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in the past

An enjoyably straightforward game-ass game. That blunt simplicity does mean that this does better in small doses, though—I frequently find myself taking breaks between levels. But if you're looking for an enjoyable over-the-top shooter with some fun movement mechanics, I wholeheartedly recommend this.

The one real gripe I have with My Friend Pedro is that I don't get how its scoring system works or why it's even in the game. A big part of the reason I still haven't beaten this despite putting well over ten hours into it is that I'm a little perfectionist sometimes; it took me hours to beat Ultrakill's first stage, and that's only because I kept trying to get an S on it with the starting weapons. In Ultrakill, you're rewarded for speed, combos, and absurd kills. In My Friend Pedro, I've beaten stages where I have a firm grasp on all three, but I finish with a C because? Because I don't know. I know there's a bonus for playing on harder difficulties and another bonus for not dying. But other than that, how well you're actually doing on a level is poorly telegraphed. To bring up Ultrakill again, another thing that I like about that game's scoring system is that it takes into account kills that aren't just shooting guys very fast. There's a bonus for shooting at a coin and getting a ricochet shot to land, one for blowing up groups of enemies, one for jumping on the heads of your enemies, and so on. Although it's fun to jump off of an enemy while dual wielding pistols, split my aim mid-air, and kill two guys at once in slow-motion... I don't feel like the game ever adequately rewards me for doing it. I know exactly how this is going to be misconstrued; "skill issue!" Counterpoint: Hotline Miami 2. I suck ass at that game, but I feel content about it. Something about My Friend Pedro's mix of score-centric systems and movement-based shooting mechanics just don't click in the way they should for me, and while I'm usually okay with a B or a C, I find that to be disappointing.

Edit: beat the game. The scoring system never makes more sense, and I actually think it's a creative decision that sets this back in the long haul. Otherwise, this is a solid three stars!

So much fun. Controls initially take a bit of practice (facing the wrong way and trying to kick, check) but then work really well on the Switch. Explosions, bullet time, trampolines and a talking banana, bonkers and hugely entertaining. Could not work out the scoring system at all though.

don't know why i was obsessed with this mid-ass game as a kid. It's fine. it's short. It's got a good soundtrack. Next.
(split-aim sucks on controller btw)

My Friend Pedro reminds me of a lot of early 2010s flash games, just with a lot more polish and a good bit more meat to it. It’s got some platforming, some solid Adult Swim humor, and a healthy scoop of Max Payne-esque shooting, only in a 2D plane now. And I’ve got to say, it’s a better time than I expected. Each of the 40 levels is around 5 mins or less, perfect for short gaming sessions. Along with regularly introduced guns and platforming mechanics like levers and lasers, it helped the game from becoming stale. Though not wildly differing I liked to switch up my choice of weapon now and again, aided by a healthy share of ammo the game offers.

It’s pretty easy on normal difficulty. You almost have to try to die unless you never use your dodge or slow motion, though higher difficulties offer a healthy dose of challenge for those who want it. Plus if your aim isn’t horrible you can pretty much use slow motion permanently as long as there’s an enemy around to shoot. Speaking of, the spotlight of My Friend Pedro is how fun the movement combined with the slow motion is here. It has its derpy moments, but by and large the movement is very reactive and smooth.

The slow motion front flips, akimbo rope descents, and hilarious monkey-ball method of rolling around were a great mix of funny and cool. Skateboards, frying pans, and explosive barrels were there to break up monotony as well. I’ve heard others criticize the game for being too repetitive or basic; I respectfully can’t disagree more. Sure, it’s not winning any GOTY awards, but successfully combining an irreverent flying banana razzing you while you channel your inner action hero is more than I would’ve expected from a small pick-up-and-play game. There’s no million different methods to beat the game, except it was never advertised as such. Maybe it’s because I didn’t marathon it that I didn’t ever feel like it was dragging. I went into it lukewarm thinking the premise would expire before the game did, but I’m happy to report that was not the case. My Friend Pedro adheres to the “what you see is what you get” adage. And speaking personally, I’m quite happy with what I got.

I wish the level design focused more on cool action movie shit instead of gate puzzles and laser beams. Needed more frying pans.

The physics are the defintion of floaty and playing on a controller doesn't feel right because of the trigger usage. It probably plays better on PC.

It's only 4 hours but playing it was a bit of a pain sometimes. I don't feel like revisiting it any time soon, but I guess I had fun. The gunplay is satisfying, at least.

fun but feels a bit unpolished at times

the browser version was lowkey better

Light-hearted game, fun mechanics like with the skateboard. Each level was something new and it didn't overstay its welcome.

Para a premissa inicial, em que uma banana te convence a sair matando geral, o jogo é bem simples. Mas se a estória não é tão interessante, o gameplay central é bom o suficiente pra jogar até o fim, e poderia convencer pessoas a lutar por pontos ou pela run perfeita

Dev knows how to ramp up the difficulty, how to really promote the game with shareable moments, and mechanics that make sense but also can be cheesed. All in all, a solid game that's both original and a tad cute.

The banana's stupid fucking smile will be my profile pic forever

My Friend Pedro (2019): Irregular es la palabra. Combina algunos niveles realmente brillantes, con otros mediocres. Me he divertido bastante jugándolo, es muy creativo, y aunque demasiado sencillo, enlazar combos es un reto y un gustazo. Espero una secuela más constante (7,10)

It's like Max Payne and Hotline Miami had a baby and that baby grew up to be a side-scroller.

Fun for about 20 minutes but I quickly got the point, wasn't really enough to hook me for more than that.

I need banana,
Tasty Banana!

ack ack ack SQUEEZE BANANA!!!

What a peculiar little game. I had a free afternoon and picked it up for some reason and beat it in one sitting. In hindsight, it feels like a fever dream. Gameplay was meh, bosses were meh, platforming was meh. The story was complete nonsense. But it was kooky, outlandish, had a good sense of humor, and didn't overstay its welcome.

Tenho um amigo chamado Pedro

Um dos melhores jogos de tiro que eu já joguei, é praticamente um "max payne 2D". O jogo possui mecânicas bem simples, porém é muito viciante e empolgante. Sua jogabilidade o instiga a ser cada vez mais rápido, preciso e "estiloso" nos tiroteios, diria que ela é o que faz o jogo ser tão bom. Sua história por mais que simples, é muito engraçada e irônica. A soundtrack é muito boa também. O único defeito é que ele acaba rápido demais ;-;

This game was like a weird fever dream that I can't describe. Is this what it's like to be on drugs?

Genuinely a fun game with a lot of heart and a lot of replay value if you’re a perfectionist.


Eu honestamente gostei bastante desse jogo, ele tem uma gameplay parecida com Katana Zero, com a única diferença de que não tem katanas e sim ARMAS.

O Jogo tem uma variedade de armas que você vai desbloqueando durante as fases onde você pode fazer a sua bagunça e mandar umas coreografias do MICHAEL JACKSON ao som de Smooth Criminal(mentira, não tem essa música no jogo).

As músicas do jogo são daorinha, você entra na vibe do jogo.

O jogo é daora. Não tem uma PUTA DE UMA HISTÓRIA, mas tem uma gameplay gostosinha e divertida.

Jogo legal, meio repetitivo... Mas divertido sabe? Um jogo que você zera em um dia se você rushar! Um game simples e com platina fácil, interessante demais


A história é nadave mas a gameplay é daora

Apesar de achar algumas partes meio viajadas, acho que é isso que faz o game legal me tirou uma risada nasal