Reviews from

in the past

The Legend of Metroid: Twilight Princess

De longe o Metroid mais experimental de todos, com uma porrada de upgrades e ideias diferentes. Há itens clássicos da série que não apareceram aqui, da mesma forma que há itens daqui que nunca mais apareceram na série.

Mandando a real, na primeira vez que joguei, eu achei ele o máximo - de longe foi o meu Metroid Prime favorito. Mas rejogando, eu senti que a experimentação dele acabou deixando a gameplay bem maçante em vários momentos. Nem de longe é um jogo ruim, mas a experimentação dele, mesmo que seja bem interessante e divertida em alguns momentos, acaba sendo bem cansativa e irritante em outros.
As portas com trava de luz e sombra poderiam se tornar portas normais após serem desbloqueadas, o mapa poderia ter mais atalhos de uma área para outra, o menu de navegação de logs e infos poderia ser bem mais prático (pq, sejamos sinceros, mesmo que seja legal rodar as coisinhas, aquele menu é horrível!), alguns inimigos poderiam ser menos esponja de balas, etc.

Mas, de longe, o pior é a batalha contra o boss final. Não vou soltar spoilers, mas imagine que os bosses do jogo seguem um sistema de luta misturado com puzzle. Você precisa aprender como funciona o boss e o que fazer ou onde mirar para dar dano neles - o que torna a batalha dinâmica, mesmo dentro da alta quantidade de vida que alguns deles possuem. Há também os bosses que são puramente luta, mas essas lutas são equilibradas e mais rápidas. Agora o boss final... esse desgraçado zoa absolutamente todo o rolê do jogo INTEIRO! Ele tem ambas as partes de puzzle e de luta - as de puzzle são aceitáveis, mas a parte de puramente luta é a coisa mais chata e irritante que você vai jogar na sua vida. Pra começo, o boss tem apenas um ponto fraco, que é o único lugar onde ele toma dano e ele fica PROTEGENDO ESSE PONTO DIRETO! É o único boss que faz isso no jogo inteiro! Além disso a luta requer uma quantidade absurda de munições específicas que nem os upgrades de munição no máximo dão conta, te obrigando a ficar mendigando munição várias vezes durante a luta. A soma desses fatores faz essa luta chata dos infernos se estender pra caraaaaaaaaaalho. Você sai puto do jogo por causa dessa batalha final asquerosa...

Mas de resto, o jogo é muito bom e é uma ótima sequência para o Metroid Prime, tendo também um mapa repleto de áreas para explorar e itens para encontrar. Apenas entrem nele cientes desse fator experimental e que algumas coisas dele não estão na forma mais prática e divertida que poderiam estar.
Caso você queira jogar, eu recomendo usar o PrimeHack, que é um mod feito no emulador Dolphin pra jogar Metroid Prime Trilogy com mouse e teclado - e, acreditem, É MUITO BOM E FUNCIONA QUE É UMA BELEZA!

Prime 2 is such a spectacular improvement over the original in almost every way that I was at times surprised that Retro grew this much in just 2 years. I came away from the first game liking it but thinking that the prime series just wasn't for me. After trying Echoes on a whim I was hooked to it immediately. The environments are so much more engaging, the enemies more fun to fight, and the puzzles more intricate. The controls still suck though. Also Retro please stop with the Wind Waker level fetch quests at the end like come on. Anyway play this it's really good.

Finished this in 2023 after a few years of intermittently playing it. I'm mostly urged to play on by the soundtrack and atmosphere of these games, and this one didn't disappoint. Although the truly stellar OSTs and locations were fewer than in the first Prime, it was definitely a fun run. Still not sure if I really dug the dark world.

What were they thinking putting ammo in this game? Some really annoying enemies in this game. Not a fan at all.

At first I loved it, and the premise is great. However, I think they tried to go too big too fast. The world and navigation just end up being confusing. While I liked the idea of Dark Samus, trying to discern the map to find all of the collectibles just hurt my head.

