Reviews from

in the past

Não se deixe enganar pelo rating, esse jogo é IRADO.

O melhor da seleção do Atari Flashback X que joguei até agora. Demora um pouco pra pegar o jeito, mas é super divertido de jogar com os amigos. É simplesmente o antecessor de FIFA.

Vai prender sua atenção por uns bons 15 minutos.

Would you look at that, a second good soccer game on the 2600. Once you figure out the game's "quirks" it's actually kind of enjoyable. I like that you can adjust the difficulty of the CPU.

International Soccer still wins tho

Played as part of Atari 50.

It's, uh, it's fine. Immediately seems pretty bad but once you learn you can wrap around the screen by going the other direction, it's okay. Still has the problem most of these sports games have of being wayyy too complex for a single button and joystick to handle, but it's done decently here. I imagine this is much better versus another opponent than the AI though