Reviews from

in the past

I really wish they would give this IP another shot, an amazing concept that failed on delivery. Still very fun though!

Great concept with some fun moments sprinkled in here and there, if it had more fun modes, a better roster of characters and maybe even an updated story mode it just would’ve been better. So ultimately, it wasn’t really anything special, it’s still fun though.


Y avait de l'idée, mais il est impossible à compléter parce que niveau online et DLC c'est abusé mêmen comparé à Smash Bros, et bon... Bah ça reste un peu vide. Pourtant la musique, les persos, le doublage, tout marchait, mais il n'est que l'ombre de lui-même maintenant

Madeon (song was called Finale) built a career from this game. It wasn't smash bros, but it was original and so much fun. The characters were unique (some more broken than others... Kratos) and with a low skill ceiling, anyone could play whomever and still have a good time. I have made and lost friends over this game. I would gladly relieve this experience again. Sweet tooth mains, wya

i used to play this with my uncle... good times

i was a toro cat main

An alright smash clone but one you're not really missing out on if you never played it

We need more video games with Evil Cole in them

idc what anyone says, this game was for the homies. back when playstation gave a shit about IP that wasn't the last of us and god of war

Eu amava esse jogo quando era pequeno, ficava jogando com o meu irmão e ele me deixava jogando o modo história dos bonecos que ele não gostava, saudades

Honestly a great fighter, with every chance i get i play it with my brothers and we have a great time. It's really fun ;D

The fact that this game got no support, no sequels, no sales, and their servers shut down is a crime. I loved this game and would love to see more.

i might actually have like a 100 hours into this. yes i was a raiden main.

The audacity to put El Donte in the roster instead of the wacky woohoo pizza man.

L'un des Smash Bros like qui pouvait faire une bonne concu mais qui a flop sévère malheureusement (j'ai pas joué mais promis des que je trouve une rom j'y joue)

Ok party game. Better than some other fighting games I can think of.

This game is nearly as good as smash bros... it just needs a better roster, music, stages, modes and fun items.

Não lembro muito bem como esse jogo funcionava online, mas lembro de me divertir bastante jogando o Smash do Playstation. Época boa quando as empresas tentavam criar algo fora de seus padrões, main Kratos e Nathan Drake aqui, valeu?!

man i was so hyped for this game. looks amazing graphically but the overall state of the game was never in a good place

I don't care this is a Smash clone (even though I think what it did was interesting). I don't care that it features DiNO instead of Dante (well, I WAS a little salty about that back then, but I digress). I don't care that it didn't live up to its potential (though, I lament the fact Dart and Abe were cut, along with the titlescreen overhaul, and that Spyro and Crash were never brought in).

This game, despite some flaws, was very much a dream come true. I loved Smash back when I played it at a friend's place (original, Melee, and a little bit of Brawl), and I had always wished for Sony to do the equivalent. I knew they had a great deal of exclusive titles and IPs at the time, and was the only console that could come remotely close to competing with Nintendo's absolutely mammoth roster at the time (I love you Xbox, but I can count your significant exclusives on one hand by 7th gen).

While the roster was much weaker than any of the more modern installments of Smash, it had quite the very interesting cast to pick from, all with contrasting artstyles and playstyles that help give the game quite the differing flavor during matches. I've yet to see a platform fighter utilize characters from FPS/TPS titles (like Killzone, Bioshock, or Dead Space), along side action brawlers like Cole, Kratos, Heihachi. There are just some fun combinations you can get.

What emphasized the topsy-turvy nature were the stage mashups, which I thought were quite interesting and dynamic in of themselves, even without the stage hazards (which can be turned on and off). Even more so when the stage itself slowly evolves over the course of the match from one design to the other, with certain exceptions.

The light character customization in the game was also a neat little bonus, changing colors/costumes, intros, outros, win/lose music, and even taunts, making the characters you play feel that much more unique to you.

Now, again, the game is far from perfect, with some characters being quite overpowered compared to others, the knock-out system being a bit limited, and the roster not reaching the potential it could have. I really do get that. However, I just can't help it. The fact that this game exists at all at the tail end of the PS3 lifecycle was kind of a miracle in of itself.

I don't play it NEARLY as much as I used to back in the day, and the online servers have been shut down for some time now, but once in a while I have a small craving to pop the game in, mess about in Vs. modes with my main (Sir Dan), and putz about in Arcade mode once in a while.

It was a fun, albeit flawed, festival of fighting with a small portion of Playstation's history.

Though, as novel as it is, the final boss in the arcade mode IS kind of crap...

It is impossible not to compare it to Smash. Conceptually they have too many points in common to even try to force the "it's a different game" excuse. Unfortunately, it is inferior in almost every way. From the ugly roster, not very fun gimmicks and the overall art design, everything feels half done. Nah, it is not the worst game in the world but it's a mediocre version of a game that, in my opinion, shouldn't even really exist.

If Sony ever makes this game again they should just copy exactly everything Smash does and not try to make it stand out to it's own detriment.

Way more hated than it should be, its a decent game.

Really fun and silly game with friends, kratos is so epic