I bounced off of this game a few times as a teenager because the new light and dark ammo system combined with some of the level design frustrated me. I eventually finished it a few years later and it's good! Just not quite as good as the first game.

Not as amazing as Metroid Prime 1 on level design, but still pretty great. Aether can have some spectacular scenarios time to time, even if it can feel too dark.

I am so close to finish it, only need to search the keys for then fight the Emperor Ing...but I remember so little I could wait the remaster. Idk.

This is a perfect example of a sequel that it's almost as good or even better than the original, but most people seem to forget. The original Prime made history while Corruption was a Wii game so many people played it. But Echoes is sandwiched between them.
This is a masterpiece that deserves the remastered treatment that the original got.

I'm sure Metroid Prime is great but I cannot for the life of me get into it

Samus learns she has a duplicate evil variant like all movie reviewers on youtube.

Oh God Ansem from Kingdom Hearts is gonna hate the ending to this game.

Twilight princess-ification of metroid prime

Great game!! Was disappointed at first that its basically just more of Prime 1 without much new besides the light/dark world element, and compared to something like Halo 2 doesn't amp up the production values to make it more blockbuster. But honestly, Prime is already so damn perfect that more of the same still made this such a great game to play, so I can't complain at all.

Basically more of Prime 1 but slightly worse. I do love this game but god it had issues.

It had a great atmosphere and a really nice story. However the level design and weapons are the biggest issues for me.

Main issue, a lot of backtracking. Of course its Metroid, so its normal. Issue with this game though is that the levels are look the same. Prime 1 had distinct and interesting levels from ice to fire but Prime 2 just kind of blends together so backtracking just feels awful. And then you have the dark dimension which only makes the repetition worse.

And finally dark and light weapons mid. Fire, ice and electricity cool.

Anyway good game still but not as good as Prime 1

Played via the Wii trilogy release. I played the harder difficulty on this release, equivalent to the original difficulty on Gamecube.

Man, this game is just not as good as the first one. For me, the atmosphere is all gone. I found the structure of the map to be far less confusing this time, but I did like the feeling of being lost in Prime 1's map, and the genuine sense of relief when making it back to the starting area, which was missing here. The environments in this game are hit-and-miss, I particularly liked the Sanctuary Fortress but none of the others stood out.

The bosses in this game really suck. Maybe not all of them, but a good majority either go on for wayyy too long - because of the constant use of phases where you can't deal any damage - or have the most bs hitboxes I think I've ever seen. Genuinely took away from the experiences massively.

I felt like the upgrades felt a bit lackluster this time, the screw attack in particular could have been so much fun if it didn't control like ass.

Music is pretty good as per

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is a worthwhile sequel to the original Metroid Prime. It’s great in all aspects. But in all aspects, there’s always something holding it back.

The level design benefits from an “open-zone” approach. Its an element I never minded from the original Metroid Prime, but the lack of backtracking in Echoes allows each main area to linearly build tension - whereas at its worst, Prime 1 could feel meandering rather than awe-some. Each area is more complex, not only in how you solve puzzles and traverse them, but also in the fact that we have a parallel “Dark Aether” to traverse, with its own unique challenges, mostly based on traversal (physical and dimensional). This is all quite good, but I think leaning into this structure would have benefited the game. The open-zones are great. Like I said, they build tension and awe moreso than the original Prime did. In nearly all three main areas, I had to leave midway through my excursion. I found that I’d get halfway through an area, get stuck, then the hint system would guide me to an upgrade in the Temple Grounds hub area. In the latter two of three areas, this happened, and the hint system is not nearly quick enough to activate. I would have much rather had the game send me on a hunt for this upgrade in order to unlock the area’s they’re first used in, so I hadn’t made progress, only to be whisked away from an area’s self-contained narrative. I like these new areas for how invested you get in them, but Echoes takes you out of that experience when you really start to get going.

