Reviews from

in the past

Тот самый портируемый шедевр, одна из самых влиятельных частей серии. Инновационный вид от 3-го лица, новые геймплейные возможности, коричневый фильтр и БЕЗУМНОЕ количество контента. Как подметил один комментатор, "самая прекрасная часть Resident Evil 4 заключается в следующем: когда вам кажется, что игра показала уже всё, что могла, и близится к концу, происходит приятный сюрприз". Лучше не выразишься. Вплоть до самого конца нам предлагают что-то новое. Невозможно просто перенасытиться происходящим. Четвёрка — последняя номерная часть серии, пройденная мной. Специально оставил на десерт как самое сладкое, зная, что многие фанаты боготворят её. И не прогадал!

There is no denying the influence that this game brought to the industry. It's so well made that to this very day literally no game imitating it managed to surpass its legendary status as one of the best and most influental games ever made.

Even after playing the remake, RE4 still holds up pretty well and didn't age a bit, with cool characters and cool moments, awesome gameplay, and good action.

I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

Jogo a frente do seu tempo, falta apenas 2 conquistas, mas é um game que vale a pena cada minuto que tu joga, história, gameplay (que hoje eu acho um pouco datado já), ambiente, dificuldade boa e um terror de leves mas que funciona

"Where's everyone going? Bingo?" - Leon S. Kennedy, after nearly dying to a chainsaw.

Now THIS is the good shit. Still one of the uncontested kings of the zombie genre. Both it and the remake. You know you've got something good when even organizing your inventory feels satisfying as hell. The regenerator's breathing still haunts me to this day though...

o jogo mais importante da minha vida

ele com certeza é o jogo que definiu minha infância

eu não faço ideia de quantas vezes ou de quantas horas eu joguei esse jogo, mas foram infinitas vezes kkk ele me marcou demais, se pedissem qual jogo vc levaria para uma ilha deserta e jogar somente ele pro resto da vida, seria ele

um dos jogos mais revolucionários que existem e meu Resident Evil pré RE Engine favorito

level design alucinante, gameplay deliciosa, mesmo uns achando ela datada, pra mim ainda está super de boa jogar, tirando que o jogo continua lindo até hj, envelheceu igual vinho

recomendo demais
te amo capcom
leon lindo
Ashley rata

Quem diria que um jogo tão bom teria consequências tão terríveis para Resident Evil

Primeiro título da franquia Resident Evil que eu joguei e que jogo bom, mesmo não tendo jogado outros da série, consigo entender quem afirma que esse é o melhor, envelheceu muito bem e arrisco dizer até que está pau a pau com o remake. A tensão de ter que enfrentar um monte de ganados, e posteriormente fazer isso enquanto protege a Ashley (que tenho de admitir, é um pouco chato ás vezes...) e o alívio de chegar em uma safe room após isso tudo, todos esses momentos são únicos devido a excelente soundtrack que os acompanham.


✅ Gameplay com a Ashley
✅ Aparece o Wesker
✅ Enfrentamos o Wolverine
✅ Tutorial do spray


A fantastic game with excellent story, ambience and gameplay. Managing the inventory and being resourceful was different but fun.

I did prefer the wii version as the controls felt more natural, and i did my first playthough on there. But this is still a good port nonetheless :D

nenhuma experiencia é individual. as vezes voce pensa que algo que acontece para todos talvez nao se aplique a voce. voce é tao especial. aí o algo acontece; um dia voce vai criar um laço emocional com resident evil 4, voce nao tem como controlar isso. talvez isso seja uma metafora para o amor !

(reviewing this specific PC port)
this port kinda blows, basically
extremely poor performance even on okay pcs
the HD textures are not thaaat noticeable, at least for me
and the QTEs are fucked on 60fps, especially on Pro difficulty
so yeah, this port sucks? yes
do you have any other better options on pc? not really

the autism life chose me (pc version)

Such a brilliant game, even after all this time, but this edition is one you absolutely need to mod to have a good experience with, since the QOL upgrades with the HD project are a necessity for anyone wanting to play this.
The "HD" textures of the base game are shocking but the HD project beats Capcom by miles, which is why you absolutely need the mod, as well as built-in enhancements so you can tailor make your own comfortable experience.

