundtrack is just kind of... boring, it doesn't feel focused enough on being intense and more on just being a standard metal track or whatever, and it doesn't have the benefit of something like BPM where the soundtracks are just heavily focused on their repetitive beat patterns so you can get a good rhythm going.

Worst of all, the game has a nasty habit of crashing if too much is going on, particularly when you explode a door or an object, my playthrough was about 3 hours and I crashed about 4 times, that's pretty unacceptable especially in a game with no checkpoints.

However the game is fun enough, and is good for what the price is, so if you like unorthodox rhythm games it's worth trying for the style and just to support the developers.