As for the story, it starts with a lot of intrigue, and throughout, it’s a great motivator to explore the world. It is very repetitive, though. The Space Pirate and Luminoth Warrior Logs are well-written, but they failed to capture the same kind of awe I had for Tallon IV in this game’s predecessor. A war between forces of light and darkness, a world caught in “transdimensional flux” - that’s cool! I’d be quicker to forgive how quickly the Space Pirates get written off if the Ing were explored more. How I see it, For the latter two-thirds of Echoes, the Space Pirates are radio silent, which I think was done to show how the Ing are a big threat. I like this idea, but I think the Ing aren’t explored enough, and their presence is too dull. They can certainly be threatening though, even if most of their physical appearances are through the posession and mutation of other enemies. They’re very similar to Phazon in that regard - which I think is by design, they seem related to or made from the substance. Ultimately, I just wish the narrative had better payoff, because it sets up an intriguing mystery, and lots of different parties in the conflict. Its contemplative tone is similar to Prime 1 however, which I think is to its detriment. I’m shown great potential, but left disappointed by these aspects by the end of the game, which is never good.

The combat is unique! It controls similarly to its predecessor, but this time I found it spellbindingly clunky. The moments where its clunkyness is most obvious are the main area boss fights, but those moments are also the game’s most intricate mechanically and cinematic. The new enemies make good use of Samus’ abilities; the different takes on resource management made me play a little more cautiously; and overall I’d say has very little sore-spots. My beloved scan visor got a facelift I didn’t know it needed until now, it’s so much more convenient to use. The enemies don’t require these beams and visors as much as the first Prime did, and while I love the first Prime’s combat, I certainly didn’t mind this new approach - especially when there’s still plenty incentive to switch your mode of combat.

Overall, I liked Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, a lot. More than things that take me out of the experience, things that fail to get me invested in the first place are what hurt it the most. I wanted more moments like every appearance of Dark Samus; I wanted to see Space Pirates get decked in real time; I wanted to see the Ing as a bigger threat than I did; I wanted a more active story. The commonalities between Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2, are where Metroid Prime 2 fails. It experiments with the Metroid Prime formula, but I think it needed to stray further away from it than it did, to truly stand out as a riveting, unforgettable experience. As it stands though, I had a lot of fun with its increasingly complex environments, and encounters.

Note: I used primehack and played with keyboard and mouse controls, widescreen, 60fps, and 1080p. Jealous? jk. Later I talk about the game being easy and stuff and that just may be because kbm controls are better. Supported by the evidence that i played dark souls 1 on ps4 and it took me 60 hours and i played dark souls 2 on pc and it took me just under 20. And furthermore, it doesn't really change my experience with the game I don't think. Without further ado let's begin the review. Enjoy.

Hey everyone it's me elkmane and i just finished metroid prime 2 echoes. Why do your other beam types have limited ammo? Do they want me to just use the normal one from the start? You get light ammo from killing enemies or boxes with the dark beam and you get dark ammo from killing enemies or boxes with the light beam. Tell me, retro studios. Be honest. Did you do that because you can’t have light without dark or whatever? Was it worth it? Was that shallow ass meaningless ass platitude ass harry potter quote ass white woman tattoo ass reasoning worth getting rid of the cool ass beams from prime 1? Was it worth me using normal beam for 99% of the game and only using the special beams to open doors? You can find max ammo increases just like for missiles but that’s not the point here. What purpose does this serve? I guess it's fine because I didn't really ever run out of ammo? because I was just using my regular beam on everyone? But the combat was kind of dog this time around. enemies disappear and fade into nothing so often. It’s annoying. Nothing’s worse than having a full charge shot super missile and they just martian manhunter the thing. “Oh they dont want you to spam charge beam” okay so I’ll spam normal beam for twice as much time, since the other beams are too expensive to be used on stuff that isn’t doors and portals. Why base a bunch of enemies on chozo ghosts from the first one? Didn’t you know Yahtzee from zero punctuation () didn’t like those guys?

