Reviews from

in the past

I used to play PTCGO back in the Sun/Moon era (2018/2019) completely F2P and I was forced to play theme decks as I couldn't get a decent deck without buying codes to get packs to trade for singles. With Live that horrible economy model is gone and the game can be played properly, and it's MUCH better this way. This game is one of the most generous card games out there, more than Gwent and LoR (RIP to both, you were great): the Battle Pass is only 600 gems and gives you back 50, and one of the two daily quests gives you 60 gems; that means that in just 10 days of dailies you can buy the Battle Pass which gives you A LOT of things, the first one being an often good starter deck with only a few cards missing to make it a playable deck. But not only that, this game actually has crafting, and unless you craft the full arts/alternate arts/gold cards, the price for a single isn't even that high. You start slow, but give it a few months and you'll have potentially everything worth crafting, considering that most cards in the game are not competitive or trash. I can't stop writing how GOOD the economy system is in this game, and how simple the daily quests are: even if the last update introduced more quests like "play 1 copy of specific card", which is annoying considering you have to craft that card if you don't have it, most other quests can be done in 1 or 2 games, and you don't have to win 14 games to get all the rewards (right, MTG Arena?).

Not only that: this game is so generous that every new major update (new expansion) comes with a few new bugs, often preventing you from properly playing the game for DAYS and wait for a maintenance. I'll never forget when Paradox Rift got released and there was a bug on login which wouldn't let you play unless you changed your clock Time Zone to UTC-12. With all the money TPCI makes they can't spend some to improve their game? The one supposed to be the OFFICIAL PTCG app? Shit like this happens EVERY TIME.

One more thing is the few content compared to PTCGO. I've seen many people complain about the lack of in-client tournaments (which I couldn't join anyway since I only had crap theme decks) and the lack of more formats. I don't really care about that since I only play Standard, but it's something worth noting. I'm quite sure they'll add some things, especially now that the games is out of beta, but most of all I hope to see less gamebreaking bugs (and Charizard decks) in the future.

Oh, and character customization sucks, but I'd rather have that and the bugs than a pay to play client.

I mostly play the Windows version, but the Android one is fine (except the battery cost).

Started playing Magic the gathering Arena and then bought some packs at my local shop and saw Pokemon packs too. I picked those up to play with my daughter. Now I'm playing this. It has good graphics and fast gameplay. So much nostalgia for Pokemon. I was obsessed as a kid. I had so many cards (along with everything else Pokemon.) but never knew how to play. So learning now with my daughter and playing this game is so much fun. Can't wait to get more into it!

A good FREE way to get started on modern Pokemon TCG since its straightforward and the app gives you decent starter decks. However the Pokemon TCG Live app itself has a lot of annoying issues

-The store system SUCKS, no way to manual search
-The Gem system sucks as well. On one hand no "pay to win" is nice in theory, but the time limit Battle Pass sucks for people who cannot commit to playing at least 1-3 matches a day.
-Due to being forced to Pokemon TCGs very limited formats, can get repetitive very easily. No way to have a "free play" of older cards with friends.
-Occassional days when app just doesnt work for almost a whole day potentially ruining dailies

Otherwise its servicable for an official free to play TCG app, provides all the modern legal cards , pack opening luck is "OK", and at least you can put physical starter decks you got in the app through codes (even if they're not Standard legal)

en si me gusta el tcg de pokemon pero la optimizacion de este juego es muy mala
he perdido mas partidas porque se traba el juego que porque me ganar justamente
y el diseño del propio juego ( no de las cartas) es muy simple , aburrido y monotono. literalmente yugioh duel links tiene un mejor diseño de escenarios

+ you get to play with so many decks for free when you start the game! it really is quite generous how much they let you play with immediately. and the decks are very fun!
+ for a "forever game", it's not very predatory, and the rewards are good and occur often. it's very easy to get the event pass by playing matches and getting enough crystals to spend on it shortly into the game, and you get to have the rewards you've passed already on the event timeline.
+ getting to open the booster packs you get rewarded with is very fun, unwrapping each one individually was something I looked forward to, and you get to see the beautiful art up close

