Reviews from

in the past

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Story doesn't make any's kind of "it was all a dream". But what about the dead guy??!? :D Sometimes puzzles were fake outs so there was no real way to solve them except by breaking the rules. The girl character really does nothing in the game but they kind of explain that by making her a red hearing later. Lastly, a few puzzles were, "what is wrong in this picture?". The problem with that though, is the screen is so small, even on the New 3DSXL, you couldn't really tell. Doesn't really need to be played on a DS other than it uses a stylus; one puzzle you had to blow into the mic but it was just a gimmick.

Not my favourite Layton game by a long shot, the puzzles personally for me varied in quality with some highlights and some misses. The music is lovely as always but the story and character writing is noticeably weak and not paced well at all. It still has a lot of the Professor Layton charm and it’s by no means a bad game, just my experience with the puzzles and story was unfortunately the weakest of the original trilogy. 6/10

I've been trying to finish this game since I was like 6 years old, and I finally did just that
The story was, idk, was it even decent? Idk this save file was played in mobile over the span of a year, I don't really remember half of it
The puzzles are interesting, but this isn't really my kind of game so I don't think I can give the best opinion about it
Overall, was it worth it? the 14 years of trying?
Shrugs I.... I guess so? Maybe?? Idk I think I prefer Inazuma Eleven every day of the week over this


this game makes me want to kill myself /pos

This game made me appreciate osts, story and atmosphere when I was like 7. Also had my favourite puzzles

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you are a child, playing a puzzle game, the story is getting to a climax, the funny professor that solves puzzles takes a sword, now life is good

Better than Curious Village. Probably better than Unwound Future, but it's a hard choice.

I pretty much like this game as much as Curious Village. It is a great sequel, but also has a few issues with the overall pacing that the first game didn't have. That ending made me cry though, it's so bittersweet.

If you want to play this game I recommend trying to get your hands on the PAL version, Pandora's Box, because I've heard the NA version has worse voice acting.

En sah ils ont bien fait d'abandonner la chialeuse dans un village paumé, elle commençait à péter les couilles.

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i really enjoy that this game is a little creepier than the others (not by much, its mostly just that one cutscene)
the letter from sophia made me cry so much, as well as katia explaining to anton that hes her grandfather </3
i just wish flora wasnt so ignored ☹️

Pandora's Box is a better name

Good game but not as good as Curious Village, the story is only okay, some puzzles were uninteresting and the chapter in Folsense is extremely long for no reason. Also, it seems that by the end the developers just gave up and decided to make you do the same puzzle multiple times.

Okay so I might have the worst playthrought with this (stopped it midway cause TOTK hype) but it didn't prevent me from loving this game. While the start is kinda slow when you get to Folsense you get hooked for real. The vibe of this city is immaculate I loved running around and solving puzzles there. Talking about the puzzles they were great, your average Layton quality (except for the last one, broken mic iykyk). And of course the ending made me cry uncontrollably. But while I'm a sucker for those ending it would be nice to stop abusing this plot twist. The ending got me way more emotionnaly invested than in strange village but to be frank it was kinda rushed and a bit easy, I still have so many questions left unanswered. It's kinda like the game told us "go cry and stop thinking too much". But I'll forgive its flaws cause god this game has my heart, it was everything I wanted : epic and tragique scene, amazing character, peak ost and just the overall vibe...
So after being a bit dissapointed by strange village this trilogy is getting real good I cannot wait to play unwound future

such a fun, and for me at the time difficult puzzle game

Most underrated in the series imo

I had a fun time playing it and I love the puzzle. I really hated the cow puzzle though.

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puzle de hacer fotocopias

Curious Village, but EVEN BETTER.

Se tem um protagonista injustiçado nesse mar que é o meio gamer, tem de ser nosso querido Hershel Layton. Charmoso, cavalheiro, maduro e inteligente, é um baita de um modelo, e um que eu não desconsideraria como figura paterna. Viajar ao seu lado é irresistivelmente aconchegante, e acompanhar suas jornadas torcendo pela sua vitória perante aos empecilhos em sua frente é inescapável.

Esses jogos são únicos. Seja no seu estilo artístico, seja nos seus puzzles intrigantes, que desta vez se encaixam perfeitamente nos contextos em que se encontram, seja pelos seus mistérios petulantes com resoluções surpreendentes, ou pelos personagens excêntricos obcecados por puzzles, Professor Layton se diferencia em um mar de jogos de aventura visual novel point and clicketcetcetc.

Apesar de não ter a mesma concisão da ambientação e familiaridade de St. Mystere, a variedade entre os cenários de Diabolical Box fornece uma jornada mais colorida e divergente de seu predecessor. O destino final de Folsense também é tão intrigante quanto a curiosa vila.