) formerly! He is now from Fully Ramblomatic! By the way yahtzee, if you’re reading this, hi! I’m a big fan and I’m glad you enjoy my reviews, because I enjoy yours too! Please shout me out and donate to me! I’d really appreciate it!

And the bosses too. Most bosses are just giant versions of an enemy you've fought in the area and their name spoils what item they're gonna drop. Oh god I hope morph ball bomb mackenzie gives me the screw attack!!!!1!!!!!!! And these bosses are like prime 1 bosses. Long and uneventful. It's gonna take you forever, you're not gonna lose any hp, you're just gonna jump around waiting for the move they do that makes them vulnerable and then attack. It's torturous.

The other new thing is the dark world. Which, I always said I'd respect a swing and a miss more than sticking to what works, but this idea is on VERY THIN ICE. Every time you go into a portal to change your dimension, which you’ll be doing a lot- you’re gonna get the same cutscene, maybe two depending on what kind of portal it is. The cutscene is unskippable and boring. Do you know what I do when I hit a cutscene? I go on my phone. I text my attractive girlfriend. (Visual aid: She looks like Zendaya and Rihanna combined) I say hey, why am i waiting for this stupid cutscene instead of cuddling u sugar bear… she says ikr… i say come over.. She says ok… and I get off the game to prepare. Do you see why that’s not beneficial to the game’s longevity? It's just not satisfying in any way. These portals are put in strategic spots, yes, your trips in and out of them are all scripted and planned but it feels like such a pain. It's not even because you take damage while you're in there. Not only are there the fortnite storm beacons/baldurs gate 3 act 2 lamps/risk of rain 2 void field cells, but you get a suit really early on that lowers your damage taken from negligible to unnoticeable. Let's talk about the dark suit a little. It's the suit you're gonna be wearing for 99% of the game. This game has such a snail's pace level of upgrades, It's even worse when you're not upgrading your beams. You get the light and dark beam within the first hour, and you get your final beam an hour before you finish the game and you get your 2nd suit upgrade right BEFORE THE SCAVENGER HUNT WHICH IS STILL IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!! I'll talk about you later. Side note on the dark suit, it looks really cool. it looks like it was designed by travis scott. It’s nice, probably the only metroid suit i could see someone actually wearing in public.

Actually I don't wanna talk about the scavenger hunt. It's like the one in prime 1 but instead of getting rid of it they kind of bandaided it. Doesn't help the fact that the prime 1 artifacts you could sorta find like half of them just by regular exploration without even knowing what they're for. Ok I don't wanna think about it anymore. I'm gonna talk about the visors now. The dark visor is just the x ray vision but now you see into the dark dimension! not the dark dimension that you go into, just the third secret dark dimension that houses all the invisible platforms. And the other visor, I just don't see what they were going for. At all. You use it like three times. It's there I guess. The scan is still cool. Let me talk about the lore modules. When you scan, it doesn’t give you the module right there like prime 1. It sends it to your log book so you can read it later. I’m not a fan of this, because in prime 1 i would read whatever i scanned fully. I enjoyed the lore or the space pirate blogposts talking about how scary samus (me) is. But in this, it would just send it to your log book. Which is tough to navigate A, and B I have to go out of my way to go get it and find it and read it. It’s like, sure I’ll read an article on the history of can openers if it was shared with me on google drive. But if someone told me “go look up can openers for me” I’d be less likely to oblige because that’s more effort on my part. I’m doing you a favour by reading ur shit, yknow? Just like how u guys are doing me a favour by reading my reviews. This is my livelihood and you guys just won’t stop supporting. Appreciate y’all so damn fucking much.

