Reviews from

in the past

Nearly S+ the whole game
Fun Replayed

Great action game, played first on the Switch than got the PS4 version for the trophy hunt. Wasn't able to get the plat though, it is quite hard to get S-rating on the levels.

jogo de tiro e plataforma competente pra quem usa entorpecentes

Sometimes all you need is a game that lets you do cool shit and is raw asf

Gameplay diferente, poggers jogos

Eu sempre quis jogar esse jogo só porque tem Pedro no nome, mas ele é genuinamente muito bom. Tem uma gameplay incrível e é curtinho, dá pra se divertir bacana

This short game serves as a pleasant introduction to tackling my backlog. While it didn't fully engage me, I appreciated its mechanics and potential for speedrunning or achieving high scores. It's a solid option for those seeking a game to master.

It's like Max Payne and Hotline Miami had a baby and that baby grew up to be a side-scroller.

Fun for about 20 minutes but I quickly got the point, wasn't really enough to hook me for more than that.


Eu honestamente gostei bastante desse jogo, ele tem uma gameplay parecida com Katana Zero, com a única diferença de que não tem katanas e sim ARMAS.

O Jogo tem uma variedade de armas que você vai desbloqueando durante as fases onde você pode fazer a sua bagunça e mandar umas coreografias do MICHAEL JACKSON ao som de Smooth Criminal(mentira, não tem essa música no jogo).

As músicas do jogo são daorinha, você entra na vibe do jogo.

O jogo é daora. Não tem uma PUTA DE UMA HISTÓRIA, mas tem uma gameplay gostosinha e divertida.

A quirky action game, this is very on-brand for Devolver Digital, and I'd heard it bandied about on some GOTY lists, so I thought I'd give it a try on Game Pass. It's a good game, but I don't really think it's for me. That said, I enjoyed the 3 or so hours it took me to beat it on normal mode, even if I don't see myself ever going back to this game.

If you've ever played Hotline Miami, then My Friend Pedro's core conceit should be very familiar. Go through a level doing kills as quickly and efficiently as you can to try and get a high score (or at least finish the level). The twists MFP brings to the table are that this is a side-scroller instead of top-down, you have far more health than the basically one-hit deaths of Hotline Miami, and it has a bullet-time feature where you can slow down time to aim shots better. You can use 5 different types of guns, you can wall jump, kick stuff, make barrels fall onto people, kick a gas canister into their face and then shoot it before it falls onto the ground to make their buddies blow into tiny pieces and then kick the pieces into the face of the buddy who didn't get blown up. There's a lot of silly nonsense you can pull in this game if you get into it enough, and the top scoring runs for this game must look suuuper awesome.

The story is neat, but not that important. You're an amnesiac who wakes up in the back of a butcher shop about to be killed, but your hallucinatory banana friend Pedro gives you bullet time powers and helps lead you on your quest to horrible bloody murder (and safety). The world has a very neon, flashy look to it that clashes with a grungy, dirty dystopian flair. It's not the neon super-vomit style of Hotline Miami, and it's not entirely unique, but it looks nice.

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. At least for my tastes, this hasn't really come close to replacing Hotline Miami (coincidentally enough also a Devolver Digital game) in my heart. The lower recommendation is almost entirely down to it not really meshing with my tastes and it not really overcoming the quality of Hotline Miami for me. If I had to tell you which of the two to pick, I'd say HM every time, but if you're all Hotline Miami'd out and want something similar but different, this game is something you'll probably like a lot.

Tavadan mermi sektirme, iki elde iki silah kullanma, kaykay kullanma gibi gibi güzel fikirler var. Max Payne slow motion özelliği oldukça havalı sahneler oluşturmamızı sağlıyor. Ama oyun çok hızlı kendini tekrar etmeye başlıyor ve bu da tempoyu sekteye uğratıyor. Ama hızlı bittiğinden çok büyük bir problem değil. Mizahi bir tonla anlatıyor hikayesini. İlk boss fight çok keyifli olsa da sonrakilerde o kadar eğlenmedim. Ama güzel bir deneyim olduğunu söylemek mümkün.

John Wick IPsi ile yapamadıkları şeyi, indie bir stüdyo yapmayı başarmış. Keyifli bir aksiyon oyunu, farklı şekilde kombolar çıkarma imkanı sunuyor bu sayede aksiyon çeşitleniyor. Özellikle tencereden mermi sektirme olayına bayıldım.

Hotline miami, but in a 2.5D space with cool slow-mo

Una masterclass de juegos 2D donde hace que cada nivel con mecanicas simples logre sastifacer al jugador

it's a short fun game, that feels like it betrays the core idea half way through. The gimmick of the game is really fun, parkouring, shooting in slowmo with different weapons and going quick speeding through levels but then in the sewers until the end of the game it grinds to a halt with puzzles which slow the progression, game mechanics such as mines which aren't fun to play with and turning up the difficulty arbitrarily.

I wish it stuck with the core mechanics more and made more of that instead of trying to do something completely different.

Prometeu e Entregou Tudo!

Eu não dava tanta bola pra querer zerar esse game, assim q o vi numa promo comprei e joguei até não parar mais, tendo zerado após 1 dia. Loko pensar q isso já foi um antigo jogo de Flash q nunca toquei infelizmente, mas conseguiu reviver como uma Fênix pela gloriosa Devolver Digital.
Sendo um tipo de "John Wick 2.5D" com o Pedro bananão q vamos caçando 3 certas pessoas com melhor habilidade e controle com a mira, é de se impressionar quão bem estruturado é o Ritmo e Level Design que vão variando no decorrer do tempo, Soundtrack é maneirinha mas achei fraco comparado ao Hotline Miami (nunca joguei, mas já ouvi algumas músicas que me fizeram ficar vibrando enquanto ouvia)

Em geral, é um ótimo game que msm com uma história "clichê" tira bom proveito disso e o transforma num game dinâmico e inovador (bem mlhr ao contrário do John Wick Hex, aquele game de estratégia oficial que parece desinteressante), há criatividade e formas de matar os inimigos, fases boas e dms coisa q descrever em texto n é suficiente mas deixa q um dia eu me dedico a fazer uma review melhor…

Really cool r/gaming gif generator

A pretty crazy game that challenges the player to think like a banana, act like a banana and kill like a banana.

Достаточно безумная игра, которая бросает вызов игроку думать как банан, действовать как банан и убивать как банан.