Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the funniest games I've ever played. I've spent hours with my friends just playing this stupid fucking game.

Played (with a friend) as part of Atari 50.

Lmao. Even with a friend this is a complete nothing of a spam-fest. This has to be one of the most boring and barebones shooters on the console right

Outlaw 1978 | Atari 2700
emulador pc

1-interacción: 5
2-mundo/apartado artístico: 4
3-concepto: 5
4-puesta en escena: 4
5-narración: -
6-sonido/apartado sonoro: 4.3
7-jugabilidad: 4
8-historia: -
9-duración/ritmo: 6.7
10-impacto: 4.6



49.3 promedio

Another variation on Gun Fight and about as decent.

I started it up, shot the other guy in the head 10 times, and only after that did I win... or the game just decided to stop. Best Game, 10/10.

Game #219