Is that enough of a nitpick to let u guys know I'm done with the negative part of my review? Let me move onto the nice parts! :D

I like how there's more of a hubworld and travelling between areas is so much easier. No more going thru all of magmoor to head to phendrana or the mines, theres easily accessible elevators to everywhere now. Not that you'll get much use outta them, theres no real backtracking in this game. Its pretty similar to metroid fusion kind of. Oh, this and fusion both kind of have a evil samus. But this one was more intended to be a rival. Like dark link or dark sonic or dark mario. Usually these rivals are supposed to have the opposite personality to the hero. Vergil and Shadow are mean while sonic and dante are funny and nice. I think dark samus shouldve been a wisecracker, like she even does the evil laugh but seeing as how there's already talking moth people in this game having a talking rival couldn't hurt. We haven't gotten a stoic hero/silly villain combo like this since batman and joker. I just think it would've been cool.

Last point, the music. It was pretty sick. Metroid music always rocks, but I wanted to point out one specific song. This one:
it sounds pretty cool right? a little familiar, maybe? that's right! It's a remix of this! it's pretty cool. I like the music.

Now I'm really scared what prime 3 is gonna be like. And i'm even more scared cus i realized i gotta play other m... O_O

Me perdí menos que en el 1, las zonas de oscuridad son muy disfrutarles y realmente necesitaba planear cada paso. Muy divertido y una manera de reinventarse sin salirse de su esencia.

I struggle to think as to why there was a period of time people hated this game, considering just how good in general this is in most aspects.
This is easily the Metroid game with the best atmosphere and its not even close, thanks to the music, area design and the like, absolutely insane how they pulled it.
While the sub bosses are a crime against nature, the main ones are incredible, and Quadraxis in particular is on a league of its own for boss fights, genuinely insane.
Its not better than Prime 1, but personally I can count the games that are with only 1 hand, and this is more than a worth follow up to that game, which is all that it needed to be.
Absolutely phenomenal experience.

Ce jeu...

Le gameplay, la direction artistique, le sound design, la musique, l'atmosphère des deux mondes, l'exploration, la narration, le rythme, le level design.
Je suis sincèrement admiratif devant le travail pharaonique et excellentissime de Retro Studios.

Pour ma part, c'est le meilleur épisode de la trilogie, et même l'un des meilleurs jeux de toute l'histoire de cette licence.

Prions pour un remake.

metroid prime 2, in my opinion, is a game riddled with flaws and missteps, but underneath said flaws is a really enthralling experience akin to the first entry. the atmosphere is just as strong - if not a little lessened due to the presence of the luminoth, but it is still just as bleak and alone, with the stakes seeming just as high as you try to uncover the mystery the game sets before you. the game has less worlds than the first prime game too, having only 4 main areas opposed to the 6 present in prime, which leads to a more "linear" feeling experience, although the linearity isn't a promise fully-delivered on as the game seems to shift from more linear to more open-ended in the latter half which feels kind of jarring.

there are two parts of this game which require you to go off the beaten path and backtrack for seemingly no reason, to acquire an item or a power-up which will aid in progressing the beaten path; it just seems odd to format it this way. the original metroid prime had backtracking too but with the less linear structure and more open map, it feels a lot less tedious in that game, even if not perfect. the game attempts to rectify this issue by giving you a fast travel option during the final fetch quest, but by this point for me, it was already too late and it had gotten old to me.

regarding the fetch quest, it felt very much thrown on top randomly towards the end, just to pad out play time a little more. what reason in there for more to backtrack even MORE through these areas than what i already had? i didn't feel like i gained anything from going through these areas yet another time, and just added to the tedium i was already feeling traversing through these areas. again, the aforementioned fast travel thingy helped to alleviate this feeling, but still.

speaking of padding out time, the game would force you to fight these dumb enemies which take way too long to kill, every single time you enter a certain room, completely padding out the play time as it never even felt like there was a reason for them to be there. sure, the dark visor helped slightly, but still, with how backtrack heavy this game is, having enemies that you are forced to kill every single time you enter a given room was... not fun.

