Reviews from

in the past

More of the original with some new options. Still fun, still great. 100%'ed it and still go back now and then to let off some steam. Please try these games.

It's exactly what you think it is. Play while listening to a video essay and it's fun enough.

Pretty fun. Very similar to the first one. Basically like a good game to play while doing something else. Only requires one hand.

rhythm games if they were badass

same as the first one but now I'm older and my timings are slower

I enjoyed the first one. Never completed it, but soldiered on and completed this one, odd choices of side games included!

This game is basically a rhythm game with a coat of paint of Kung Fu. The gameplay is simple and can be learnt fast, and there's a level up system that helps on harder stages once you start getting upgrades, and compared to other similar games, this one felt easy enough to fully complete for someone like me who's not into rhythm games.

The game feels like a passion project, with rewards for completing side content like interviews with the two people behind the creation of this game, which is a lot better than what most games offer as a reward for 100% completion. Also, all the art that they created for the game just shouts "hey, we wanted this game to have its own core identity, even if it wasn't needed at all".

The only concern I find is that the gameplay can be repetitive, there's gimmick phases, but they're too similar to the main ones so there's not enough variety for a game that took me 25 hours to complete.

very barebones but fun concept, this gonna break your fingers i swear to god