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Terminar todas as campanhas de sonic rivals 2, me fez cogitar em finalizar drakengard no final E novamente.

Rivals 2 adiciona 3 personagens (tails, rouge e espio), também melhora alguns aspectos que antes deixava o 1 irritante. O primeiro ponto foi o nerf que teve nos poderes, agora nada de uma bola de fogo voando em sua direção, e sim uma bola de fogo te perseguido e se não estiver rápido o suficente, ela irá te acertar, assim como a de gelo e elétrica. Um poder que eu esqueci de falar no primeiro 👉👈, foi a estrela, que era o poder exclusivo de cada boneco. No rivals 2 foi criado uma mecânica de coletar anéis até a barra de estrela crescer e assim tu conseguir utilizá-la, deixando bem mais recompensador, pois antes, os aneis não serviam para nada na gameplay. Esses poderes variam de cada boneco, sonic ganha um boost, shadow deixa o rival lento, silver inverte a direção, knuckles Cria uma bola em sua volta que causa dano, rouge atira, tails voa, espio fica invisível (o que é completamente inútil nas corridas) e metal sonic cópia o poder do oponente. Mudanças assim tiraram toda frustração de antes, rivals 2 finalmente consegue se tornar um jogo de corrida em que habilidade deve ser usada ao máximo. O segundo foi os novos modos, além de corrida e luta de chefe, terá um modo combate, no qual você fica em uma arena pequena para competir contra o rival. Esses combates envolvem tirar um x1 no soco, captura de bandeiras utilizando de chaos, coleta de anéis, pega pega de bomba e um estranho modo de voltas em uma pista. Todos funcionam devidamente, o maior defeito deles em si é o cenário, que por ser apertado, complica um pouco de se mover. Esses novos modos surgiram até com as corridas, como de coletar chaos e anéis, matar um número de inimigos e o time attack do jogo anterior. Com novos modos, torna rivals 2 bem mais tolerável. O terceiro é a dublagem, que funciona bem, finalmente podemos ouvir o shadow falando a ``N-WORD``.

A parte dos chefes, houve uma melhora em suas mecânicas, e uma piora no ritmo delas. Elas tem a mesma estrutura do rivals 1, o chefe faz uma graça, e você ataca de volta, o problema aqui é o tempo que demora para o chefe ficar vulnerável, eles ficam de 10 à 20 segundos fazendo graça, o que apimenta mais ainda é que alguns precisam ser atacados de maneira específica... e aí que seu oponente aparece para estragar tudo. Duas ou uma, esse arrombado vai estragar o momento de atacar ou te deixar paralisado no momento em que o golpe deve ser desferido, sempre que ocorre uma dessas, eu sinto uma imensa vontade de esganar o desgraçado, ainda mais no boss final, que precisa ser atingindo 3 vezes para na quarta ele levar dano.

A parte que me incomodou mesmo foi a tal 8 campanhas, que na verdade são 4 equipes com dois personagens que compartilham da mesma história apenas invertendo as corridas e mudando os combates. Realizar as duas campanhas de um time é algo inútil, não acrescenta em quase nada na história, não alterando nem o final. Então aqui são 4 campanhas esticadas para 8 de forma preguiçosa para aumentar o tempo de jogo... adivinha, a única coisa ganha em realizar todas é uma carta do sonic chaos... o que eu fiz com a minha vida? kkkkkkk. A história cria diálogos mil vezes melhor que o primeiro jogo, mas peca no enredo principal, se antes o "vilão" tinha motivo, aqui ele só quer abrir um portal do outro mundo no passado porque sim, em nenhum momento é explicado o motivo. Knuckles de novo tá procurando a porra da esmeralda mestre, silver é um mala irritante, shadow acha que é o sasuke, rouge é babaca de graça e odeio cada ação tomada pelos personagens. Todo mundo tem noção que vai abrir um portal de outro mundo que vai destruir tudo, e mesmo assim ficam agindo individualmente porque "i rave nu taime tu talqui" ou "stepi aiside, sonic! Eu estou muito ocupado degustando fezes", a cada vez que rejogava o jogo, ficava puto por eles não se unirem para deter um mal maior, até no final do primeiro eles se ajudavam, diferente daqui. A falta de originalidade também não ajuda, já que a mesma trama do primeiro se repete, mas sem peso.

Meus sentimentos com rivals 2, é mais uma aprimoração do que sequência, tornando o primeiro pulavel, porque o 2 resolve as injustiças que tinha nele. A lição que aprendi hoje é que devo manter minhas ressalvas com jogos, se não eu entro em uma grande depressão tentando finalizar um jogo mediano. Até mais tarde, crianças. Sem meme, sua duração é muito desnecessária e não vale a pena terminar todas as campanhas, dito isso, sonic R is better.