They always told me to play Re4 and how it was one of the best Resident Evil ever made and the first time I picked it up I ended up giving up very quickly, I remember stopping a little before meeting Ashley, but this time I took 1 week to finish it and I had fun all the time. days playing, the game is not perfect, there are several parts that are a bit boring and tiring (Resident Evil doesn't know how to do a good part of the sewer), but other than that, the game is for the most part, extremely fun and addictive to want to continue.
I liked most of the bosses, I really like their design in general, I think the boss battle I liked the most was Bitores Mendez and Salazar, I found it very fun but most of the bosses are also good, an example is also the fight with the giant el It's very painful, especially when the dog appeared.
Resident Evil 4 was a surprise for me and one day I intend to buy the remake to see how good it is.

Resident Evil 4 is one of my favourite games of all time, it single-handedly changed the survival horror genre and it's camera (Over-the-shoulder) had such a splash on video games as a whole it's actually crazy.

The gameplay can be pretty sluggish at times, it'll definitely have its moments and those tank controls don't help but I can assure you those with iron out with time. Watching the story and cutscenes unravel is a joy to experience, beautifully animated and the quick-time events always seem keep me on the edge of my seat which is surprisingly engaging.

Long story short YOU need to play Resident Evil 4 not to be confused with Resident Evil 4.

INCRIVEL, uma experiência maravilhosa do inicio ao fim, o port pra PC não é a melhor coisa do mundo, mas com alguns mods básicos corrigem e tornam a experiência sensacional, é um jogo de muito carisma

Resident Evil 4 is one of my favorite games of all time and this pc port of the PS2 version of the game is well done.
The HD edition touched up the graphics of the game, which was already one of the more visually impressive gamecube games of the time. Character models, especially Leon and Ashley, look very good and the environments are somewhat varied for a horror type game, most things are grey and brown but it helps make areas that do have color really stand out and be more memorable.
The best part of the game that sells the horror aspect in my opinion is the sound, I played with a headset on and having the villagers and cultists constantly whispering things or yelling stuff out when you're unable to see where they are can be very creepy. The lack of background music also can add to the unease when you're playing the game.
The main gameplay loop mostly involves a good amount of combat encounters and exploring rooms and semi-open areas. The controls can feel very clunky at the start and taking a little getting used to since they are tank controls, this does add to the horror element because you don't move super fluidly and so enemies appearing behind you or on your flank can easily surprise you. Fully exploring each area is usually rewarded pretty well, with lots of hidden treasures and ammo and health pickups. The game also rewards playing well if you're generally accurate with your shots and use environmental hazards to kill groups of enemies, helping you to conserve precious ammo and keeping yourself healthy. There is some enemy variety, with most being basic types but they can be equipped with different weapons to help combat encounters feeling fresh and not repetitive. You also can find and buy a large assortment of different guns and grenades and the guns can all their attributes upgraded multiple times, with some even being able to have attachments such as a grip or a scope. Some small puzzles that are mostly easy to figure out and help to break up the shooting and exploring you mostly do, the boss fights are fun and varied with each having their own weakpoints that are usually easy enough to figure out.
My biggest annoyance with the game after getting used to the controls again is the odd difficulty curve that I feel the game has. At the start you find lots of ammo and healing items, but after about the halfway point the game gets very stingy with ammo. You fight large groups of enemies in the early game and basically at all points in the game and most enemies you fight can take about the same amount of damage all game so it just feels weird to just randomly change the rate at which you find ammo. Even though I have beaten this game multiple times on both the GameCube and the PS2, it still always throws me off how the game just slows the rate of how much ammo you find/get.
Overall still one of the best games ever made even with those small issues.

presidente silva quatro, um dos melhores jogos já criados, magnum opus da CAPCOM, salvou a franquia pela primeira vez (segunda vez foi o 7), a evolução do leon do 2 pro 4 foi putaria demais, totalmente renovado, confiante e foda, revolucionou o gênero com a câmera por detrás do ombro, de fato o Kanye West dos jogos

the blueprint for all modern survival. i love this game, i think its the perfect amount of silly and scary

Great game. The HD Project was better

a great action packed RE game, i enjoy it

Resident Evil 4 is a classic and icon for 3rd person shooters and it does not disappoint, the amount of content featured in the game still shocks me months after beating.

The Greatest even greater with the HD texture mod.

just a great fuckin' game, even if the controls may be a tad dated...