Reviews from

in the past

The single player story is such a delightful and cute anti-capitalist adventure. I really recommend

Cute little indie game that's more of a walking simulator than a platformer. Sorry, it's a "cinematic platformer".

Don't take me wrong though. I had a blast, more than with any other cinematic platformer I've played before. Also, it has a little more action than many of said genre. Still, for me it fits that genre's common description as the platforming feels clumsy and there is almost no difficulty to it.

The dialogues I thought were really funny as well as the story overall. Nothing outstanding, just a very good time.

I was ready to rate it 3 out of 5, then I played the co-op levels. They were the best designed part of the game, leaning more to the puzzle platforming bits of the game. They were also very few and completely separated of the main game.

Finally, I had an issue post-game. Went back to my save file to try and complete some objectives. However, after catching a bird for one of those side quests, my game got stuck. No matter if I closed, reinstalled or even played through the cloud. Nothing worked. When I load my save, I'm stuck over the house in the spot I caught the bird on and I can't move. A real shame.

Played through Xbox Game Pass for 8 hours exactly, main story + co-op. Don't know why it took me so darn long.

short and silly experience. nice.

I loved the artstyle and the humor! It's a super chill game that can be beat on a couple sessions tops, and it's super worth it if you can buy it on a sale like I did (although i wouldn't say I would've paid full price for it, just because it's so short)

Silly lil guy? NO! MONSTER! Evil monster. Can't you see the BLOOD?!

As the famous George Orwell quote goes: "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a little red blob guy and hes walkin around—Forever."

Consistently really funny and fun to look at.

I started playing this because I saw SuperMega's playthrough and a week later the creator came to talk at my university. Super cool game, super cool guy.

Alright quirky weird game but not as good as other quirky weird games

This is overall just a fun, goofy game that I highly recommend as a short fun experience.

Simples e engraçado, com algumas piadas sendo muito boas, mas o tempo sem piadas é chato, e não há tantas. Pelo menos é curto, e charmoso, mas eu não recomendaria.

Like the titular main character, it's a cute and charming little thing

Another game I got free on the Epic Game Store at some point, I vaguely remembered hearing this was a fun game, and I needed something to fill the rest of my night because LOVE had been so short, so I ended up checking this out. I’d actually had no idea how long a game this was at the time, but I ended up beating it in about 3 hours after doing just about every side quest I could find.

Pikuniku is the story of a little island and the money man running rampant over it. Mr. Sunshine is here with his robots, and he’s gonna give you free money if you just let him take all that unimportant seeming stuff lying around! Just let his robots take what they want, and you’ll be flooded with free money! Its in the middle of all of this money giving that you, Piku, wake up in your cave. After escaping with the helpful advice of a random ghost, you emerge to a world that is certainly drowning in money, but it’s difficult to shake the feeling that Mr. Sunshine isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.

The writing in Pikuniku is really fun! I had no expectations going in, but it’s a game I found delightfully silly and funny, with some really fun dialogue writing in particular. The game also really wears its politics on its sleeve as well. It’s not exactly Disco Elysium, but it’s a pretty aggressive anti-capitalist work of satire, and it’s a very fun one at that. Perhaps it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea in regards to its humor, but I enjoyed it very much~.

The gameplay is a relatively linear side-scrolling action/adventure game. There are several large hub areas where you have a main objective to complete, and there are often some side quests you can engage with as well. Piku can jump and kick, and that’s about it, but the platforming in this game is quite satisfying, although it’s also thankfully usually optional if that sort of thing isn’t something you really enjoy. A lot of the adventure stuff and action too are really here to enhance the engagement of the story, and I’d say they do quite a good job of that.

Aesthetically, Pikuniku is as whimsical and weird as you’d expect a title published by Devolver Digital to be, really. Lots of bright colors, funky music, and strange yet simple characters populate the island, and they all have their own weird and funny ways of acting and moving. The weird silly walking style that just about everyone (especially Piku) have is one of the stand out highlights, as odd as that may sound. It’s a joke that could easily get worn out if the game were longer, but I think just how straight the game plays it makes it an enjoyable bit of fun that underscores every cutscene.

Verdict: Recommended. It might be a bit short for some, but this is a really good time! The writing is super fun, and the platforming is too (though it can perhaps be a bit too hard for its own good at times). If you want a weird and wacky action adventure game to spend an afternoon with, then this is an excellent choice for you~.

I loved the characters and the contrast of the cute game with the dark messaging

It's a silly one! It will make you smile :)

You don't need hands to be based

Essa eh uma historia de um herói predestinado que foi convocado por um ser cósmico para lidar com um vilão que perdeu toda sua civilização e por conta disso
o Vilão tem essa obsessão na criação de um lugar perfeito, e para isso, ele precisa eliminar a escoria e o povo imperfeito desse mundo (na visão dele) ele extrai recursos do povo, ele engana o povo, ele vigia cada movimentação do povo com o falso pretexto de individualidade e de riqueza, para no fim destruir o povo com seus próprios recursos

🏆 Conquistas: 6/14

Assim, né.. É um joguinho realmente bem simples, mas os diálogos e situações são tão engraçadinhas e divertidas que dá gosto de jogar. Acho que a vida seria bem mais fácil se desse pra resolver tudo na base do chute mesmo (vai saber)

goofy silly fun which is weird and quirky. it's not very deep or the greatest of all time but my god it's charming. the music and writing are fun

only game i've played where you can kick a capitalist into space and see robots unionise

I saw the multiplayer mode first and thought the single player would have been more like that and was immensley dissapointed.