Reviews from

in the past

only good for like, a couple of rounds at a time. but those rounds are decently fun

Insulted someone to give up their heart.

The one where Postal Dude tells Morgan Freeman's portrayal of God that his son smells of elderberries.

your fat mother smells of elderberries

A mildly entertaining insult simulator where your goal is to insult the other person as much as you can. They feature a ton of characters like Postal Dude, Serious Sam, H.P. Lovecraft and more. Characters have unique insults, dumb (in a fun way) voice acting, and cute pixel art.
Great game if you're bored an evening and need to burn some time with a friend.

A humourous little turn-based insult battler featuring guest characters from PC classics.
Very fun with friends, and for the price, it's totally worth it.

Still gets boring fast, but it's more limited structure makes it more entertaining than the second game. It doesn't rely on pop culture references for comedy and it is much less racist!

Um jogo de batalha de insultos. No começo é engraçado, mas perde a graça rapidinho, sem contar que você precisa ter um certo nível de entendimento da língua inglesa para compreender esse jogo.

Pretty good to play for an hour every 4 months or so with a sibling.

Good for few hours, later it's just boring.

Monty Python reference; the game; the movie
It overstays its welcome very quickly, but hey, at least it tried, and that's pretty commendable

I only played it because the Postal Dude was in it.