Reviews from

in the past

Way more hated than it should be, its a decent game.

Really fun and silly game with friends, kratos is so epic

It's a okay try I guess. It's not as fluid as a Smash clone should be, and Cole shouldn't have gotten two spots, but overall, it's fun for a solid 15 seconds


Smash de playstation foda-se. A mecânica de especial é uma bosta, mas dá pra se divertir

It needed to literally be a smash clone and it would've lasted longer.
I had matches with my bro that took way to long because we were on 1 stock each constantly dodging eachother over and over without anyone getting the advantage. Not balanced enough.
But hey its a cool experience I got to play as Raiden from MGR and thats huge for me.

Nice to discover and play with friends but Nintendo exists

I kinda want a sequel to this

PLAYSTATION ALL STARS SWEEP (3/5, wouldve been a 0 if it didnt have sackboy)


Sabiendo la cantidad de personajes memorables que han pasado por las consolas de Sony y de las grandes franquicias que tiene en su poder ¿Cómo no nos iba a interesar un juego donde poder ver a todos esos personajes juntos sabiendo que nunca podrían aparecer en Smash?

El resultado fue entrañable, pero mediocre. No solo por la ausencia de caras más que conocidas como Crash, Spyro, Lara Croft, Cloud Strife, Sora, Leon Kennedy o Wander (el prota de Shadow of the Colossus), sino además porque para cuando salió este título ya se lanzaron Smash Melee y Brawl, este juego es fácilmente comparable más al primer Smash de N64 porque su simpleza es más que notoria al simplemente todo resumirse en luchar y ya.

Escoge tu personaje y lucha, lucha y ya sin importar el modo que sea. No hay una historia propia para el juego, no hay algún tipo de modo aventura donde poder hacer algo distinto, no hay minijuegos y el componente de ver a viejos conocidos juntos tampoco está aprovechado.

Que hablando de luchar, el balanceo está bastante ausente, con personajes como Kratos que está tan roto que te aburrirás de controlarlo en menos de 5 partidas para ir a otros que parezcan más inútiles para hacer las partidas más entretenidas.

Muy triste como algo tan interesante y que podría homenajear tan bien a la marca PlayStation acabó así.

may be the hardest game of all time

Staunch defender of Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.

Guys it was just starting to get good, why did you permanently dissolve the developers...

It's baffling that this was Sony's only attempt at a brawler. All-Stars isn't a bad game by any means, it's just pretty average, but seemed like a perfect starting point for a franchise that never was. Such a shame.

bad guy bbq unfortunately got nerfed by the smallness of the vita

It's a blatant clone of Super Smash Bros; An attempt from Sony to have a foothold in the market that was making Nintendo millions. But I know, that the question in every single person's mind wasn't "why did they do this?" but rather it was "where is this x character?" and "why are they missing?". These questions ended up having really frustrating answers caused by bureaucratic nonsense; Costing the game to suffer a massive loss. It's not a case of people not wanting to see more arena brawlers. It's a case of wanting to play as Crash Bandicoot, or Sora from Kingdom Hearts which Nintendo eventually did! You got Toro and Fat Princess; and Zeus from God of War. Sure, the more the merrier but nobody knows or cares about characters like these. Sony has way too many amazing IPs in its hands; way too many iconic protagonists. So it raised many questions. Gameplay is solid, the map designs are fun and varied, but there's a serious lack of worthwhile content. It's a good versus game between you and your friends but that's about it. There's no unlockables worth mentioning. There's no real story to the game. It just kind of exists, as a game. They could've done more but weren't allowed to. And that falls on Sony and their partnering studios, NOT the developers of this game. Only thing I want to tell them is my frustration with how overly focused the game was on winning by using supers. You don't really throw a player off the map as you did in Smash bros, and that's a real oversight as far as I'm concerned.

Smash de Sony, pero con un roster super triste y un sistema de combate bastante culero la verdad

I've always been a Playstation kid, but even when this game came out, it just missed it's mark. A nothing arcade mode, baffling roster choice, and gameplay that lacks intricacy, it shapes up to be a really disappointing fighting game.

Que brutalidad de parodia de Smash. Me lo pasaba dpm.

as soon as my friend figured out how to abuse the robobitch i was done for