Reviews from

in the past

Main game is great, expansions not so much.

Взялся за ремастер оригинала после прохождения двух частей перезапуска, которые очень понравились (в особенности вторая часть). Скажу сразу, игра на любителей олдскульных шутеров. Мне, фанату Дюка и Дума, игра показалась более быстрой (стрельба идёт быстрее, а, значит, и урон наносится быстрее). На количестве врагов разработчики не разгулялись: два врага встречаются в виде боссов, а зачем вы ещё десяток раз убьёте каждого в виде минибосса. Некоторые же враги представляют рескин с измнениями в количестве здоровья и способе атаки. Вообще, игра выглядит дешёвой: помимо копипаста нам предоставляется маленькая кампашка, имеющая диковинную вещь для тех лет, которой гордиться нельзя ни в коем разе — завершение в dlc. В Redux-издании всего вышедшие дополнения уже имеются, но поставьте себя на место геймера из 1997-го года, который дошёл до босса, победил его, а тот смылся. Не знаю, было ли объявлено о выходе длс заблаговременно или нет, благо оно было бесплатным, но осадок негативный остаётся.
Помимо содержания всех кампаний, ремастер включает переработку визуальной составляющей: игра перенесена в 3d, и вдобавок все собираемые предметы стали объёмными моделями, что немного портит впечатление (сравните с ремастером Дюка).

Everything in this game is great!

A classic of the classics, one of the best old-school FPS games, fun and exciting!

This version also includes the expansions Wanton Destruction and Twin Dragon, which you cannot miss! I had so much fun playing this game, but retro FPS games have always been one of my favourite genres of video games (Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem, Doom, etc.), so if you also like this type of game, you should play this one! It also includes some easter eggs you might recognize - will you be able to find out where Lara Croft is?

fun game but also the worst out of the three good Build games. Also this port is ass use Raze instead.

More games should let you use nuclear weapons

No Doom, or even Duke. And compared to other remasters, this feels a bit wonky.

A little better than Duke, not quite as good as Blood. Considered giving this 3 stars so my friends don't think I'm racist, but had to give it 4 because it was fun to blame everything I didn't like on Randy Pitchford.

shawty can't know i fw this game heavy

~Fps retrospective 8~
Out of the build engine "holy trinity" this is def my least favorite but there's a lot to like. I honestly think the level design and set pieces are so cool. The arsenal is pretty interesting as well. Though Lo-Wang's character is kind of racist i wont lie.

Old school run and gun fun. Sumos, Robo Samurai's and Sailor Moon. Cool set pieces but final boss in the final episode is too easy. Who want some Wang!

Difficulty Played: Hard

A fun little look at the past with this game. Certainly a lot of fun, but definitely not easy. I'v enjoyed using the sword to insta-kill almost all enemies and it's quite awesome and a lot of fun. This game is for those who like Duke Nukem (from first game to 3D) sort of humour, but without the Duke and it based in Asia.

As usual there are many hidden little secrets and all kinds of strange things in it that will keep you entertained for hours. I'd say buy this game if you like Duke Nukem, but want to see what else the company did as it has the same kind of humour to it.

Edit: Chances are, I'll return to this later, but at the time wanted to speed through as many games as possible so will try to give this a real hard try later.