- I found that the best decks I was using in matches, were the ones I edited - to include more energy cards, and cards that were more cohesive to the decks. they don't really encourage you to edit decks at all apart from introducing it at the start, and there aren't any event challenges to suggest this either. you either do it intuitively or you don't. I think deck crafting and editing is a big part of getting good at Pokemon TCG, so I think they could show or encourage the player to do that.
- there isn't really much else to do in the game apart from these battles, and there isn't much of a challenge. after a month of playing, I just ran out of things to find interesting so I ended up dropping it
- I had to play this on my partner's pro-gaming laptop. oddly, it wasn't running well on my standard laptop, but, I don't see what the game is doing to require high specs
- there isn't very much going on in the game to keep you playing for long, but it's good enough for a short while

5/10. overall, it's a good game, but it's just not doing very much, and there's some missed opportunities. pika pika!

On mobile it's fine but it's way to complex to play confortably on the phone and on PC it's just a bug mess, cards making the game crash, the terrible connection errors, the player models simply don't work awful awful game

It has it's issues, but at the core it's still TCG so it's a fun game.

My first issue is the mobile app is pretty clunky, but at least the desktop version isn't. I just wish it was easier to play on the go.

My second issue is the way you obtain cards. They have a battle pass which actually works pretty well. Like most battle passes they have a free and a premium version. The cool thing is the premium tier you can buy with the in game currency so you don't actually have to spend money on it if you don't want to. My issue is that, at least at the time of writing this, the packs of cards in the battle pass are almost all from the same set. So you end up getting a lot of the same cards, and you can only have four of one card so once you start to get more than four they get converted into one of the in game currencies. I just wish there was more variety in the cards you can obtain. You can go to the shop and buy packs from past sets all the way to the XY era but, again, you have to go out of your way and spend in game currency on it.

Games does what it's supposed to do.
The battlepass seems fair, but collecting the cards you need can be annoying.
There are also several bugs which never seem to get fixed...

Hope I'll participate in a irl tcg tourney one day...

It's better than TCG Online in terms of removing the card market and making the game more accessible to players, but the battle visuals leave a lot to desire. Eh.

Lost my old decks because it couldn't import properly. The old train versus the computer mode is also gone, which was good for trying new decks. The new "test" mode has the computer essentially mill itself into defeat, which doesn't really help with training. The basic battle pass is at least generous, but I really was hoping for a lax me vs. computer mode, too, rather than straight into ranked.

Secondly, the power creep in this game (much like the physical version) is just straight up bad. Everyone starts with very powerful cards, rather than basic decks, which help to teach the game in a slower manner.

The old format didn't need to die for this.

fuck this game, fuck this change. the platform is unenjoyable and slow and is riddled with way more issues than the old client. it's pretty much impossible to adequately view my card collection anymore which was my favorite part of the game.

tro bien les cartes pokemon

i'd play this game a lot more if the meta wasn't so horribly balanced, but at least we're slowly starting to move away from VMax and VStar

As an app, it's fine. Some graphical errors now and then and the battle pass UI can be somewhat of a mess what with like 4 different forms of freemium currency, but that's probably expected now with free games like this.

The Pokemon TCG itself is just in a really crappy state at the time of writing this. It doesn't feel like there's a lot of flexibility with deckbuilding, but that's just my experience. Everyone that loves whacking off Charizard so much is a FRAUD and a FAKE FAN

i am ADDICTED to this game. Not this game, specifically, but the actual trading card game. My experience with Yu-Gi-Oh, which was incredibly negative and had me staring in the mirror like the Damaged cover art, didn't completely turn me off of card games entirely. So I figured, "I'll give Pokemon and Magic a shot." Magic I am still entirely confused by, but not turned off of, but Pokemon I am in LOVE with. This card game is so much fucking fun to play with my friends.