Por mais que a absurdidade seja ainda mais intensa aqui, a resolução de Diabolical Box me deixou extremamente satisfeito, com um final bonito e profundo. Existe uma sutileza agradável que não se encontra em nenhum outro lugar, e mal vejo a hora de desbravar o resto dessa franquia tão charmosa.

This website has the bad version of the title and that also means the bad version of the voice acting

Tiene una estructura un poco rara porque tarda demasiado en llegar al punto principal (el pueblo fantasma), pero aún así es maravilloso

today i finally got around to finishing the original layton trilogy! i played these games in a weird roundabout way. i played the phonic wright crossover first mostly just because i loved phonic wright. i was familiar with layton because i had a friend who played it, but even without prior knowledge i fell in love with the professor and the style of the puzzles there though. a few years later a friend of mine got unwound future (third game in the trilogy) at a yard sale. when they learned it wasn’t worth any money they gave it to me. i played the game over the course of about a week on my dsi xl. despite lacking more specific knowledge of some recurring characters, i don’t think my lack of series knowledge deducted from the experience at all. i adored it top to bottom. after that i would not play another professor layton game for a few years because of severe depression keeping me from enjoying anything. then i decided to finally give the first game in the series a shot. i played through curious village in a single day on the melonds emulator on my very nice computer. i missed some of the quality of life and more self-serious plot from unwound future, but i still found the game incredibly charming. i think the layton games are really good emulated, and if you don’t wanna hunt the copies down (they are probably pretty cheap) or don’t have a hacked 3ds (it’s really easy to do) emulation is an alternative that doesnt lose anything played with just a mouse.
anyway, back to the present day. i finally decided to fill in the gap i’ve been missing in the layton trilogy. i played diabolical box via retroarch on my modded nintendo 2ds xl. i beat it in about two days. i enjoyed it very much.
the game’s story manages to feel more far fetched than both other games somehow. i don’t want to spoil too much, but if you have any familiarity with the layton games, they tend to end with massive twists. i think professor layton vs. phoenix wright still takes the crown for the most outlandish one, i’d say this one takes second place for me. of the trilogy games i would say this one has my favorite main setting. i love folsense. the titular curious village of the first game certainly had creepy elements, but at least presented the facade of a normal place. and the world of unwound future was broadly the same. folsense stands out as an oddity. a town covered in ethereal lights under a blanket of eternal night. and there’s a vampiric castle looming in the distance. the small ds screen does compress the graphics of these gorgeous hand drawn backgrounds a bit sadly. it can also make some of the spot-the-difference puzzles a bit frustrating and eye strain inducing. i still love the look and feel of them though. the characters are a classic professor layton cast. i think compared to the first and third game they aren’t incorporated as well honestly. it felt like the game just kind of forgot about several characters past a certain point, some of the most interesting characters get almost no screen time, and flora gets shafted real hard. i think the strength of professor layton is that as long as layton and luke are still present and driving the story, you barely notice these things. it probably has my least favorite story of the trilogy, but it’s not bad at all. i thought the ending was beautiful and definitely cried during it.
i don’t have a ton to say about the puzzles. i think most of them had better quality of life features than 1. stuff like better input options that make it easier to understand the puzzle. also 1 i had to look up the answers to like the last 5 puzzles in a row and i only needed to look up a couple for this game. that might just be because i’m smarter now though.
now i’m thinking of starting the prequel trilogy. i’ve also been playing layton’s mystery journey a bit and i still don’t know how i feel about it. katrielle is a great character, but the supporting cast feels really weak so far. i might write a more in-depth review on it at some point, but i’m not sure if i want ot finish it yet!

sendo o segundo jogo da franquia, achei que tá no mesmo nível de qualidade do primeiro, com algumas melhorias e tem uma história muito boa. Por exemplo agora você pode desenhar em qualquer puzzle, o símbolo de quando tem alguma interação no cenário é diferente se ele for te dar um puzzle ou não (o que melhora muito a otimização de tempo).
mas apesar de eu ter achado tão bom quanto o anterior, algumas coisas me incomodaram um pouco, como o começo da narrativa e alguns aspectos serem mt parecidos com o do primeiro.
tem também o fato de ter alguns puzzles que não são nenhum pouco intuitivos, o que quase não tinha no outro jogo.

Me parece sensiblemente peor que el primero. Si, añade muchísimos más lugares y algunos tipos de puzzle nuevos, pero la mayoría no son tan interesantes. Además, más grande no es lo mismo que mejor. Creo que han invertido recursos donde no tocaba haciendo que la calidad de lo importante baje demasiado.