on the topic of fights, the boss fights the game presents you with are super hit or miss, some of them were really engaging and fun, such as the spider guardian or the first encounter with dark samus. but the majority of the boss fights in prime 2 were the most monotonous, tedious fights a developer could come up with. seriously, what is the deal with the grapple guardian? or the mess that is the emperor ing? i don't want to get into specifics of each individual boss as that would make this review even longer than it already is, but just know the vast majority of the bosses in this game were simply boring as fuck to get through, and was only made worse by the tank controls of the gamecube verison; they aren't BAD, but they aren't great for fighting in tiny, enclosed areas, such as the boost guardian's arena. the tank controls felt great for general exploration however, and aided in the feeling of being a heavy unit bounty hunter exploring some new territories.

these admittedly big issues aside, the game is at its absolute best when it allows you to just go forward and not backwards, every single time i would enter a new area (agon, torvus, sanctuary fortress), the game felt alive and fun again, but as soon as backtracking was introduced it just became a slog. exploring aether and its environments is a truly amazing feeling, just like the first game and if anything, i'm glad that feeling of being lost on a new planet wasn't lost from the first prime entry. i'm still looking forward to playing corruption eventually, but i'm going in with caution.

This game made me realize that I am in fact a Space Pirate. I see eye-to-eye with the average Space Pirate grunt far too much

Metroid Prime Trilogy version played

A good sequel that solves some of the problems of the original but also makes some big ones of its own. A similar experience with higher highs and lower lows. The hint system can be a little aggressive which is a shame because this game is better than Metroid Prime at being back-tracky and confusing, with the exception of one random ass power up.

The setting and story are far more interesting and involved than the first games and the enemy design is just as good, except for some incredibly annoying enemies that phase out of existence and are a pain in the ass to kill. Also a lot bosses are just irritating and not fun.

The wii control scheme is still excellent however swapping beams is slow and tedious and gets annoying very fast. This wasn't a problem in MP1 because there wasnt such a frequent demand to swap

This game is still great much like its predecessor and I can't wait to finish the trilogy with Corruption.


Enjoyed it more than the OG. It had a more Zelda like approach with each area feeling like a dungeon which meant very few long treks across the map for objectives. That was my biggest turn off in the first game solely because everything is slower in 3D. Even the two times you have to leave areas for the next power up, the map is much more interconnected this time around. I have a lot of little gripes with the morph ball physics too but I'll stop there.

+ An improvement on the first one.
- May have been responsible for that god-awful light world/dark world trend that plagued games in the mid 2000's.

I’m of the controversial opinion that Metroid Prime 2 is better than the first one. Not by much, mind you, but it’s really rare to see people who prefer this one (in fact, it’s much more common seeing people criticize Prime 2). This is the Metroid game I took the longest to beat - almost 23 hours! Reached 94% completion on that first run, which is an incredibly high number for my standards (without any walkthroughs), and not even for a single minute I felt the game was getting boring.

The central mechanic of light and dark worlds adds another layer to the backtracking that’s a staple of these games, because not only you gotta remember points of interest of each area as you acquire new abilities, but you also gotta remember in which world they were in and how doing something in the light world might affect the dark world and vice-versa. That does, however, make the progression more convoluted. I remember getting stuck at least 3 times in the game and having to activate the in-game hint system, but it’s not like the first Prime game doesn’t have its problems with backtracking either, having to traverse Magmoor Caverns a thousand times to get to the places you need to be.

Speaking of areas, I prefer (not by a large margin) the areas of Prime 2 over the ones from the previous game. Yes, Prime 1 areas are far more iconic, everyone remembers Magmoor Caverns and Phendrana Drifts, but there’s something more organic about the areas of Prime 2. Their themes aren’t too varied: Temple Grounds, Agon Wastes and Torvus Bog all share similar visuals, but that’s what makes them feel more connected to each other, more cohesive in the context of that world, which helps to heighten their atmosphere.

