Reviews from

in the past

Shrek 2 for Gamecube is a mediocre licensed title that follows the movie's plot with loose adaptations. You'll control Shrek and a rotating cast of his fairytale friends through basic platforming levels, simple puzzles, and repetitive combat. While the humor attempts to capture the film's charm, it falls flat, and the gameplay feels uninspired and clunky. Shrek 2 might offer mild amusement to very young fans of the movie, but most players will find it a tedious and forgettable experience.

About what you'd expect for a licensed game. The movie it's based on is fantastic, and did not need to go nearly as hard as it did, but the game is just okay.

Great co-op game from what I remember. Me and my brother played it alot.

Got stuck on a fight for hours, only to realize that there's one dude spawning enemies in the corner. Time well spent.

Лучшая игра в мире, в которой ты уничтожаешь всех за любимого Огра и не только!

I can make you very, very powerful

I remember having to fight spiders in this and crying for hours cos they were so scary

This game was a hoot! Very similar to The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe for some reason.

Was not actually abysmal, I am impressed.

Халтурный проект по фильму, но с хорошим геймплеем и несколькими классными уровнями.

Chaotic janky mess in the best possible way. I used to play it with my family all the time. I have such fond memories of my mom getting crushed by giant tomatoes as Gingy.

One of the best if not the best co-op game!
Had a blast playing this with two friends in one intense setting. Writing this 01:10 whilst making my way home.
Poor snails and turtles though

The game wasn't all that bad, it was actually. You had phases with each character, and it gives you that essence of old-school platformers like Jax & Daxter.

Well I know for a fact I played it on PC, but I can't remember anything about it without aid. So can it have been good then? Mindless fun, probably.

I adore ps2 games of movies and shows and this was no different. Great range of playable characters and puzzle solving missions. But my god some of the final boss levels were so hard and would have 8 year old me raging trying to complete them.

iconic, camp herooo time - this had a banging soundtrack but MY GOD if i was a kid playing this i would have smashed my xbox cos as a 22 year old i rage quit so much.

It's no Return of the King.

But for a game based on a kid's movie it is not entirely unplayable. I've you're now in your late 20s, early 30s, Shrek probably played a part in your childhood, long before Shrek was love. Shrek was life..

En un principio tenía este juego en alta estima, era parte de mi pre adolescencia y eso, y supongo que por el factor nostalgia recordaba este juego como un solido 4 estrellas pero rejugarlo de nuevo a casi 20 años de su lanzamiento, me ha hecho plantearme mi nota final de este juego.

No deja de ser un "party game" y de hecho es como mejor se disfrutaba, en compañía. Recuerdo las tardenoches que viciamos mi hermano pequeño y yo a esta mierda y nos lo gozabamos. De hecho nos lo llegamos a completar varias veces pero hoy día si lo mido con el contexto actual, es un tanto tosco.
Es divertido, pero se hace frustrante por momentos estar moviendote a una dirección y que los ataques te manden 180º por que patata.

Ha estado bien recordar viejos tiempos con el pero dudo que lo vuelva a tocar mas.

It's fun playing with a friend but the novelty isn't as strong as when I was younger.