Only thing memorable to come from this game is Race to Win, and even then it gets overshadowed by better Sonic themes.

This side series is so interesting to me because it’s the most focus Silver had gotten since 06 and just completely contradicts 5 other games in this series. What a series Sonic is, man. Game is fine. More of Rivals 1. I was NOT about to play it 8 times so I did it once with each character off of each team and yeah it was decent. These games work and feel good they’re just nothing remarkable. Team combos are pretty interesting here, I liked Espio and Silver a LOT and Metal and Shadow is cool. Story is very funny though, considering only Silver and Shadow’s stories really matter at all, and Silver is the MC so if you wanna just play one story play his. Anyway, yeah, game is fine. Besides the Second Zone’s Boss good lord. It’s like a Superstars boss on PSP. It sucked. But, I’d run through one story at least, I’d say it’s worth it.

This is a weird little Sonic game. It's fun at its core, and there are some legitimate improvements here over the 1st game. But overall I found this game more annoying to play than Rivals 1. The level design felt more intrusive, most of the boss fights were less fun than in the first game, and the battle and tag modes that they force you to play are a major pacebreaker that bogs down the experience. Not a bad game, but I prefer Rivals 1.

Basically the first game if it didnt have the presentation of a flash game

might be bias but this is my first sonic game i ever played with my own two hands so it holds a special place in my heart, and it's alot more fun than the first game! double the characters and more fun stages! soundtrack is also better than the previous game

Sonic Rivals 2 is a definite improvement over the first Sonic Rivals. While some of the levels are a bit confusing, and anytime I played as a flying character was hell, the game overall was fun.

an excellent sequel with more content, more characters and collectable items.

This game might've been more fun to play against friends. As a singleplayer game, it's ok. It's got nice music though. Race to Win is a very nice vocal track and a bit underrated in my opinion. That's about it for this game however.

this game is to me what sonic 06 is to the average gamer

I played very little of this game, all I've retained from it was Race to Win. Should've been longer

First Sonic Game that I actually completed. lolol

an improvement over the original in most areas, besides gameplay related areas which were the biggest blemish on rivals 1. level designs are still insultingly simplistic and mind-numbingly boring while the boss fights continue to drag on for way longer than any sonic boss should. the main story is decently fun on your first playthrough but i cannot imagine anyone being willing to replay it as every character (theres 8 of them) since its almost the exact same experience, just with different signature abilities, which dont really impact the game as much as you would think. overall, rivals 2 is a better game than its predecessor but that isnt saying much.

Better presentation than the first game, even has voice acted cutscenes and a Crush40 vocal song but this game is atrocious, they got too ambitious with their shitty engine held together with tape and popsicle sticks, nothing works in this game and its an exercise in frustration.
The bog-standard racing is fine but hurt severely by rubber-banding AI, the battle mode and boss fights just don't work, playing them will make you miserable.
Just another crap Sonic game from the dark age shat out without any care.

Es mejor solo porque la OST esta mas guapa

Sonic Rivals 2 is a game I have a lot of nostalgia for, but objectively it’s just an expanded version of Rivals 1 with more content and overall more variety.

The games story is very simple, but here you can experience 4 stories from 8 different characters perspectives if you want! This game could really have done with a “Last Story” segment to make this worth it because despite a single run not taking too long, 8 playthroughs is a lot to ask just to say you’ve beaten this. Realistically single player is probably all you’re getting out of this, as the likelihood of playing multiplayer on this PSP game in 2024 is pretty slim.

Honestly the level design is actually pretty good. Better than R1 for sure, much more vibrant backgrounds and more engaging design. There’s also a few modes to break up the racing, nothing amazing but it breaks up the gameplay well enough.

I think the bosses are a step up, but that’s not saying much, you fight each of them 8 times so they get stale.

I’ll give them a plus one for fully voicing all the dialogue , and the game looks better on the whole. The soundtrack is pretty great, especially the main theme “Race to Win”, this feels right out of the adventure era and I love it.

Rivals 2 isn’t a bad game, it’s sort of just there, not one to go out of your way for, but not one to avoid either.

A slightly better game than the previous one, which doesn't mean much: still a mediocre-fest. Sonic was really unlucky on the PSP, unlike on that other handheld console.

Игра стала чуть лучше и разнообразней, сюжет опять же неинтересен, QTE явно было лишним.

This has all the same issues as the first Sonic Rivals game. The racing mechanics are simply not fun at all due to rubber-banding AI and annoying power ups and items.

