Reviews from

in the past

I think this was a victim of being released too late into the Famicom's life to make an impact (same fate as Terranigma on SFC/SNES). It has a similar action/RPG set-up like Star Ocean. Kinda makes me think of what was originally intended for Zelda 3, as you have party members that attack on their own.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

I love this game! It’s one of those games that really should have been brought over here. (editor's note: it almost did, as Tower of Radia! there's a pretty finished prototype floating around since this was written) But it doesn’t matter now, does it? Hahahaha! Anyway this here’s an action-RPG-type thing. It’s kind of hard to explain.. Which is why we have screenshots! It’s really fun, and innovative in a lot of ways. It has an overall excellent plot, and is in my opinion one of the best NES games out there. Well, it would be if it weren’t for one small detail. If you’ve played it before you know exactly what I’m talking about. That’s right, the AI. Since this is an action RPG thing, you only control one character, and the game’s AI takes control of the others (up to four). And those guys do really really stupid things. I could write an entire page about how incredibly bad this game’s AI is, but I won’t. I’m too sleepy. Anyway, go play dammit!