More specifically, my partner! We have been bonding over this game and playing it every night, going to the game shops in Omaha to buy cards and test out new decks. It has been awesome! This is the crazy thing though: I have no real interest in Pokemon otherwise. As a kid I only liked the show and Pokemon Stadium, and a few years ago I REALLY loved Pokemon Unite as a much leaner and more fun League of Losers, but other than that? I couldn't have cared less about these Pocket Monsters.

What changed? The format did! I like the structure of the card game, as it is truly turn-based and there are no instants and spell cards (Instants I don't really have a problem with since you HAVE To spend a resource to use them, whereas in Yugioh you can just get fucked for free.) each turn feels more focused on getting your best cards into your hand as fast as you can, so you can build up a supply of firepower to blast your opponent to kingdom come while hoping they don't find a way to throw a wrench in your plan. Honestly, having your plan derailed might be even more fun, because it then becomes a game of improvised strategy. "OH fuck, they took away my Switch card so I'm going to have to retreat, but I can use Dialga's ability to get that energy back, so I just need to get Corviknight on the field and I can turn the tide again."

Also this version of the game is pretty cool. The battle pass sucks ass, and it gives you coins that for the life of me I think are genuinely useless as I can't find a way to purchase card sleeves or custom coins or whatever the fuck. I bought sleeves for my real deck for 4 bucks! It was super easy!

I would recommend this game to learn to play, but after that? Go get a deck and play some friends, as it is so much more exciting that way.

This game looks like it would be so cool but it straight up can not get past the loading screen without crashing.

In a lot of ways it's inferior to its predecessor and has a lot less features, the crafting is amazing tho

I love the Pokémon TCG. I don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend on cards so this is a nice way to enjoy the game. I use to play the original app and it was good. Match making was always quick. They had tournaments, trades, but could be very grind heavy and not to mention unlocking coins to get packs took a while. They decided to over haul the app in 2021 with a brand new engine. It looked promising.

I download the app, boot it up and all my old cards are gone. My old strategies and decks are gone. That was disappointing but I was excited to start a new meta from scratch. Your avatar model looks a lot better and I like the customization options. The game isn’t completely pay to win as you unlock gems and use the gems to by packs or pay for a season pass. If you get a season pass you unlock booster packs and rare cards. Each season they give you a new deck and the decks can be pretty good. Match making is quick, it’s easy and enjoyable.

There are two styles of casual which nets you experience and coins which can be used to unlock more customization choices for your avatar as well as cards. Then in competitive mode you can unlock ladder rewards which include cards and exclusive outfits for your avatar.

Downsides are that making friends is very unintuitive and is a feature that you have to dig for to know it exist. There are no tournaments (yet) and I hope they add more features. But aside from that the game is fun. I play periodically through out the day or when I’m bored and it’s fun. Check it out.

Ha sido un completo vicio, como volver a la infancia cuándo le daba al de Game Boy y al que ya había en PC en su momento pero, al menos la versión de PC, está plagada de bugs que entorpecen la experiencia. [7/10]

my deck is built on suicune v and ludicolo

Basicamente o mesmo que o jogo anterior, mas com menos cartas e gráficos mais bonitos. No celular parece mal otimizado pacas (ou o meu celular que é ruim), mas no PC rodou liso.

Até agora não me pareceu injustamente predatório pra conseguir carta e booster, e o Season Pass parece valer muito a pena. As partidas são rápidas e são fáceis de encontrar.

De defeito é ter poucas missões diárias, apesar de elas darem muito XP, e uns bugs eventuais, mas nada que ofenda muito não. Senti falta do torneio de deck selado também.

Provável que a nota aumente com o tempo, até agora ele é no mínimo competente, divertido e não te explora, o que é uma senhora vantagem.