Sonic Rivals 2 features eight campaigns, although four of them are duplicates of the other four. Each zone generally goes Race – Battle – Race – Boss. The battles are a bit like a really bad version of Smash Bros, and the bosses have you and a rival trying to get six hits on the boss before the other, so you end up fighting each other more than the boss. The story just makes everyone look like idiots.

There is a saving grace for this game. Once you’ve played though one story, you unlock a Free Play mode. This lets you play the levels on their own. This shows that this would have been a decent game without the racing elements, as the levels themselves are a lot of fun, with some interesting gimmicks. It’s a shame that this doesn’t let you play the bosses on your own, but this mode is still far better than the main game.

This one left more of an impact than the first one, but it more or less solidifies my thoughts on the first. I think I'd just forgotten a lot about the first over the last two years, since playing 2 reminded me that most of these problems exist in the first game.

So it's a decent high-level concept - an expansion/update to Genesis Sonic's Versus modes (I assume; admittedly I've never had a player 2 for Classic Sonic), slapped onto the hot new PlayStation Portable. But the general physics are only mostly there. Sonic is a series where its games are made or broken by its physics, and Rivals fails to stick the landing in a few key places. The Spin Dash is less practical as a momentum builder than you'd think, and it's usually just faster to keep running, despite that initial kick of speed and what curling up usually does in Sonic games. There are those hurdles where you hit X or O to either jump or dash over 'em, but you whip by 'em so quickly that it's easy to miss the QTE prompts even when you're expecting them. There's a decent amount of creativity with obstacle theming, but a lot of them mechanically come down to button mashing - that bit in Frontier Canyon with the minecarts is more similar to that bit in Sunset Forest when you're climbing the mesh vines, etc.

There's a general issue with consistency to the game. This is a problem in both directions. The game has 8 playable characters, each having their own storyline, but the game adheres to an absolutely rigid narrative structure cross each of them, where the same characters play the same stages in the same order (the only differences being win conditions, character dialogue, and your choice of opponent on the versus stage). At the same time, how well you do on a given stage is largely contingent on how the AI does, which isn't consistent. I had a few stages where I failed over and over and over again, only to win because I did generally the same thing, just the AI doofed up somewhere along the line. You especially feel that in the Act 2 stages, where sometimes you spend a million years chasing down the rival, and sometimes you're able to stunlock them for an easy victory.

And holy crap, it all comes together in a sucky way with the bosses. Like, you try to attack the boss when you're supposed to, and sometimes it just doesn't feel like taking damage. Egg Bull in particular was an infuriating, excruciating fight.

I think the most succinct way to communicate my thoughts on the game lie with its narrative. As mentioned, the game is split into eight stories. I played through Sonic's story, had a mediocre time, and was left with a bunch of unfulfilled plot threads, but Sonic had finished the storyline he'd set out to accomplish, so whatever. I played Rouge next because why not, variety's fun. I played the exact same levels in almost the exact same way, ended on the same final boss, and hit credits, with some things explained. I realized that there wasn't going to be any secret Last Story to unlock after beating the eight character stories, realized that four of the character stories are going to be almost entirely redundant, and decided I'd had my fill.

Loose scattered thoughts: including the Sandopolis Ghosts in Mystic Haunt Zone is a cute throwback, Eggman Nega does basically nothing for this game, and that character art of Shadow smiling (reused from the first game) looks very silly.

A very short game that is artificially stretched by having """"8"""" different stories aka the same story 8 times but with different characters and slightly different dialogue
This was my first PSP game it came bundled with a console I remember having a choice between 2 different bundles but I dont remember which game the other one came with I just know that I picked this one
i didn't have a memory card for the PSP for quite a while so i always thought i never finished this game but replaying it now i think i probably did cause i remember the final levels and boss
and yah as a kid this game was ok kinda flashy but nowadays its really basic something like 17 stages and 6 bosses total and each one takes like 2 minutes to complete there this battle 1v1 modes that really feel underdeveloped and the ai is really dumb in it really not something you expect out of a sequel that being said i haven't played this first one so who knows maybe its worse

Take Rivals 1 (a game already considered mediocre to most) and fill it to the brim with barely playtested features, characters and levels and there you go. The absolute definition of quantity over quality. Most bossfights last longer than their playtests must've done, so much is broken and frustrating beyond relief.

I can consider Rivals 1 a guilty pleasure, but after all this game put me through and how I came out of it feeling... I've dropped this one so many times over the years for the reasons that made actually completing it finally a complete nightmare. Avoid.

Era divertido fazer batalhas de tag com o cpu e ver ele se matando pra subir rampas pra tentar te alcançar
Algumas fases eram bem divertidas, mas no geral foi só um jogo feito nas coxas, mas muito melhor que o primeiro, definitivamente