And then we have the last and best area of the game, Sanctuary Fortress. It looks nothing like the previous areas, being a highly technological complex, a true feast for the eyes. Exploring this place is a real treat, mainly because of how abundantly it uses one of my favorite abilities: the spider ball. Much to my delight, the whole game incorporates the morph ball and its related abilities (spider ball and boost ball) much more extensively than Prime 1, with this area being riddled with spider ball sections and puzzles. Hell, there’s even a boss designed around the spider ball! AND IT COMPLETELY SUCKS!

Yeah, the Spider Guardian is infamous for how frustrating it can be to defeat and it wasn’t any different for me, despite its concept being really interesting. But that’s the only boss fight that’s a dud, because that’s also something I prefer in this game over the first one, and this time it’s by a considerable margin, because the Prime 2 bosses are much more compelling. They follow the style of Metroid Fusion’s bosses, by using themselves the abilities you’re going to get after defeating them and having multiple phases, so that makes for some truly engaging fights.

Metroid Prime 2 is a bookmark example of a sequel that improves on everything the first game did. As controversial as that opinion may be, it’s a hill I’m determined to die on. I hope we get a remaster of this game in the same fashion as the Prime 1 remaster, because good lord, that remaster is one of the most beautiful games on the Switch! It gives me chills just imagining how stunning the Sanctuary Fortress will look if given the same treatment...

Probably the worst Prime game but still good. Definitely more iterative than innovative. More clunky boss designs or odd traversal moments than the first game, but not that much more.

retro said "hey people didn't like the backtracking in the first one so let's like double the amount of backtracking and make the bosses three times as long and boring as shit." other than that the atmosphere is good

Finally hopping back on the Prime train and this one was...alright? I felt a little conflicted on Prime 1 when I first played it but now that I've played another game in the series I think I've finally realized how I feel about the Prime games so far.

I think the gameplay is super fun and engaging overall, and running around as Samus with all of her abilities in a 3D space is really interesting. It's in the actual metroidvania aspect I find these games suffer. I think they're great games, but they aren't great metroidvania games, Metroid Prime 2 being one of my least favourite I've ever played.

They just lack a lot of conveniences and simplicity that makes most metroidvanias a joy to dig into and explore their respective worlds. I had my problems with Prime 1's world navigation but I REALLY didn't like Prime 2's by the end of the game. The areas are bigger and more sprawling and thus more complex to navigate through back and forth multiple times, making trips back tedious and annoying. I was hopeful that Prime 2 abandoned the lategame out of nowhere macguffin hunt of Prime 1, but it's here and it still fucking sucks. I just felt myself getting lost and aimless in Prime 2's world a lot and that's the worst feeling to have in a metroidvania.

That being said, I think everything else the game does is really fucking cool, even if some of it is rough around the edges. I loved the dark/light world dynamic and thought all of the upgrades were really interesting. The dark and light beam provided a cool dichotomy to the combat that didn't really come up a ton, but I appreciate it for being there anyways. Admittedly the combat becomes optional pretty quickly with how surprisingly forgiving this game is (upgrades are numerous in early game and make the rest a cakewalk). I also found that dark worlds were much less daunting than the game probably intended them to be since, again, health upgrades are everywhere in the early game and the NUMEROUS health-regenerating safe spots provided a constant source of healing to combat the constant damage of the dark world.

I don't really like this game as a metroidvania, but I really liked it as a game overall. If I had treated the game as a metroidvania the whole way through I think I would've hated it a lot more, but bypassing that process through alternative means (walkthroughs cough cough) I think it's WAY more palatable (but still really annoying in parts)

Love this game but fuck that stupid fucking pillbug and his dumb shield with a way-too-big hitbox and the -30 health he does every hit FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕You think with 4-5 health upgrades, 30 damage isn't a lot but if you get hit 4 times, that's 120 health gone! What the fuck!
Great game though, other than that piece of shit boss! Not even Boost guardian was this much of a pain.