Reviews from

in the past

I spent like 4 hours trying to get this to run just to find out I could simply emulate it on mac. Very badass.

Anyways, this is an extremely bizzare one, it's kinda just like your typical resource simulator game, but for an ecosystem, and it's all about the Gungans. You basically just kinda put down plants and animals to create a nice ecosystem that the Gungans can harvest. Sometimes Jar Jar and Boss Nass jumpscare you, which is pretty cool.

Pretty chill vibes, nothing offensively bad, but it's just kinda boring honestly. Neat idea and all, but uhh y'know, just go play Spore or something. I'm sure there was a kid in 1999 that loves resource management, just got out of watching The Phantom Menace, and was fucking PSYCHED for this one. I hope he enjoyed this.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")